Critique my sales page

36 replies (sales page)

All feedback/thoughts on my sales page are welcome. I need the feedback to improve the sales page and make it a success.

Is it convincing?

What can I do to make it better?

If you were interested in getting an athletic and aesthetic body in 90 days with calisthenics, would you purchase my product?

Thank you.
#critique #page #sales #sales page
  • Profile picture of the author Adrianhenry
    You don't mention the price of the product near the "buy now" buttons. That is off putting for me. I like to see the price in big writing next to the buy buttons just to be very clear and transparent. I had to scroll up and down the page to try find out how much it was and if I was thinking about buying the product I will have probably left the page pretty quickly as I dont want to waste time looking for the price.

    Another thing is I didnt really like the areas with a dark background and how they transition into white and red backgrounds. Im not sure why I dont like it but I dont. Not sure if everyone will think the same but thats just my opinion.
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    • Profile picture of the author Glacierice
      Originally Posted by Adrianhenry View Post

      You don't mention the price of the product near the "buy now" buttons. That is off putting for me. I like to see the price in big writing next to the buy buttons just to be very clear and transparent. I had to scroll up and down the page to try find out how much it was and if I was thinking about buying the product I will have probably left the page pretty quickly as I dont want to waste time looking for the price.

      Another thing is I didnt really like the areas with a dark background and how they transition into white and red backgrounds. Im not sure why I dont like it but I dont. Not sure if everyone will think the same but thats just my opinion.
      Definitely got to do that, it didn't even cross my mind. Thanks.
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  • Profile picture of the author pewpewpewmonkeys
    Your headline is cliche. It needs to catch attention and catch someone so off guard that they HAVE to continue reading.

    "Be absolutely shredded and toned in just 90 days with less than 10% body fat and without ever going to the gym"

    After your headline you really don't entice the reader to continue reading. What you say may be "logical" but every other line needs to make the reader feel/think "Holy sh**, I need to keep reading!"
    Some cause-oriented hackers recently hacked one of my websites. So I researched what they're about and then donated a large sum of money to the entity they hate the most.

    The next time they hack one of my websites I'm going to donate DOUBLE.
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  • Profile picture of the author newxxx
    i think it needs a promo video
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    • Profile picture of the author Adrianhenry
      Originally Posted by newxxx View Post

      i think it needs a promo video
      I think this is a good idea too. After all people prefer to watch/listen over read, we are all lazy
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      • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
        Originally Posted by Adrianhenry View Post

        After all people prefer to watch/listen over read, we are all lazy
        Not all people, and no, "we" are not.

        All feedback/thoughts on my sales page are welcome.
        I hope you mean that.

        That is one ugly page. First, all centered text is good for ads and headlines, not for paragraphs of text.

        The headline is weak and ugly. No subhead.

        Get An Athletic And Aesthetic Body In 90 Days With Calisthenics: No Need For A Gym
        Make this your sub-head and move the text in it's place.

        The colors are very off putting to me.

        The best part of that page is the cover graphics which are also very dark and drab.

        Good Luck!
        Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
        All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9682718].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author NeedBucksNow
    Hmmm... I would have to agree that it kind of dragged on after the 1st part. Would probably be better off with that in a sales funnel where you get there email address then warm them up over time to selling the products as well.


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  • Profile picture of the author Glacierice
    The sales-copy is outsourced; once I can afford a top notch copywriter I'll hire one.

    I'll consider getting a promo video.

    Improvements I've made.

    Changed the title/hook.
    Changed the colors at the beginning to bring attention to the title.
    Added the product price next to every "Buy Now" button.
    Removed most of the arrows.
    Added more on the testimonial submissions.
    Removed 2 images from the DVD preview.

    Keep the criticism coming, my sales page looks way better with the small improvements made!
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    • Profile picture of the author Michael Shook
      The colors are great for the market you are targeting. Your copy is way too long with too many IM elements in it for this market. And your price is odd. Nothig wrong with it, but I suspect most prices on competing products will have some .95's in them. I don't know that without searching,I just can't remember the last time I saw anything priced at 30 dollars.

      You are in a market where many people will buy anything as long as it is in their price range and they believe it will get them results. You don't need copywriting tricks to get them to pay attention.

