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5 Ways To Drive Traffics To Your Blog!!!!!

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Posted 14th February 2009 at 01:06 AM by jeffreys

Hi guys,
There are millions of ways to bring more traffics to your blog and this post can not possibly cover all the ways but I will mention 5 ways that you can use to bring more traffics to your blog. If you type “work from home” keyword in the search engine, it will appear ten of thousands of searches by visitors. It means also people like the idea of trying to work from home. If you one of the many people trying to work from home, there are a few basics things you need to know to generate traffics to your blog. Like Gary said, the harder you work, the luckier you get.

Search Engine Optimization

You need to make sure that the word you type in first paragraph is the same as your title. Then, type more of this words throughout you post and other pages. You must ensure that your post is relevant to the word that is search in search engine. Update frequently relevant post to your blog so that web crawlers,sometimes called spiders, crawl your blog and push your blog to the top of search engine. Your target must be to reach page one of search engine for your targeted keywords.

Free Advertising

I have just found out a free advertising site that you can join for free and bring you extra traffics to your blog. The site is called Hits2u is a very established site that you can click the below link and join now.

BookMark Social Site
This is another way to bring more traffics to your blog and it’s still unknown to a lot of the students. Dean Holland did blog about it recently.

I have posted this traffic generation before under BookMark And Share. You can check my previous post for the full details but I will mention here where you can get this button. I use and strongly suggest you use their social bookmark. Once you signup, you need to join all the 23 social sites. I hope I am right here. The last count I made was 23 sites.

Okay, If you read a post that you like and leave your comment on the owner’s blog, why don’t you spent a couple few more minutes to click the bookmark and share button just after the post. This is the icon called OnlyWire 2.0. You click on the button and login to the site.

Put in some tags and short descriptions, whoailah, you have submitted your post to 23 high page ranking bookmarking sites. This is a very powerful idea if you think of it. Your post will be bookmark to 23 Web 2.0 Websites such as :

* Twitter, yes twitter (my favourite)
* Technorati
* Facebook
* Delicious
* Furl
* Newsvine
* Google Book Marks
* My Web Yahoo
* Simpy
* Bluedot
* Linkatopia
* Multiply
* Ask
* Spurl
* Blinklist
* Diigo
* Bookmarksync
* Bibsonomy
* Connotea
* Jumptags
* Backflip
* Magnolia
* Linkroll
* Delerious

It is really easy. As I said,I got mine from www.onlywire,com . I strongly suggest to everyone to sign up at Signup to all the 23 bookmarking social sites and enter your informations. Get the onlywire button for free option. All you need to do is put the button to your blog. There are other options but get the free option. It is good enough.

Now, when you do oil rigging hopping, after you put your comment, remember to spend a few minutes of your time to click the “bookmark and share button” and submit your post to OnlyWire. Your post will be bringing traffics from outside the inner circle of our little community.

Be Real Active On Other Blog

Make sure to leave a comment after reading a blog post that you find helpful or value to you and put a link back to your blog. Your comment must be of value to the blog owner in return others who view your comments will see informations that they can learn. When people get the informations they looking for,they will check your blog and this will bring a lot of traffics to your blog.

It will take time to build your traffics this way but it can be very rewarding when you see your readers flocking to your blog. Try it.

Article Submission

Write articles and submit to articles directories such as and For a start, write 10 articles. Remember to put a link back to your blog or any other websites you have in the author resource box. You can only put two.

You can even outsource and get good articles for around $10.00 per article at You can send your articles to hundreds of hundreds of article directories using Article Submitter or Article Marketer sites.

Building traffics to your blog or websites will take time and effort. When you starting out to build traffics to your blog, you need to plan what is the best way to use?

One piece of advice that I want to share with you is to start using one way that is comfortable to you so that you won’t feel burden or overload. Only when you see some results, then you can use other ways to build more traffics to your blog.

To Your Success....Jeffrey
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  1. New Comment
    Thanks for the informative post. I getting a great deal of ideas out of it.

    Posted 14th February 2009 at 02:44 AM by srom srom is offline

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