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17 people wanted for joint venture opportunity

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Posted 15th June 2009 at 08:39 AM by koshimui

To all freelancers looking to make money online and build a long-term business relationship.
I have several projects and need highly motivated and creative personal assistants, bloggers and Internet marketers. If you want to invest your knowledge and skills and convert your hobby in to real CASH then contact me. I am in the same position like you and I prefer to find new friends instead of bidding for $60-70$ and doing the same thing over and over. Several projects with a solid research are waiting for a team of people with the same thinking to be executed. Only the best 17 people will be part of the team.

You have to be:

- Honest
- Should be available, easy to reach and respond to emails very fast.
- Should have very good command of the English language.
- Should have attention to detail and be able to follow instructions.
- Should be able to address tiny issues that may arise once in a while without the need to email me about them all the time
- Should be able to do somewhat boring and time-consuming tasks
- Should be driven to evolve, develop and learn.
- Should be RESULTS-oriented and not just try to "keep busy."
- Should be responsible and not come up with excuses all the time (THAT is very important).
- Should be proactive.
- Should be "self-managed", have a sense of urgency and understand the importance of deadlines
- Should be able to FOCUS and NOT "multitask" or juggle 3-4 different projects at the same time

Just imagine if 17 people with these characteristics work 3 hours per day what will be the results in 3 months.

Let's discuss it further and know each other better so we can create the team together and see who will quallify. The first 3 people who join this opportunity will select the next 3 people who will join on the next stage.

Please, let me know what do you think.
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