Learning from the 10 BILLION dollar Friday about motivation.

by gjabiz
36 replies
The 10 billion dollar Friday is NOT Black Friday, it is every other Friday of the year.

That number reached in the sales of Four categories:

Alcohol, Tobacco, Pizza/Snacks and Dope.

Dope for this discussion is all illegal drugs, marijuana to heroin and all pills in between.

Every Friday, starting around 3pm the tradesman start the parade into 7-11, CircleK type stores and buy beer, wine, tobacco and snacks.

This parade lasts for a few hours, then the bars fill up.

So far, most Americans, who use dope, have a dealer for their drugs, can't buy that at the corner store (yet).

What is the motivation for this?

3 main reasons.

Addiction, stimulation and escapism.

Now think...

IF all advertising were to stop today, how would next Friday be impacted? I think very darn little.

Sure BRANDS may take a hit, but I've been in stores that didn't get their supply of Budweiser on time and very few Bud drinkers left the store empty handed.

The amount of alcohol, tobacco, pizza and drugs would hardly feel a blip...so the industries are for the most part recession proof.

Now for copywriting.

We're hard wired for stimulation, it is the primary of all responses, from early man's Fight-Freeze-Flee survival response to today's knee jerk reaction to an idea, say, Obamacare.


Doesn't it then make sense to start with the result, the response you want, to clearly identify what that is, then backward chain your copy to the ATTENTION or Intersection of your target and your promotion?

Unfortunately, many ads fail to deliver on the headline, even here, there are Stimulating subject headers like:

Use the "dark forces" of copywriting to increase sales

was a huge disappointment for me, felt cheated, and having studied the "dark forces" for over five decades, it rang as some totally inexperienced guy thinking he found something...

Nothing dark about that stuff...dark stuff is manipulation for personal benefit, evoking a response by triggering automatic responses at the subconscious level by by-passing the reader's awareness. That's dark.

With the products of the billion dollar Friday, there isn't much subtlety, it is drink, get a buzz, feel good, get drunk, forget or lose yourself.

It is all about stimulation to an ALTERED STATE of mind.

On the Maslow pyramid these are all BASE wants/needs. Starving Alcoholics will buy wine before a hamburger.

As we go up the pyramid, toward self-actualization, the savvy marketer will write for a smaller, less base market...although with the understanding of "variation on a theme" perspective.

The stimulation craved by the base, is a more transmuted stimulation at the higher levels toward self and others, not just self.

Tony Robbins can fill up an island of buyers at the 20,000 level, and make a million dollars a week by stimulating HIS market at the top of the pyramid.

You, copywriter, have been instructed to put emotion into your promotions, and we see tons of ads "swiped" or copycatted which are totally ineffective BECAUSE the writer really doesn't have a grasp of human behavior...and one of their biggest mistakes is writing from a perspective of what they would want to hear, as opposed to KNOWING HOW TO CORRECTLY STIMULATE THE TARGET.

It is why there are so many competing for the low hanging fruit of dimes while never spending the time to learn how to stimulate for dollars.


PS According to one study, the dope dealers are one of the fastest growing profitable and tax free occupations in the world, and to the tune of thousands of dollars a week too.
#billion #dollar #friday #learning #motivation
  • Profile picture of the author splitTest
    Originally Posted by gjabiz View Post

    Doesn't it then make sense to start with the result, the response you want, to clearly identify what that is, then backward chain your copy to the ATTENTION or Intersection of your target and your promotion?
    What would a headline like that look like?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10051233].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author gjabiz
      Originally Posted by splitTest View Post

      What would a headline like that look like?
      The gem BOYFRIEND WANTED was written by Bud Weckesser of Green Tree Press.

      It was a full page, right side ad ran in Several Women's Magazines targeted at women. The product was a diet book.

      The ad told a story of an overweight woman who lost weight and became a "looker" again and she liked to show off her new boyfriends at places her ex was likely to visit.

      There were several variations of the ad and the book campaign sold several millions of dollars of books.

      By backward chaining, something Bud was great at, he got to the INTERSECTION, that is, he knew where the ad would run...and the audience, their pain and struggles, and the FEELINGS of a women who may be feeling inadequate and unattractive, who also might want a boyfriend.

