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Another One Of My BIG Productivity Secrets...

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Posted 6th July 2013 at 09:06 AM by Willie Crawford

Each time that I look at my to do list, I quickly ask
myself several questions.

First, I ask myself, "What things on my list should I be
outsourcing because it makes no sense for me to be doing

That's generally anything that someone else can do:
- Faster
- Better
- Cheaper

Those things I quickly hand off to others, knowing that
they will get done a lot quicker, will be of a higher
quality, and will cost me less in the longrun.

Of the things remaining on my list, I ask myself, "What
one thing that I have been putting off because of some
deep-seated FEAR, would product exponential results if I
just DID IT?"

That is the thing that I do first for the following reasons:
- Just getting it DONE will give me "a boost" as I cross it off the list
- Each time that I look at it, and push it aside, DRAINS mental engergy
- If it's really capable of delivering exponential results... moreso
than other easier things, then that is what I should really be doing
- "Successful People Do Things That Unsuccessful People Don't Like To
Do"... truthfully... few of us like stepping outside our comfort zones,
and doing things that at first appear challenging.

As I apply this "secret" I am, time and time again, surprised at
how EASY something that I feared starting actually turns out to be.

Then I smile, turn back to my to do list, and reward myself by
completing something "easier" after confirming that it really is
something that I should be doing, rather than outsourcing... or simply
deleting from my list altogether.

Since I hit upon outsourcing several times, I'd like to ask you to
watch this recording that I helped to make on the topic...

As my friend, Paul Lemberg, points out in his book "Be Unreasonable:
The Unconventional Way to Extraordinary Business Results
" you
already know what to do... so do it!

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