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Offline Selling - Part 2

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Posted 11th March 2009 at 09:00 PM by TimCastleman

A little recap of part one.

When you go in to talk to business owners your job is to find out two things.

1. Where they are currently
2. Where they want to be

You take those two things and they look like this.

where they are + X = where they want to be

Before moving on past this you want to confirm everything back with them. Say things like ... if I understand you correctly you currently get most of your clients from here and make so much a month but you'd like to have this many clients and make this much - is that correct?

Make sure you are both on the same page or you're going to lose them on this next step.

The next step is this - start talking about your products. Now when you talk about your products don't just talk about the features, talk about the benefits as well.

An important note, in your initial discussion I am sure you got a good understanding on what motivates the business owner. Stick to those things.

If they hate PPC marketing, don't bring it up. If they don't want a website ever then what are you doing there?

Moving on. When it comes to pitching I always approach it with several different ways. Why - because there are different roads into Rome.

What I mean is you may think they want X but they really want Y.

So throw a few different things at them and see what excites or interest them the most. Whatever that is, do it. Seriously, you can't motivate anyone so if they are interested in X give them X.

Now when you talk about whatever you pitch them show them the benefits more than the features and always talk about return of investment.

If you came in and told me you wanted $1000 for your services I would tell you to take a hike.

But if you came in and showed me how to save $2,000 with an autoresponder and how you would handle the email sign ups, the emails to my customers, etc. then $1,000 seems like a bargain.

More to follow ... but for now remember that you need to find out where the "finish" line is before you start the race and then suggest several different routes to get there.

Quick heads up - there is only 1 more copy of my latest WSO available at the lower price. Wait much longer and the price is going to go up and I am going to no longer include the special reports.
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