      He used a real life story and resonated with the market, and sold bookoo books to these women,

      KNOWING your target is number one, but knowing where and when your promotion intersects with them is a close second.

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      • Profile picture of the author marciayudkin
        This is a very interesting discussion!

        Let me riff in a slightly different direction, prompted by this:

        In economics there's a concept known as "elasticity" Some goods are elastic and some are unelastic. Elastic goods are things you can do without when money is tight (holidays, new car, new rug for the lounge etc). On the other hand unelastic goods are things you can't do without such as food, heat, clothes, electricity etc.
        This makes perfect sense in the abstract, but I have seen so many people mis-apply it by making assumptions about what is "elastic" (though they'll have another word for it) to whom. It's so easy (and a huge, common mistake) to project your own priorities onto other people.

        Here are two examples.

        1. I've been spending winters on Maui for five years now and renting out our beachside condo when we go back East. It turns out, I had hugely mistaken assumptions about who "can afford" to go to Hawaii on a family holiday. It turns out that there are LOTS of tradespeople taking their families to Hawaii every year or every other year from Canada, the West Coast or the Midwest because they set aside $7000 - $8000 a year to do so. They are not rich or even well off by the standards in my mind. Also, a lot of families rendezvous here for a three-generation vacation instead of parents going to visit the kids and grandkids or vice versa. And many families from Alaska use the government oil payments they get over and above their regular wage income every year to come here. And finally, even in the worst of a recession, many who had jobs and good income still took vacations.

        2. So much of what people sincerely believe they "can afford" or "can't afford" comes from idiosyncratic beliefs. I've been shocked again and again to hear someone say, for example, that they "can't afford" to hire a web designer when they live in a 3,000-square-foot McMansion or they "can't afford" health insurance when they drive a brand-new car instead of an old, perfectly serviceable one, or from the other side, when they sign up for a $2500 coaching program (on a payment plan) yet have no savings and are living on month-to-month earnings.

        From what I've seen, people's beliefs, habits and reference points have so much more to do with their spending than their objective circumstances would indicate. That's why making abstract judgments and predictions from general economic principles can lead you astray.

        Marcia Yudkin
        Check out Marcia Yudkin's No-Hype Marketing Academy for courses on copywriting, publicity, infomarketing, marketing plans, naming, and branding - not to mention the popular "Marketing for Introverts" course.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10051741].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Memetics
          Originally Posted by marciayudkin View Post

          From what I've seen, people's beliefs, habits and reference points have so much more to do with their spending than their objective circumstances would indicate. That's why making abstract judgments and predictions from general economic principles can lead you astray.
          This part of your post hits the nail squarely on the head.

          "people's beliefs, habits and reference points"

          All persuasion involves changing beliefs, changing habits and moving reference points in another person. What is elastic to you may be totally unelastic to someone else.

          As an anecdote: An old university friend of mine totally disappeared from our social group back in the 80's (these are the days before social media) after an upsetting breakup from his girlfriend. We all assumed he had decided to move away looking for work and leave old memories behind. Two years later he appears again but this time as the proud owner of a £68,000 Audi sportscar.

          Naturally we all wondered where he had been and piped up with "where have you been?", "what's with the car?", "have you come into money?". Not at all. He decided he wanted the car and then decided to focus on nothing else till he had it. Totally focused. The reason he had been off the radar was due to working two jobs and eliminating all extraneous expenditure. Bit of a surprise! Never even knew he had an interest in cars at all.

          Six months later the reason came out. His ex girlfriend had decided to seek pastures new before the breakup and had started an affair with another guy (who we all knew) and decided to jump ship.

          My uni friend (Ian) found out and it escalated into a blazing row where he was well and truly dumped. His parthian shot to her was "Yeah, just because he's got a flash fancy car, that's all you're interested in!"

          Her's was "No, it's because you're a loser Ian, the car has nothing to do with it even though I know you will never, ever, ever aspire to having anything like that".

          As he left the house he saw this Audi drive buy and decided no matter what he was going to have one. The emotional upheaval had turned an extremely elastic product into a non negotiable inelastic product.

