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Affiliate Marketing with Twitter

Posted 14th December 2009 at 08:36 AM by dsmpublishing

An often vastly under estimated method of affiliate marketing is by using the power of Twitter. This method can be extremely effective and it shouldn't take you to much time to start to see the affiliate commissions mounting up.

You should start by looking for other people in your niche and start following them and offering helpful advice where appropriate. Don't be rude or critical, just help people as you go along and you will find that when you follow people the majority of...
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Becoming an affiliate marketing guru with your online Blog

Posted 14th December 2009 at 08:27 AM by dsmpublishing

It is always a good idea to have your own blog or website from which to carry out your affiliate marketing activities and I would advise you use a blog as a matter of choice.

The most common blogging platforms are and wordpress and whilst they both have great reasons for choosing either one of them I would advise that you go with wordpress.

It is important that you host the wordpress blog yourself and it is extremely easy to set up if your host has...
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How to find the right affiliate program for you

Posted 14th December 2009 at 08:23 AM by dsmpublishing

When you start off with affiliate marketing it is always a good idea and highly encouraging if you start to see results in the shortest possible time. It is for this reason that I advise that you take care with regard to the affiliate program or programs that you choose to promote, especially when you are starting out.

I would go with an affiliate network such as as all of the affiliate payments are lumped together and paid every month and they are are also extremely reliable....
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make extra money online

Posted 3rd December 2009 at 06:12 AM by dsmpublishing

There are great many ways to make extra money online and how much extra you goon to make is really entirely up to you. Many peoples first thoughts to make extra money online is Ebay and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. The problem starts when you have sold all of the junk that you own and you then have to start looking to buy products to sell. This is the stage where it can get quite competitive and you have to spend money to get hold of new stock.

In my opinion there...
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