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[MUST READ] VasQ VideoPress by AwesomeWPTheme

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Posted 21st April 2015 at 02:13 PM by humbledmarket
Updated 22nd April 2015 at 01:48 PM by humbledmarket (posting to another blog post)

]Many of you should have heard about VasQ VideoPress by now. This is catching on like Explaindio did when it first launch – for good reason. Both these products deliver tremendous value from previously unknown marketers.
[[URL="http://www.iminfohub.com/product/vasq-videopress-the-must-have-video-theme-for-wordpress/"][B]VasQ VideoPress[/B][/URL] – Bonus, Extras, and How to USE VideoPress]

These are the type of people (marketers like Peter Roszak and Tantan Hilyatana) that excel quietly doing their own thing and making stuff that works because they see the value in them. They don’t push a new software/product out every month but when they do, it rocks.

In our opinion, VideoPress is going to deliver HUGE value and pack a punch to many hoping to make money online. Click the link above to find out some ideas of how you can use VasQ VideoPress to make some serious cash online. (I’m excited sharing these ideas).

First off, let me start by saying I don’t have a clue why Tantan (of AwesomeWPTheme) decided to use the name VasQ; sending him a question now although if you think you know why, comment bellow).

[B][U]What is VasQ VideoPress?[/U][/B]
VasQ VideoPress is basically a Youtube look-a-like that runs on WordPress. You might think, why do you need a Youtube look-a-like?

Well, the concept of Youtube works very well as you know haha (a little bit of an understatement). Since the concept is proven because people like watching videos and interacting then you can implement this same skeleton into different situations.

There’s a lot of passive income that can be generated from these kinds of sites. Although in its simplicity, VasQ VideoPress is another Video WordPress theme. It can be customized for a variety of functions such as (1) lead capture (2) Ads revenue (3) Affiliate Marketing – Especially facial and fashion niches though I’m getting ahead of myself. I’ll be covering more about this in the blog post for How to use VideoPress as mentioned earlier.

[B]Video Themes for WordPress[/B]:
As mentioned, VasQVideoPress falls to the category of Video Themes for WordPress. These themes allowing you to monetize from other people’s content (people don’t mind having their videos shared most of the time).

There are already other video themes for WordPress although taking a quick look around the average price ranges from $50-$97 for the simple video themes. My speculation is TanTan wanted to undercut these competitors with a better and cheaper product guised as a “launch discount” (though seriously, I’m guessing the discount is temporary).

Whatever you think, VasQVideoPress seems to deliver the same if not better features than these already existing Video Themes for WordPress and at a lower costs.

[B]The BEST Video Theme for WordPress?[/B]
Beyond that, we know that Video themes for WordPress is in high demand and can be profited from a variety of options available. Importantly, it’s easy to generate traffic to these video sites (you need to importantly pick the right niche and the right function – then traffic can snowball from there).

Although, I think VasQ VideoPress might even win the prize for the Best Video Theme for WordPress. (Everyone has different opinions) I can’t absolutely for certain make this claim though let me know what you think. Why I really like Vas Q Video Press over the other alternatives is because they have all the key features

(1) [U]SEO Friendly[/U] – important as these WordPress video sites can gain quite a bit of social links naturally. Having a good SEO friendly site can mean additional search engine traffic => Search engine traffic is one of the BEST organic traffic I know off.

(2) [U]Social Integration[/U] – You can enable social sharing buttons on your VideoPress sites which is critical to make it easier for your viewers to share the content. (meaning more social traffic). The nice thing about videos is they are very sharable and importantly these WordPress video sites can naturally generate a lot of organic social traffic if you curate the right content.

(3) [U]Monetization options integrated[/U] – Vas Q Video Press also considered the monetization options and allow for very aesthically positioned banner ads you can integrate to your site. This makes it even one step easier to setting up these highly profitable and possibly very passive video WordPress sites. Importantly it underlines that TanTan has given good thought as to how to make the website as end user friendly as possible – as easy for you to use and monetize.