          That's why all persuasion is based on emotion. We use it's power to change beliefs, break habits and create or move reference points. All economic principles evolve from the "social brain" we carry inside us (the part of the mind that increases our primeval survivability by interacting with other people in a safe or cooperative manner). Emotions are the source code of the mind's programming.

          The stronger the emotion you can create in another person the bigger your lever to change their beliefs, habits etc.
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          • Profile picture of the author marciayudkin
            All persuasion involves changing beliefs, changing habits and moving reference points in another person.
            That is the hard way to go about selling things. The far easier way is to use people's existing beliefs, habits and reference points to explain why it's a good idea for them to buy.

            Marcia Yudkin
            Check out Marcia Yudkin's No-Hype Marketing Academy for courses on copywriting, publicity, infomarketing, marketing plans, naming, and branding - not to mention the popular "Marketing for Introverts" course.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10053140].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Memetics
              I totally agree! You're talking about semantic node seeding but from a decision based frame work. Basically: Attaching your own value structure onto your prospect's instead of trying to usurp them. Once they have been accepted, they link to your prospects existing beliefs and provide more "hooks" for the rest of the copy to link to and influence.

              Spreading activation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

              Originally Posted by marciayudkin View Post

              The far easier way is to use people's existing beliefs
              Very true, why make life hard for yourself?

              Have a look at this link.

              List of cognitive biases - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

              It's a list of existing beliefs that everyone has but usually don't know they have, and they're beliefs which are hardwired into the human mind. Use them in your copy and link your own suggestions onto them. [also handy for creating yes sets and generating compliance momentum]
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10053208].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author marciayudkin
                Thank you - that is a great resource for an upcoming course I'll be teaching soon on developing a neutral mindset about money!

                I've read a few books on behavioral economics, but I didn't think about applying the same principles in copywriting.

                Marcia Yudkin
                Check out Marcia Yudkin's No-Hype Marketing Academy for courses on copywriting, publicity, infomarketing, marketing plans, naming, and branding - not to mention the popular "Marketing for Introverts" course.
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10053639].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Memetics
    That's a really good post gjabiz

    In economics there's a concept known as "elasticity" Some goods are elastic and some are unelastic. Elastic goods are things you can do without when money is tight (holidays, new car, new rug for the lounge etc). On the other hand unelastic goods are things you can't do without such as food, heat, clothes, electricity etc.

    Drug dealers don't need copywriters because their demographic need their drugs no matter what. Like you say; It's down to where someone resides on Maslow's pyramid.

    A really good piece of copy will leave the reader "needing" your product instead of just "wanting". Persuasion engineers call this "Hierarchical threading". Basically they use different emotions through their copy in a linear fashion in a way to turn an elastic product into an unealastic one.

    First come the social emotions like guilt, remorse, shame, embarrassment which trigger the stability of the "love/belonging" strata of the pyramid.

    Maslow's hierarchy of needs - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Then we drop down to the next strata "safety" where the emotions of insecurity, isolation, rejection and alienation are introduced. Once this strata becomes unstable then the primary emotions like rage, anger fear are introduced. These emotions are the bodyguards of our physiological needs and also the most potent. They can usurp the other emotions quite easily if need be and are the base of the pyramid.

    Here's a schematic

    Contrasting and categorization of emotions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    The reason this works is because: Once an emotion has been triggered in the mind and the "emotional highway" is open, then it's a lot easier to route more emotions onto it.

    Once this is achieved you're activating a broad spectrum "seeking" response in the mind, and this "seeking" response is the one which makes you take decisions. Eventually the conscious mind hasn't enough energy to attenuate the "seeking" emotions which have reached critical mass and the "desire" overrules the conscious mind and critical factor. The conversion takes place.

    Seeking is the Granddaddy of Emotional Systems : Sources of Insight
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    • Profile picture of the author gjabiz

      You get and understand the importance of these studies, especially with today's ability to scan the brain while active. Early research goes back to American Civil war when wounded brains were easily accessed by curious doctors to experiment on. The rush to Berlin by US and Russia was as much about getting the secrets of Nazi research as it was a race to glory for "saving the world". German scientists, and their research were huge PRIZES for both side, we got to the moon because we got the "rocket" scientists whereas Russia did get many of the psychologists and human behaviorists.

