Is your offer worth spending $10k on?
I see so many creations with vague offers.
"I help you make money"
...that's the most BS offer I've heard.
That's what 99% of creators do on X.
Here's how you make a proper offer that people WILL PAY FOR:
First you must do market research on your ICP.
Find answers to questions like:
- What do they do for work?
- What are they struggling with right now?
- How is this problem affecting their life?
- How long has this been an issue?
- Have they tried finding help for their problem?
- If this problem gets fixed, how would their life be better?
- Why is this goal important to them?
- What's stopping them from reaching it?
- If they had a coach, what kind of help would they want?
- How much would they pay for a program to achieve their goals?
Then fill in these blanks:
Offer = Dream Outcome + Timeframe + Reduced Pain + USP + Guarantee
It doesn't get easier than this.