(4) [U]Lead Capture integration[/U] – Further expanding on TanTan thought into VasQ Video Press, he has also integrated a lightbox pop-up feature INCLUDED with VasQ Video Press. Those non-intrusive but attention getting (basically professional call to action) pop-up box can be used for lead capture. You would really appreciate this if you hope to use the Video WordPress theme to create a niche specific site to monetize and build your list. (Think maybe acne videos or fishing video site or golfing video site?) This might not work for the SUPER Powerful idea we have on the blog link above although it’ll still be monetized other ways with the loads of traffic you can get from that idea. You may even choose to use the pop-up for a CPA offer if your traffic isn’t specifically targeted…such as those email submit for gift cards.

(5) [U]Developer’s license[/U] – There’s more to VasQVideoPress than the theme itself. You also get developer’s license during their launch….meaning you can sell and create these VasQ Video theme WordPress sites for your clients or others with the installation file. It’s super easy to use and you can make quite a good profit from creating these sites for people (since they are very simple to monetize and high perceived value – the nature of video sites especially with these youtube-like features). Even better, you can create these sites and flip them online for profit once you get some traffic rolling through.

If you can pick the right niche and get the initial traffic coming through with Bing Ads or Facebook Ads, it wouldn’t be too hard for it to catch on naturally. That’s the beauty of these video themed sites…they are very user and social friendly to generate organic traffic.

This is the key highlights of what is Vas Q Video Press and what you might find with it. Let me know if there are any other specific features you like about VasQ VideoPress – the ones mentioned above are by no means exhaustive; I just thought that no one would want to read through a list of 30 jot points.

[B][U]How does Vas Q Video Press work?[/U][/B]
Next, many should be asking how does it work? Yeah it sounds great but currently it seems like a black box. For some a black box is good as long as it works but for others, they want to know more about how it does what it says…here, we hope to explore a little more about how does VasQ Video Press work.

Don’t worry, I’m not going to get into detailing programming and WordPress themes or WordPress plug-in. I’m simply going to cover how it works as in the functionalities and process for YOU to get it into a profit machine?

(1) [B]Install the WordPress Theme[/B] – VasQ Video Press sites are started first with installing the video WordPress theme. It’s a nicely packed .zip file that you can install directly in WordPress as many of you already are aware of.
Becauase VasQ runs on WordPress there’s minimal learning needed if you already are using WordPress for your CMS. This makes it quick to set-up so you can literally get your first “profitable?” video site up in under 5 minutes with it.

(2) [B]Install the optional and inclusive WordPress Plugin[/B] – Next, VasQVideoPress comes with a WordPress ads plugin to complement the WordPress theme. This as mentioned earlier allows you to easily monetize your video sites.

(3) [B]Add Videos from URL[/B] – All you need to do for making VasQ VideoPress work is add video linsk to embed. The theme has its custom video skin to make your site look fancy and professionally designed already so there’s no hassle. There’s no need to create videos to run a WordPress video site. This is a simple way to profit from other quality content and content is important for value and value is important for profit.
Basically your job with running a VideoPress site is choosing and “curating” videos by copying and pasting video URLs into the WordPress posts, there’s a field specific with the VasQVideoPress theme for you to do so. Then you can choose to add your own custom video description and keyword tags for SEO purposes.

(4) [B]Optional – Customize your Video WordPress Theme[/B]: Yes, you can even customize how your Video site works with VasQ. It has a whole variety of customization options which allow you to change your website color and video skins. This makes it easy for you to make your design stand out and fitting to your niche or brand.

(5) [B]Optional – Interaction[/B]: VideoPress comes with features for “Watch Later” and likes, dislike. You can choose the grid size to make it more visable to your users as you wish. It also has integrated social sharing and social accounts should you choose to use it. This means you can make better use of the viral aspect of these video sites easily with VasQ Video Themes. You can also choose to allow the audience to interact with Facebook comments or disqus within the theme.

Lastly, it should also be noted that VasQ Video Press works on mobile too. It’s responsive so it will size to your screen. Another how-to.

[B][U]Who is VasQVideoPress for?[/U][/B]
You should know whether VideoPress would be a suitable complement for you so we’re going to highlight a few key groups who may be interested in this Video WordPress theme. It’s by no means exhaustive though some key consideration.