      You don't need a video, some more photos, in before and after styles would be excellent, especially if you can isolate muscles that got much more defined. And put some words with your photos, like Marcel Lazari - biceps growth and Marcel Lazari - abs blasted. And if you can get them retaken, oil up. t doesn't look like you are going after the body-building market, but it doesn't hurt to see the definition.

      This is confusing - "In the Weightstenics DVD and eBook program we combine actual weights with calisthenics, but you don't have to use any equipment if you don't want to."

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      • Profile picture of the author Glacierice
        @Michael Shook- That .95 cents is annoying bullshit. Look at by Victor Pride. He's making bank and his product is priced at $25.

        @Pewpew- I see it now, the design is off.

        @CG- How do I do that on wordpress (optimizepress)?

        @James- I've filmed it in the gym because it looks more professional with the fitness theme in the background and all. The video would look shitty if it was filmed in my house/backyard.
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  • Profile picture of the author pewpewpewmonkeys
    OP, it's great that you're willing to take advice. But split testing different variables will bring you more success than just taking opinions from people. By all means, take opinions under consideration. But also watch out for those who back up their opinion with reason not just personal feeling.
    The sales-copy is outsourced
    Never hire that person again. Ever.

    The design of your site is purposed to be unique. A design with the purpose to sell would work better. For example, your headline and sub headlines are all gray when instead they should be what stands out most.The first noticeable part of your page are the arrows when it should be the headline.

    The pictures of you....not as ripped as the guy on the cover of your product. People want to be that guy.

    There is practically zero chance of getting injured doing calisthenics.
    Prepare to lawyer-up.
    Some cause-oriented hackers recently hacked one of my websites. So I researched what they're about and then donated a large sum of money to the entity they hate the most.

    The next time they hack one of my websites I'm going to donate DOUBLE.
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  • Profile picture of the author Vin Venture
    I can't really contribute much as far as the copy itself goes, but I can give some design tips (opinions)!
    • The black/steel colors are good, immediately brought to mind p90x.
    • The "grungy" font you use in the product images doesn't really fit.
    • The whole thing feels too long, you might want to consider slimming it down a bit.
    • Your blocks of text feel off, not sure exactly what it is but it could be the following:

      -- Default times new roman font
      -- Width of text blocks
      -- Spacing between text and other elements

    • The transition between white to red to black is a bit jarring on the eyes.

    Hope this helps!

    PS: Hehe... Just noticed my post came on the coat-tales of pewpewpewmonkeys, who rightly stated to watch for opinions backed up with reason and not just personal feeling, which looking back most of my suggestions are just that, personal feelings! That said there is a lot of "feel" that goes into design soo.. *shrugs*
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  • Profile picture of the author C G
    Add an exit popup


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  • Profile picture of the author jamescanz
    Don't mind the headline, but it says "without ever going to the gym"

    Then it shows you in the gym working out haha

    I understand you need to show how to do exercises, but that might confuse some

    "Why is he in the gym if I'm not going to be there anyway?"

    First thing I picked up on

    Also, this would be a better fitting area for your post:
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  • Profile picture of the author Glacierice
    Improvements I've made.

    Aligned the text to the left instead of middle.
    Changed the "Buy Now" to "Get Ripped Now"
    Changed the price from $30 to $29.99
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    • Profile picture of the author Michael Shook
      Pricing is always an interesting thing. Not so much for the difference between the prices themselves but for what they represent. You could always try some different prices and see what difference they make in your sales. Sometimes its the last price you would expect that makes the most profit.

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  • Profile picture of the author hari grg
    OH my god ,

    i am srry but
    your website looks like a fake website , becasuse you have your product at first , i would say make it look a professional , small clean paragraphs and stories , may be a video of your product and , then go for the product or go for the auto responder emails ,,,,,this will help you lot,
    but make your website little smaller and with exact definiitions , no too long paragaraphs ,
    make it short simple and profressional .
    hope you would reconsider
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  • Profile picture of the author Rhadoo7
    The sales page looks great overall!
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    • Profile picture of the author ewenmack
      There's no hook that captures your markets attention.

      There's no code name your followers can call
      what you have.

      There's no building belief that the reader can
      get the outcome you claim through proof
      and a chain of logic.

      You haven't made a connection to the readers
      dominant pain.

      There's no educating before you introduce the product.

      There's no... oh that's enough.

      If you have studied enough big success stories
      using direct response marketing, they all had those
      buying triggers in them.

