How To Have An Empty Inbox
Posted 10th January 2009 at 01:55 PM by Rosie Cottis
If you are swamped by email and dream of having an empty inbox (without just deleting everything, of course) read on … I have a solution for you.
Having an empty inbox feels great and it can save you tons of time. Since I emptied mine (and kept it empty) I’m realising how much time I spent just looking at the titles of all the ‘pending’ emails in my inbox. Now I don’t have that distraction I have a lot more time for doing actual work - or anything else I want to do. It’s amazing!.
First, create some new folders in your email client. These are in two sections:
(a) Folders for emails requiring action:
1-Soonest (urgent, you want to take action today).
... Continue Reading
Having an empty inbox feels great and it can save you tons of time. Since I emptied mine (and kept it empty) I’m realising how much time I spent just looking at the titles of all the ‘pending’ emails in my inbox. Now I don’t have that distraction I have a lot more time for doing actual work - or anything else I want to do. It’s amazing!.
First, create some new folders in your email client. These are in two sections:
(a) Folders for emails requiring action:
1-Soonest (urgent, you want to take action today).
... Continue Reading
Total Comments 1
Empty Mailbox
Great idea. I can't imagine how much time I waste plodding through my emails. And if you're a struggling internet marketer you're probably over-subscribed! I'm going to work on setting up my email folders right now.
Thanks! >>> MikePosted 10th January 2009 at 03:31 PM by mfurlong