We’re also sharing most of the utilization ideas in the blog post linked at the start of this WF post. If I went into full details here, it’d be spanning over 2000 words!!! (Trust me, it’s well worth the read and could spark some ideas on profitable ventures to take with VasQVideoPress, I think I’m going to type VQVP from here on out – getting tired rewriting the same thing). Anyways, get ideas for both quick profit and passive income with VQVP usage.

[B]Make Money Online[/B] – If you’re looking for some ways to make money online, VQVP could be a good option for you. Video sites like these carry a high perceive value, they are also easy to set up with this WordPress video theme. Consider setting up these video sites to sell on FreeMarket.com after generating some traffic and ad revenue.

[B]Webmasters/Authority Site investment[/B] – another way to monetize and profit from VQVP is to create an authority site and generate ad revenue in the long run. You can also get a bunch of generic traffic for CPA offers which have been successful option for some others who have used other Video WordPress themes (with good success even though it didn’t have the extended features that VideoPress has). Also because VasQ VideoPress is compatible on mobile, it already had you covered for the future mobile trend.

[B]Niche Affiliate Marketers[/B] – Finally niche affiliate marketers, people who own a niche site or people looking to build a list in a specific category will find that VasQ VideoPress very useful for a traffic generation feature. You need traffic to build leads and videos are good incentive for traffic, it’s like putting honey out for the ants (or bees) on a hot summer day. You get engaged and interactive users onto your site that you can push or pitch your incentive to while they are entertained by browsing the video WordPress site for content.

Video is a much more digestable content and can account for lower bounce rate which means more traffic you can send the lightbox pop-up to. So effectively using a WordPress video theme like VasQ can provide you a unique opportunity to get traffic you might not otherwise get with your niche site to generate leads easier.

It can also be more social friendly as we know many people share videos (specifically short, powerful, maybe viral videos) meaning you can get advantage of more traffic from social media and eventually search engine traffic (once you start getting those social signals and some extra links). It can be a snowball traffic opportunity for you with the right niches. A video site may get better reaction than a content based site alone. Then use these traffic to your video sites for leads as it can be hard to sell users base on indirect videos alone (niche related videos but not specifically about your offer or proposition likely)

[B][U]Conclusion - Vas Q Video Press[/U][/B]:
Alright so, we’ve gone through this unreasonably long blog post, if you’re still reading this…thank you! I’d like to offer you a free SEO Ultimate 2015 guide at no charge. Just email SEOtProsperity @ gmail.com for the guide. It’s simply a thank you since this blog post is quite super long. (it’s 12:22 AM so I’m babbling a little here). I still hope you found the information about VasQ Video Press to be useful. Please let me know if you have any specific question about the WordPress video theme and I’ll try my best to answer or find it for you!

I highly recommend you check out our other VasQVideoPress blog post here to get some interesting, creative, and PROVEN ideas on how to use the WordPress video theme for profit. There’s also further bonuses and extras you don’t want to miss about VasQ VideoPress. Might this be your opportunity to set up profitable video sites for lump sum profit or longer-term income?

For the record, I still don’t know why TanTan has chosen to call VideoPress, VasQ VideoPress. It would be much easier to write Video Press itself but meh, I will find out!
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  1. New Comment
    MightyWarrior's Avatar
    VasQ Videopress is closed
    Posted 3rd May 2015 at 06:16 AM by MightyWarrior MightyWarrior is offline
  2. New Comment
    Hi there, Yes Tantan of AwesomeWPthemes has temporary taken VideoPress off "for sale" after the launch. I hear he's making some edits; it will be re-opened under a different name. (I guess our repeated comment about why it's name VasQ VideoPress worked haha)
    Posted 6th May 2015 at 02:50 AM by humbledmarket humbledmarket is offline
  3. New Comment
    If you're interested in populating your [U]VideoPress[/U] website with your own animated videos then you should consider [URL="http://www.releasewire.com/press-releases/release-595086.htm"][B]VideoMakerFX[/B][/URL] in this press release. It's quite a useful tool by Peter Roszak to help you create whiteboard animation videos which would be an excellent fit for a niche related VideoPress site (like informational video on skin care or automobile)
    Posted 15th May 2015 at 10:55 PM by humbledmarket humbledmarket is offline

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