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Tips to Increase Personal Productivity

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Posted 5th August 2012 at 12:48 PM by GT

Tips to Increase Personal Productivity

Sometimes you just have to reinvent yourself before you can make any further forward progress. Here are a few tips to increase personal productivity, straight from Brian Tracy.

I like to buy and review the products I promote from Brian Tracy International. The tips presented here come from Brian’s book called “Reinvention” – I provide more details about them in my home business blog post, How to Improve Productivity.

Brian gives us four questions that we can use to increase our efficiency and productivity. They are:

1. What are my highest value-added tasks? (Identify them and focus on them.)

2. Why am I on the payroll? (What is it that you are hired to do, or that you do in your home business that produce the greatest value and results? Identify them and focus on them.)

3. What can I and only I do that, if done well, can make a real difference? (Everybody has something and whatever yours is, that’s what you should be working on above all else.)

4. What is the most valuable use of my time, right now? (Obviously, whatever the answer is, that’s what you should spend your time doing. Surprisingly, most people spend most of their time on low value tasks. Successful people overcome this habit to accelerate their productivity.)

It is widely accepted that people who increase their personal productivity are happier and happier people are more productive.

If you want to make some definite improvements in your future, your Internet Marketing business, your preparations for financial independence, then you will take steps to improve your productivity. This should be the focus of anybody seeking to achieve or accelerate their success in any area of life, whether business or personal.

Use Brian’s tips to help you increase your personal productivity, starting today.

Affiliate Power Central
For more info on this topic, read my post, How to Improve Productivity.

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