      Your's don't.

      Doctor E. Vile
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  • Profile picture of the author Mikesweeney
    Originally Posted by Glacierice View Post (sales page)

    All feedback/thoughts on my sales page are welcome. I need the feedback to improve the sales page and make it a success.

    Is it convincing?

    What can I do to make it better?

    If you were interested in getting an athletic and aesthetic body in 90 days with calisthenics, would you purchase my product?

    Thank you.
    Hey Glacierice,

    Here's some of my feedback: The first problem I noticed is the headline. It states "without going to the gym" and immediately afterwards you mention weight training. When someone tells me that I don't need to go the gym -- I'm assuming I don't need to "workout" not "workout at home with or without weights". I personally don't see the benefit of "without going to the gym" if I still need to workout in general. Maybe save money? But then you're not speaking to your prospect in way that's aligned with conversation going on in your prospect's head.

    You may also want to use a superscript to call out your ideal prospect. For example, in the weight loss market you have the group of people who are extremely overweight and whom just want to look better in clothes (i.e Jared from subway)...and then you have the other group who want to look better naked. Your niche would be the latter of those two.

    What is your mechanism? The weight loss market is super aware. What is the mechanism that separates you from everyone else? I believe you talk a bit about weight training, intermittent-fasting and calisthenics.

    I would stick to one of those. Is this a weight training program or a diet/intermittent-fasting program -- or both? If both, you may want to make one these mechanisms a bonus offer to resolve any objections and to kick them off the fence.

    Proof? Can you find studies on intermittent fasting or calisthenics by some credible sources? Also, in your before picture you're pretty lean 13% bf. Most people would kill to get down to that bf %. I'm guessing you're in an ectomorph. If I was an endomorph who puts on body fat easily I probably wouldn't take your program seriously.

    I would probably think to myself "That dude is naturally lean! Of course he got his body fat to single digits in only 90 days". So, what I'm saying is you should get some more before and after pictures of other people.

    Or you could niche down and have a program for Ectomorphs who want to put on muscle while getting down to single digits of body fat. Maybe that could be your USP? Plus, many ectomorphs can eat pizza, carbs etc and still lose body fat and gain muscle if they lift weights. Which could be added to your USP or "Hook".

    Offer/Bonuses: I would add more to your offer. Add some bonuses. An audio course to answer the objection of not having enough time. A future problem bonus. For example, if you're targeting men maybe have some kind of bonus that helps men benefit more (get more dates) from all the extra attention they are receiving from women. Or if you're targeting women a bonus that helps women cope with all the jealousy that comes from their friends, etc. A future problem bonus assumes that your prospect is going to get results.

    Also, your price is near the top. I would recommend putting that at the bottom.

    Design: Lose the black on top of the page with the white picture that is your headline. Also, it's kinda confusing with the arrows. It looks like a squeeze page that morphed into a sales page.

    Anyway, that's my feedback.


    P.S. What Ewen said about using a logical A+B+C chain to prove your benefits/claims is dead on.
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  • Just a few things from a quick first glance (I havent studied the whole copy)...

    The headline I find too long. I would shorten it a little.

    I didnt follow the "with less than 10% body fat" - does that mean I lose 10% of my body fat in 90 days, or I end up with just 10% fat left on my body at the end of it ie losing 90%?! (but Im not a weight loss/body building specialist so Im not up on this). But I guess it must surely be the former..

    Stay lean for a lifetime... that seems a bit too ambitious a statement to make. Very easy for many people to put on weight again quickly, no matter how much body building people do.

    I don't like the 3 arrows pointing down after the intro, I dont think they're necessary.

    I notice the display format suddenly splits up from 1 column into 2 column - and then back again. It's a bit confusing, which column should I read first - or does it not matter...

    The paragraphs of text are a little too long, need breaking up or shortening.

    I found this sentence a bit heavy going: "If I wanted to be like no one ever was, then I would have to do something that no one had ever did".

    It's trying to be clever, not really necessary.

    I also didnt understand "getting jacked" !!

    I wouldnt use "Yes, tell me how to get access etc..." Just say something like "Yes - I Want To Get Started NOW Building A Great Body etc" or something like that. Thats what interests people ie the benefit of it, not the purchase processing stuff.

