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Monopoly and Internet Marketing

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Posted 10th November 2009 at 05:36 PM by Shawn Mason

Let’s just imagine for a minute that Internet Marketing is a game of Monopoly.

Then imagine all the different web 2.0 sites as properties.

Now if you build “around” a central property this property becomes popular and brings in more rent.

You get the idea? Content + Web 2.0 = landing pages with links to your “popular” property.

Writing one article isn’t going to make you rich, but writing a few a day, and submitting them to various article directories and web 2.0 properties is going to get you traffic.

It’s a numbers game and to win you need lots of traffic.

So you write, or pay someone to write your content, and you spread it across the web, and you point back to with lots of links. Getting too many too quickly is never good so try and post a little bit at a time.

Which are the best web 2.0 properties? Well search for a keyword and tell me what sites are in the results?

There’s usually an article directory and other similar sites near the top.

Start there, nothing happens overnight it takes some time.

If you want to compete online you’re going to have to face the reality that it takes some work.

Sure you can automate a lot of tasks and what you can’t you can outsource (ideally)

Just knowing that puts you miles ahead of so many who are struggling to make it online.

Take action, and keep at it, don’t become discouraged because your 5 articles haven’t made a sale..

Write 50! If you can just do two a day you will end up with hundreds by the end of the year.

Just keep it up, don’t give up!

Enjoy the Success!

Shawn C Mason is writer, website developer and internet marketer
With over 7 years of experience online. To learn the exact system
he uses to start from scratch you need to check out The Internet Intelligence Report -- Create Your Very Own Automated Cash Machine Internet Empire
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