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As a businesses owner

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Posted 30th August 2012 at 07:32 AM by CPAPJason

I had a brick and mortar businesses, a small thrift store, and I will tell you that I hated cold callers. I messed up their scripts something awful. Having had the business I talked to a lot of other brick and mortar business owners that did the same thing, cold callers = annoying {expletive}was the equation. The best ones were the cold callers for web design, and I'd start asking server specific questions and drive them nuts.

It does work, to some degree, but what we preferred was to have someone come in to the businesses to see us face to face right from the get go.

Reason 1
We liked being able to see things right at the time. Sales reps usually carried brochures and flyers with them, giving us some kind of information to look at and process.

Reason 2
The sales rep was usually our point of contact for everything, usually. We liked the idea of not getting handed off to someone else, a person we did not meet face to face.

Reason 3
Some of us hate talking on the phone, and talking money to someone on the for something like web design, rep repair, or what ever. Take advertising in a shopper type newspaper, if they had called I wouldn't have done it, but the woman came in to the store to sell it.

Reason 4
We like people to be employed locally, they tend to spend locally. Local businesses like money spent locally.... I mean, we really like it. When we have a choice between a decent local web designer, or a web designer in another area, we may tend to pay a little bit more for the local one. We know that some of their money will go elsewhere, but, the majority will probably support the local economy, gas, groceries, and recreational activities, which in turn create local employment, which means more people spending money in our area.

Consider using CL to look for local sales reps for your line of work. Get them the materials and have them be your point of contact.
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