    I didn't like the "Get Ripped Now" - too close psychologically in people's minds to "Get Ripped Off Now". I wouldnt use it for the buy buttons. Just use the "Buy Now" button style that you have at the bottom of the page.

    Otherwise, (first impression), the copy text isn't bad, better written than some but still could do with sharpening up.

    And the biggest problem I think the copy and the offer has is it doesnt appear to clearly address a specific problem people have with fitness building, at least I couldnt identify it.

    As I said, Ive just quickly glanced through it and these are my immediate impressions, I havent read word for word what you are saying or re-read it.
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  • Profile picture of the author maximus242
    I would eliminate the headline and replace it with testimonials

    xResponsive Advertising Agency | Direct Marketing | Online Advertising | Create Breakthrough Campaigns for Your Business

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  • Profile picture of the author Glacierice
    Thanks for all the suggestions.

    Improvements I've made.

    Made the page shorter by rearranging the text.
    Changed the overall design.
    Added 2 "after pics" at the beginning of the page.
    Removed the product details at the beginning of the page.
    Changed a few headings.
    New hook and sub hook in a bigger size font.
    Removed the black bg at the beginning.
    Made all the headlines stand out by making them red.
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    • Profile picture of the author ewenmack
      Originally Posted by Glacierice View Post

      Thanks for all the suggestions.

      Improvements I've made.

      Made the page shorter by rearranging the text.
      Changed the overall design.
      Added 2 "after pics" at the beginning of the page.
      Removed the product details at the beginning of the page.
      Changed a few headings.
      New hook and sub hook in a bigger size font.
      Removed the black bg at the beginning.
      Made all the headlines stand out by making them red.
      I laughed out aloud when I saw your new headline
      as a "new hook".

      NO that isn't a hook, nor is calethentics or whatever spelling it is.

      How you create a hook is by, in your case,
      combining 3 things that haven't been done before
      and give it your own name which could be trademarked.

      You talk about this new combination and how it's backed up
      by science by citing references and you mention that really
      your results aren't special because if any ordinary person
      had access to this secret formula, they would get these kind of results too.

      That's your proof and chain of logic I mentioned
      as well as the hook point in my previous post.

      Doctor E. Vile
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  • Profile picture of the author smoor2012 are my two cents...I looked at your entire page and it wasn't bad overall..

    I first would change the headline completely and center it around being healthy overall...take out the part about wet panties...some women will take offense to that...respect their feelings...get the hype out of it....The simple fact is that to be healthy overall you have to eat right and exercise as often as can't outwork bad nutrition

    I am interested in your workout....I want to see what it is about...I will be ordering to try it out...I bookmarked your sales page

    Workout routines can get stale...I have done the p90x and insanity....I like them all....I like to do different workouts anyway to keep from getting tired of a routine....

    As far as your sales page....overall it's fine...but it does need to be shorter I can make your points quicker and make your offer quicker...and still show all the benefits and have a solid sales page

    Keep it real....let the buyer know that you can help them be healthier overall if they do your workout for the specified days you designed it for...explain the exercises more in detail in bullet points

    Explain the diet the same way...

    I really see nothing wrong with using the gym to make the video of the workout, because people will see with the exercises you do that it can be done in the gym or at home..

    It wouldn't hurt to do both...home and the gym....I bought the pull up bar from p90x and put it in the doorway of a bedroom at home and use it in motels when I one of your pics it looks like you are using a pull up bar in a gym...people can get a pull up bar for their house if they want one

    I think you are headed in a good make a few adjustments and detail more of the benefits and you can sell quite a few of these I think...people need options for workouts anyway

    I will be trying your workout and give you my take on me that's the best way to know...

    PM me and I will respond as soon as possible

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  • Profile picture of the author elmo033057
    Personally, I don't know why anyone even makes a product like this when there is so much excellent information all over the Internet about this subject. It's just like dieting, I guess, someone will always buy stuff like this.

    Like new diets, you'll need to come up with a clear, definitive new angle on this.

    (Shoot, it would be refreshing to see an exercise program that would make you look great in a professional business suit. "The Power-Suit Workout" LOL!)

    I fully understand that this is a body shaping product, however, let us take a look at diet books for a second. Here is a partial list of the diet books (Letter "A" only).

