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Are you working too hard? There's a rumour that there's life beyond The Warrior Forum!!

Posted 1st November 2008 at 07:45 AM by Peter Bestel

There's a thread theme that crops up every now and then: discussing the wonderous world of Internet Marketing and extolling the virtues of being your own boss; the freedom it gives you, the flexibility of time and energies and, of course, the seemingly limitless potential for making money.

Because people obviously LOVE what they do, a lot don't see it as work and are happy to put 12, 14, 16-hours-plus a day into it.

Well that might be good in the short term and I wouldn't...
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My TWELVE RULES for the Warrior Forum

Posted 12th October 2008 at 04:27 PM by Peter Bestel

I am learning how the Warrior Forum fits productively into my working day!

In my 8 ½ months as a member of this forum and 450 'odd' posts, I'm finally getting to grips with how this forum works, and I suspect I've still a way to go. I love the place, get a lot out of it and it has helped my business grow, but I need to effectively and efficiently manage how I use it. I came up with some rules.

These have developed from my experiences and as such I am simply making personal...
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When I Find Myself In Times Of Trouble... Diversify !!

Posted 9th October 2008 at 09:05 AM by Peter Bestel

With apologies to the Beatles, this is a little advice for anyone that is feeling the heat with these 'unsettled' financial times.

If you're struggling with your business and it almost feels like you're going under, do like you would if you were in sinking sand; make yourself cover a wide a surface area as possible and attach yourself to something that's not affected - grab a hold and pull yourself out.

In other words - diversify.

It's a classic business tactic...
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