      We study this stuff to arm ourselves against mass control (despite Kern's efforts) and to be aware of the manipulations of marketers, politicians and the illuminati...and friends and lovers too.

      I look for ways to apply this knowledge for both personal and business growth.

      Thanks for a good look at the scientific side of these studies.


      Originally Posted by Memetics View Post

      That's a really good post gjabiz

      In economics there's a concept known as "elasticity" Some goods are elastic and some are unelastic. Elastic goods are things you can do without when money is tight (holidays, new car, new rug for the lounge etc). On the other hand unelastic goods are things you can't do without such as food, heat, clothes, electricity etc.

      Drug dealers don't need copywriters because their demographic need their drugs no matter what. Like you say; It's down to where someone resides on Maslow's pyramid.

      A really good piece of copy will leave the reader "needing" your product instead of just "wanting". Persuasion engineers call this "Hierarchical threading". Basically they use different emotions through their copy in a linear fashion in a way to turn an elastic product into an unealastic one.

      First come the social emotions like guilt, remorse, shame, embarrassment which trigger the stability of the "love/belonging" strata of the pyramid.

      Maslow's hierarchy of needs - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      Then we drop down to the next strata "safety" where the emotions of insecurity, isolation, rejection and alienation are introduced. Once this strata becomes unstable then the primary emotions like rage, anger fear are introduced. These emotions are the bodyguards of our physiological needs and also the most potent. They can usurp the other emotions quite easily if need be and are the base of the pyramid.

      Here's a schematic

      Contrasting and categorization of emotions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      The reason this works is because: Once an emotion has been triggered in the mind and the "emotional highway" is open, then it's a lot easier to route more emotions onto it.

      Once this is achieved you're activating a broad spectrum "seeking" response in the mind, and this "seeking" response is the one which makes you take decisions. Eventually the conscious mind hasn't enough energy to attenuate the "seeking" emotions which have reached critical mass and the "desire" overrules the conscious mind and critical factor. The conversion takes place.

      Seeking is the Granddaddy of Emotional Systems : Sources of Insight
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  • Profile picture of the author Princess Balestra
    Like hitting on a new-found void with a void-filling mallet, I guess.

    A whole bunch of schmucks could get addicted to that stuff if it got dealt right.

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10051296].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author gjabiz
      Originally Posted by Princess Balestra View Post

      Like hitting on a new-found void with a void-filling mallet, I guess.

      A whole bunch of schmucks could get addicted to that stuff if it got dealt right.
      Hmm. Interesting perspective?? I don't know what the heck you mean.

      Human needs and desires and their study, especially in persuasion, either on the masses or an individual has been ongoing for centuries. So that can't be the void, can it?

      Do you mean drugs are filling the void? Are Alcohol drugs and pizza filling the void??

      As for schmucks getting addicted...there is ample evidence of that going on here at WF, as regards IM.

      But a Mel Gibson view would probably identify the schmucks a little differently than say, Rabbi Goldberg, eh?

      Some could easily argue almost any niche or hobby, is full of schmucks
      drinking the kool-aid of their particular interests.

      Well, anyhow, I think I need an interpreter for this post, care to clarify?

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10051461].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Princess Balestra
        Checking in here with gjabiz on your ungettability ticket.


        Lost on this one too.

        I guess things todayed on up.

        Which means I also failed to check in on the rest of what's here.

        TMI = GFY, I guess.

        It's the E=MC2 of why we all hang out here.

        So: I drill down on this one at the expense of other appeals to finite senses.

        Call me glib. K with that.


        1) The future is a void. You wanna argue otherwise?

        2) Humans love voids like castrations of motivations X Zillions.

        8) (I'm skipping here because, pumped up for results though we Warriors may be, (1) is the goddam truth for us all, like it or not, and nothing is truly under our control. Alternatively — I rock at math and can THINK AHEAD.)

        5) BUT (uh oh, back a step) isn't that the point of all marketing? To begin with the void and hit with the void-filling mallet?

        4) After all, I never realised I needed tampons until someone said QUIT BLEEDING ALL OVER THE PLACE with "the mallet that did it for me". Who was that street magic guy who said "my tools remain unseen"? Hmm. Gotta Google.