    AARP Diet
    Abs Diet
    **** Berry Diet
    Acid-Alkaline Diets
    Acid Reflux Diet
    Acne Diet
    ADD Diet
    ADHD Diet
    Aging Cure
    Ali Vincent Diet
    All Day Energy Diet
    Alpha Male Challenge
    Al Roker Diet
    Alternate Day Diet
    Amazing Body Now
    Amen Solution
    Anabolic Diet
    Ani’s Raw Food Asia
    Anne Collins Weight Loss Program
    Anti-Aging Diet
    Anticancer Diet
    Anti Estrogenic Diet
    Anti-Inflammation Diet
    Apo E Gene Diet
    A Pound A Day Diet
    Ayurvedic Diet
    Apple a Day Diet
    Apple Cider Vinegar Diet
    Aquavore Diet
    Arthritis Diet
    Asian Diet
    Atkins Diet
    Autoimmune Disease Diet
    Awareness Diet
    Aztec Diet

    See? Each of these addresses a SPECIFIC angle. This will make your advertising copy easier to write because you won't be a wandering generality with your program.

    Anyway, that's just my take, friend.

    God Bless!

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    • Profile picture of the author Mikesweeney
      Originally Posted by elmo033057 View Post

      Personally, I don't know why anyone even makes a product like this when there is so much excellent information all over the Internet about this subject. It's just like dieting, I guess, someone will always buy stuff like this.

      Like new diets, you'll need to come up with a clear, definitive new angle on this.

      (Shoot, it would be refreshing to see an exercise program that would make you look great in a professional business suit. "The Power-Suit Workout" LOL!)

      I fully understand that this is a body shaping product, however, let us take a look at diet books for a second. Here is a partial list of the diet books (Letter "A" only).

      AARP Diet
      Abs Diet
      **** Berry Diet
      Acid-Alkaline Diets
      Acid Reflux Diet
      Acne Diet
      ADD Diet
      ADHD Diet
      Aging Cure
      Ali Vincent Diet
      All Day Energy Diet
      Alpha Male Challenge
      Al Roker Diet
      Alternate Day Diet
      Amazing Body Now
      Amen Solution
      Anabolic Diet
      Ani's Raw Food Asia
      Anne Collins Weight Loss Program
      Anti-Aging Diet
      Anticancer Diet
      Anti Estrogenic Diet
      Anti-Inflammation Diet
      Apo E Gene Diet
      A Pound A Day Diet
      Ayurvedic Diet
      Apple a Day Diet
      Apple Cider Vinegar Diet
      Aquavore Diet
      Arthritis Diet
      Asian Diet
      Atkins Diet
      Autoimmune Disease Diet
      Awareness Diet
      Aztec Diet

      See? Each of these addresses a SPECIFIC angle. This will make your advertising copy easier to write because you won't be a wandering generality with your program.

      Anyway, that's just my take, friend.

      God Bless!

      Lol, Al Roker diet. Is this for real? Didn't he get gastric bypass surgery?
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      • Profile picture of the author elmo033057
        Originally Posted by Mikesweeney View Post

        Lol, Al Roker diet. Is this for real? Didn't he get gastric bypass surgery?
        Yeah, Ha ha !

        Check these ones out:

        Body Ecology Diet
        Japanese Morning-Banana Diet
        All 'Man-Juice' Diet
        Sleeping Beauty Diet
        The Cookie Diet
        The Monkey Chow Diet
        Breatharianism Diet (eating sunlight)
        The Lip Gloss Diet

        Ha ha !

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  • Profile picture of the author WebOutGateway
    First, as a user point of view, some copy is really cliche like the "Turn Heads, Wet Panties, Demand Respect, And Live Life On The Edge, Far Beyond Your Potential". Ok wet panties?? Hmm..sounds really awkward. Use appropriate words, some might be offending already.

    Something is not right: "No Need For A Gym". Are you sure for this? People will be getting stuck thinking "What will i do to secure my body?"

    An most specially, please use appealing images. Some images used were not even that catchy.
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  • Profile picture of the author RogozRazvan
    Your headline is a bit strange. Too many benefits and it raises an eyebrow. It raises the objection "yes, sure, I've heard that before". So consider a new headline and move that to the deck copy. Also, back it up with proof, why I should believe you.

    From what I can see, in this market, the main objection is "I've tried something before and I haven't achieved any results". From PX90 to your late night infomercial, they want faster, easier results. Yes, it is easy to achieve these kind of results but only if you put the hard work and the pain required.

