My journey to reaching financial independence by finally getting off my butt, focusing, and making a successful go at internet marketing.
Project Management is Not for the Weak at Heart

Posted 26th December 2008 at 10:12 AM by Canada
So now that I've laid out my goals, the problem is managing all the different aspects of making those goals. I've got my marketing & maintenance list for all my existing sites, and my goals for product creation.
And about 6 hours of productive time 4-5 days a week (depending on offline appointments, and the height of the laundry pile). So that gives me 24-30 hours.
The product creation stuff has a higher priority than the site maintenance, to the extent of keeping up with the training/coaching schedule.
But how to manage all the individual tasks within the lists? That's the question.
For now, I'm working with a label maker and many, many manila file folders. Each week I'll get a list of tasks to complete for that week's coaching, so I thought I'd keep that folder on my desk, until the tasks are done. I'm expecting that to take about 8 hours of my available time.
I need to spend another day (6 hours) on re-working the software program, and prepping it for launch.
That leaves me about 10-16 hours. So, each week, I'll select 5 projects to work on - 2 products and 3 existing sites. If I have extra time, I'll work on projects of my choice. If I have less time, I'll concentrate on the products first.
I have (or will have) a manila folder for each product & website, and a big file box to hold them all.
Anyone else have other ideas for how to manage so many projects?
And about 6 hours of productive time 4-5 days a week (depending on offline appointments, and the height of the laundry pile). So that gives me 24-30 hours.
The product creation stuff has a higher priority than the site maintenance, to the extent of keeping up with the training/coaching schedule.
But how to manage all the individual tasks within the lists? That's the question.
For now, I'm working with a label maker and many, many manila file folders. Each week I'll get a list of tasks to complete for that week's coaching, so I thought I'd keep that folder on my desk, until the tasks are done. I'm expecting that to take about 8 hours of my available time.
I need to spend another day (6 hours) on re-working the software program, and prepping it for launch.
That leaves me about 10-16 hours. So, each week, I'll select 5 projects to work on - 2 products and 3 existing sites. If I have extra time, I'll work on projects of my choice. If I have less time, I'll concentrate on the products first.
I have (or will have) a manila folder for each product & website, and a big file box to hold them all.
Anyone else have other ideas for how to manage so many projects?
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