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Above And Beyond

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Posted 17th June 2013 at 09:31 AM by Bejadie

Being a newbie in the Internet Marketing Business is something everybody went through or still has to through in order to make it big some day. I understand that it is hard work to learn all there is to learn and difficult not getting lost in all the information and offers arriving in my inbox daily. I made my good purchases and some bad...but who to blame? I can't blame anybody since I decided to take those steps. But:
Luckily I'm fortunate enough to have met one particular marketer; a TipTop Marketer or how I like to call him a Top Tip Marketer. Aaron Danker is to me the most selfless guy here in this forum. His generosity in regards of help and support is outstanding. I have never had the feeling that I'm a customer instead I felt like I'm his friend. I have tried to get support from many, but unless I would purchase that or this I would not be served. Unselfishly Aaron admitted that he is not the right guy for my problems and guided me in the right direction by recommending one of the greatest coaches to me, Chris Farrell.
Aaron I don't know how else to thank you at this moment. All I can say is that I feel that you really care about your members by offering the best support there is.
And to all newbies, intermediate or advanced members of this forum: Should you be in need for help, there are those two guys I just can't recommend enough: Aaron Danker and Chris Farrell
Again thank you Aaron. You opened not doors for me, but huge gates.
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