Can An Article Or Blog Posting For Groom Wedding Speech Rank In Google?

Posted 17th February 2011 at 12:13 AM by TimG
Groom wedding speech is a keyword phrase that is the premise behind one of the selling points for a new product that was recently released called Google Sniper 2.
The creator (George Brown) shows one of his sniper websites that he built targeting the keyword phrase groom wedding speech several years ago and it still manages to maintain its position as the first site Google brings back for the phrase.
I purchased the original Google Sniper 1 and thought it was a very good product and did incorporate some of the technique George teaches into my own online business.
However, I am still a firm believer that an article on a site like for groom wedding speech or a post on a blog that covers groom wedding speech has as good a chance or better of ranking on Google and possibly knocking George's site out of its current position.
I'm basing this on the fact that I've personally spent the last 6 years using articles to easily rank for long tail keyword phrases in order to generate traffic to my websites and make thousands of dollars along the way.
Many people dismiss article marketing or believe that article marketing is dying a slow death (in some cases they even procalim a fast death) but I along with many of my article marketing peers know better.
The fact is, article marketing when done properly is just as effective, no make that more effective then ever before.
In order to prove my poiint I decided to whip up this quick blog post on my Warrior Forum blog targeting the keyword phrase groom wedding speech in order to see where Google would rank it.
I'll keep on eye out for this short article in order to see exactly where it ends up. If my gut is right then I know exactly where it will be and that is residing at the top of the organic search engine results.
Of course I could also fail miserably with this simple test but that's what makes it so much fun...the excitement of not knowing and the anticipation of seeing where it all falls out.
See you at the top...
The creator (George Brown) shows one of his sniper websites that he built targeting the keyword phrase groom wedding speech several years ago and it still manages to maintain its position as the first site Google brings back for the phrase.
I purchased the original Google Sniper 1 and thought it was a very good product and did incorporate some of the technique George teaches into my own online business.
However, I am still a firm believer that an article on a site like for groom wedding speech or a post on a blog that covers groom wedding speech has as good a chance or better of ranking on Google and possibly knocking George's site out of its current position.
I'm basing this on the fact that I've personally spent the last 6 years using articles to easily rank for long tail keyword phrases in order to generate traffic to my websites and make thousands of dollars along the way.
Many people dismiss article marketing or believe that article marketing is dying a slow death (in some cases they even procalim a fast death) but I along with many of my article marketing peers know better.
The fact is, article marketing when done properly is just as effective, no make that more effective then ever before.
In order to prove my poiint I decided to whip up this quick blog post on my Warrior Forum blog targeting the keyword phrase groom wedding speech in order to see where Google would rank it.
I'll keep on eye out for this short article in order to see exactly where it ends up. If my gut is right then I know exactly where it will be and that is residing at the top of the organic search engine results.
Of course I could also fail miserably with this simple test but that's what makes it so much fun...the excitement of not knowing and the anticipation of seeing where it all falls out.
See you at the top...

Total Comments 3
- Quick update on my blog posting involving the keyword phrase Groom Wedding Speech.
This post intitally appeared on the bottom of page 17 for Google's results for the phrase. It then moved to the top of page 17 and now currently it sits on page 14 for Google's organic search engine results for the phrase groom wedding speech.
This is all based on the authority status of the Warrior Forum blog network in the eyes of Google. I'm goign to continue to monitor the rankings for this post and see if it can continue to move up the rankings without any additional backlinks.
Keep in mind that the whole intent of this experiment is to get on the first page of Google and eventually take over the top ranking for the phrase groom wedding speech.Posted 20th February 2011 at 11:17 AM by TimG - Will keep an eye on this groom wedding speech Post.. Good Luck!
Posted 20th February 2011 at 01:03 PM by FlippaKing - Another update on my blog psot in regards to the keyword phrase groom wedding speech - I now see that this post has moved to page 13 which is pathetic I know but with little to no substance or content I find it interesting that it is ranking at all.
That's probably a testiment to how powerful the Warrior Forum blogs can be for keyword phrases.
My plan is to add a few more postings much like George did with his blog because if you rememebr he has about 5 postings on his site covering various other aspects of groom wedding speeches.
Those postings are about 300 words long broken down into 4 or 5 paragraphs so I'll need to add some more substance to this post if I expect it to rank higher.
TimPosted 25th February 2011 at 10:32 AM by TimG