How Much Should You Pay For a Website?
Posted 19th January 2009 at 12:48 AM by Debbie Songster
So how much is a website worth to you?
If you have a look through out the forums you will see a variety of requests and offers.
So, whats a good deal these days?
Lets just talk about a Wordpress blog. Do you do your own installs or do you pay someone else to install for you?
This post is going to be short because I am looking for feedback from you, the reader.
How much have you paid to have a Wordpress blog installed, hosted, plugins installed, generic template?
On the flip side of the coin - How much would YOU charge to install this same package for someone else.
Feel free to post your ideas and suggestions.
If you have a look through out the forums you will see a variety of requests and offers.
So, whats a good deal these days?
Lets just talk about a Wordpress blog. Do you do your own installs or do you pay someone else to install for you?
This post is going to be short because I am looking for feedback from you, the reader.
How much have you paid to have a Wordpress blog installed, hosted, plugins installed, generic template?
On the flip side of the coin - How much would YOU charge to install this same package for someone else.
Feel free to post your ideas and suggestions.
Total Comments 1
- Do you just want Wordpress installed or do you want it configured? Wordpress takes less than 5 minutes to install. I'd charge you $50 a year to install and host a Wordpress blog for you allowing your bandwidth usage was not through the roof.
Configuring Wordpress is a different story altogether. There are 1000's of free themes and plugins floating around. Some of them can break the program. Very few themes can be installed and look great without hours of configurations, Do you want the blog to be SEO friendly? There are a few plugins that help with this but you still have to have the knowledge of what keywords and descriptions will work best for your particular situation. What will you do about backups? If you break the Wordpress instalation who's responsibility is it to fix it?
If you want Wordpress configuration, support & SEO package you could easily be looking at thousands of dollars. If all you want is hosting and a basic install it's less expensive than $50 and their are even places on the net where you can find it for free such as if you host on their servers. It all comes down to you get what you pay for and knowledge is power. If you do it all yourself it won't cost you anything but your time, but you may have to spend months learning what works and what does not. What's your time worth?Posted 16th February 2009 at 07:37 AM by rehoboth beach