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How much of your online business do you outsource

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Posted 24th May 2010 at 01:27 PM by dsmpublishing

I have been gradually building up my online team of outsourcers gradually this year after it became my new year plan. Some of them are very good at their jobs and others I have got rid 0f because they were just not upto scratch.

Just like in the normal offline workplace we can all end up with bad employees and this is one of the things that puts people off outsourcing. I have had about 5 people now that I have removed from my list of outsourcers but the active ones that I have right now are excellent.

I probably work about four hours a day now which suits me down to the ground. I love working so I could never work less than this but at the same time I can spend as much time as I like with my son and my husband. We live in a beautiful hot country and it would be ashame not to enjoy our surroundings.

Through my new time it has given me more chance to put a bit back into the community and help with local causes so I have the best of both worlds.
But one of the questions I get asked the most is:
“How much of your online business do you outsource?”

Well the answer is simple…
Anything that will NOT have a negative affect on my online business – either now or in the future!

For example it really doesn’t matter if I create my backlinks or someone else does this for me as this will not reflect my personality in the slightest. In the same sense if someone uploaded my websites for me or created my graphics it would help me without it costing me too much of my time and energy.

I still write my own blog posts as this is me – people are reading a part of me and want to know how I feel and how I think. This is the same reason why I will not have someone else replying to posts for me on the warrior forum because one mistake and my reputation would go to pot!!!

I still answer all my own emails myself because customer service is very important to me, the only difference to my email handling now is that I have an assistant going through my automated emails for me. Since my traffic has increased this year the amount of signups through to my free products has to. And if I spent all my time reading through where these people subscribed from it would also take up a lot of my free time.

Outsourcing has been a very enjoyable experience I have realised for the first time just how many hours I was spending on basic administration tasks and since making a few changes it has been very rewarding.

But incase you are thinking that hiring extra staff is expensive it really isn’t. The average price I pay per hour for my assistants is just $0.56 per hour a figure that most of us wouldn’t even notice!
You can read more about my outsourcing plans in this ebook that I have put together:

Thanks for reading and if you would like to make money online blogging I suggest you subscribe to The Samantha Milner Blog which is full of even more free internet marketing resources.

To your online success

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