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Disturbing Things I See In My Inbox

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Posted 1st June 2017 at 07:10 PM by Isaiah Jackson

So I checked my email this morning and saw that I got an email from the "FBI Office,"

Yes, that was the name of the person that sent the email.

The email then went on to state that Africa hasn't received its funds yet and some other crap - asked me for my name, number, ID, and home addy.


This Mike guy has to work pretty damn hard just to legit steal money from people huh.

Opps did I mention his name?

His name is Mike with email:

Why am I sharing this with you?

Part of what I do online is to make sure that I keep my subscribers and customers safe, the same way I would my family.

So if you get an email from this punk - just delete it.

Getting back to bidniz;

Get your hands on this profitable business building system today before it goes away:

Isaiah Jackson
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