Question about Displaying pricing in sales copy

2 replies
My apologies if this question has been asked and answered before. I'm analyzing some sales letters (some classics, some new), and have a question about price.

I see lots of Sales Letters and emails (example AWAI autoresponders which are basically sales letters) which don't include price. They don't really even allude to or hint at price. You can click through the buy button and see the price.

I'm in the habit of scrolling through, clicking the Buy Button, and looking at the price. Bada-Boom, Bada-Bing. But maybe a civilian (non-copywriter) would really read the whole thing.

Does this affect conversions?

Are there special cases (niches, product types, price points) when this strategy works better than others?

Comments appreciated.

#copy #displaying #pricing #question #sales
  • Profile picture of the author Oziboomer
    In retail generally the higher price the smaller the ticket.

    If you are selling a product on price alone, i.e. a commodity then if you have the cheapest price you'd be sure to make that big and prominent in your marketing much like the big discount stores.

    In sales pages you can use price in many different ways to support the sale.

    You often read or hear of large prices broken down into small sounding amounts like "only a cup of coffee a day"

    Juxtaposing the price against other products in different markets can be useful for certain situations.

    Breaking one product up so it appears to be a bundle of other products. All the IM marketing tactics of bundling to get a product up to a high price and then discounting, then bonus stacking, then a time limited offer. They usually all state price and use it pretty strongly.

    The other copy gurus will have a lot more input on this
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  • Profile picture of the author Raydal
    The rule of thumb is that the larger the price the more you try to
    bury it beneath value propositions. So you want to make sure
    that the client is informed of the benefits of the product BEFORE
    he sees the price. But price can sometimes be your headline if
    that is the great appeal--like a great deal.

    You'll notice that expensive products advertised on TV would never
    show the price but instead invite you to send for more information,
    which may not include the price but get you to call and be closed
    on the price.

    -Ray Edwards
    The most powerful and concentrated copywriting training online today bar none! Autoresponder Writing Email SECRETS
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