    Therefore, more proof. A LOT more proof.
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  • Profile picture of the author WD Mino
    Here's what I see.
    Your offer sounds like pure nonsense, right off the bat. don't make the prospect think....yeah right! Before they even get to your letter.

    You have the right idea, your headline needs to relay benefits and tie directly to your product. You want your headline to grab people and force them to read, soliciting if possible 'what makes you say that?, or, really? let me see!, reactions that is the reaction you want. I would suggest something simple, yet relative. "How I got shredded in 30 days with no money and no gym. , "Give me 10 minutes and I will show you how to go from fat to where it's at", pique their curiosity and drive them down the page because you can have the most fabulous, mouth watering copy, so juicy it will rip the cash out of their wallet like a rocket, but if you don't get them in the first 3 -6 seconds you lost em,case in point I didn't read the rest of the letter.

    I wish you much success with it.

    "As a man thinks in his heart so is he-Proverbs 23:7"

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  • Profile picture of the author Glacierice
    Where can I advertise? I tried Bing Ads and its shit.
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    • Profile picture of the author Andrew Gould
      Originally Posted by Glacierice View Post

      Where can I advertise? I tried Bing Ads and its shit.
      I think you're going to struggle to find a traffic source that isn't "shit" until you sort your sales page out.

      Andrew Gould

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    • Profile picture of the author RickDuris
      Originally Posted by Glacierice View Post

      Where can I advertise? I tried Bing Ads and its shit.

      Ok, I can appreciate your ambition. And I appreciate the advice of others.

      But it feels like you're spinning your wheels here. It's not that Bing ads are shit, it's that what you've got now won't convert.

      Here are a couple ideas that may help:

      1) First, think about your market. Not your method, not yourself, not even your copy.

      Three questions:

      1) Who are they?

      Be specific. Fat guys? Young guys? Guys who are broke? Career guys. Guys who hang out at the local bar? Guys who want to attract girls?

      2) What do THEY want?

      Do they want to work hard? Do they want to wait 30 days? Do they want all those health benefits?


      3) How do you know?

      In other words, how do you know this is who they are and what they want? Is it just because you think so? Or some random guys on a forum told you so?

      Let me give you a for instance. I'm working on a workout program right now, primarily aimed at women between 21 - 40. These women are what I'd call working girls, city girls, career girls, yoga girls, Starbucks girls.

      Not "Crossfit" fit. Not "healthy" girls. Not "new agey" girls.

      I did a deep analysis of their testimonials this morning. Looking for patterns, looking for the hook, looking for gems of ideas I can incorporate into the copy.

      The girls who will buy this workout program want one thing: To look hot. To look hot NOW.

      To paraphrase the recurring pattern of the testimonials:

      "I love that in just a day I can have toned arms and show them off with a low cut dress. The next day, I can get a higher, firm butt and legs and get to wear a shorter skirt."


      2) No disrespect, and again, I appreciate your ambition, but your letter does a miserable job selling me on calisthenics.

      Calisthenics is one of the hottest fitness trends right now, but you're showing up with copy that makes me yawn.

      You must do better to convert, especially against cold traffic.


      To maximize your efforts, you really should be building a list.

      Good luck and if I can help in other ways, let me know.

      - Rick Duris


      Hint: Doesn't this guy make you want to know more about calisthenics?
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  • Profile picture of the author Glacierice
    Ye so I need to get a great sales letter.

    I don't know anything about marketing though. I've made a few sales but not anywhere near what I want to make.

    Does anyone that knows some things about marketing want to partner up? We'll split profits 50/50.
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  • Profile picture of the author Glacierice
    I've made a whole new, superior sales page. My old one didn't convert so I improved everything I can.

    Wrote a whole new sales-letter myself, targeted at skinny guys
    The sales page is all about calisthenics and speaking to my audience (skinny guys)
    Created a new professional, neat, slick looking design
    Added background color to the texts so they're not floating
    Added more pictures and the copy I wrote has less words
    Created a bonus ebook and added it on the sales page
    Made a new page for the testimonials and linked the 2 pages together. This way potential customers can go back and forth thru the pages and make up their mind

    I cashed in a lot of time and effort in this. I legitly believe this product can become a success. And I feel accomplished.
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