        3) So, we all get that there's a deal here? About perceiving voids, and receiving all comers? I may have called them schmucks but I was talking about anyone bleeding to death right now.

        6) Traditionally a lucky roll in the numbers game so to hell with THIS point.

        7) And, anyhow, why are we all so intent on branding as a form of addiction? That dumbass Adobe trail on the Mindhackchopwhatever trail sums up whats wrong right now. In my book, the guy decks the dealer for the info and bypasses Adobe.

        9) Cats. Luck. Gotta love a 9. So, everyone is interested in the future, and everyone is addicted to what propels them there.

        The stuffed to bursting hit the infinite bleak.

        Which is why Warriors have room to speak.

        My room ditches the kool-aid dispenser.

        Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10054862].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author angiecolee
          Originally Posted by Princess Balestra View Post

          Checking in here with gjabiz on your ungettability ticket.


          Lost on this one too.

          I guess things todayed on up.

          Which means I also failed to check in on the rest of what's here.

          TMI = GFY, I guess.

          It's the E=MC2 of why we all hang out here.

          So: I drill down on this one at the expense of other appeals to finite senses.

          Call me glib. K with that.


          1) The future is a void. You wanna argue otherwise?

          2) Humans love voids like castrations of motivations X Zillions.

          8) (I'm skipping here because, pumped up for results though we Warriors may be, (1) is the goddam truth for us all, like it or not, and nothing is truly under our control. Alternatively -- I rock at math and can THINK AHEAD.)

          5) BUT (uh oh, back a step) isn't that the point of all marketing? To begin with the void and hit with the void-filling mallet?

          4) After all, I never realised I needed tampons until someone said QUIT BLEEDING ALL OVER THE PLACE with "the mallet that did it for me". Who was that street magic guy who said "my tools remain unseen"? Hmm. Gotta Google.

          3) So, we all get that there's a deal here? About perceiving voids, and receiving all comers? I may have called them schmucks but I was talking about anyone bleeding to death right now.

          6) Traditionally a lucky roll in the numbers game so to hell with THIS point.

          7) And, anyhow, why are we all so intent on branding as a form of addiction? That dumbass Adobe trail on the Mindhackchopwhatever trail sums up whats wrong right now. In my book, the guy decks the dealer for the info and bypasses Adobe.

          9) Cats. Luck. Gotta love a 9. So, everyone is interested in the future, and everyone is addicted to what propels them there.

          The stuffed to bursting hit the infinite bleak.

          Which is why Warriors have room to speak.

          My room ditches the kool-aid dispenser.
          I have absolutely no clue what you're trying to say.

          Aspiring copywriters: if you need 1:1 advice from an experienced copy chief, head over to my Phone a Friend page.

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10054954].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author shawnlebrun
          Originally Posted by Princess Balestra View Post

          TMI = GFY, I guess.

          It's the E=MC2 of why we all hang out here.
          OMG WTF? ROTFL
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10055106].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author The Pines
            Originally Posted by shawnlebrun View Post

            OMG WTF? ROTFL

            Looks like it's an early Friday for Princess Balestra.

            Alcohol + Crack + Codeine-based drugs + Warrior Forum is NOT a good idea folks...
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10055221].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author gjabiz
          You bring up a song I heard on America's Got Talent by 84 year old Ray Jessel, about his new found love...

          And with that in mind, Princess ( Mark??,John??, Don?? Alexis??)

          our marriage would have to take place somewhere other than under the bridge where your tribe of trolls probably live.

          But, I'm mobile.

          XXX & OOO


          PS. I may not get it, but I could be got??

          Originally Posted by Princess Balestra View Post

          Checking in here with gjabiz on your ungettability ticket.


          Lost on this one too.

          I guess things todayed on up.

          Which means I also failed to check in on the rest of what's here.

          TMI = GFY, I guess.

          It's the E=MC2 of why we all hang out here.

          So: I drill down on this one at the expense of other appeals to finite senses.

          Call me glib. K with that.


          1) The future is a void. You wanna argue otherwise?

          2) Humans love voids like castrations of motivations X Zillions.

          8) (I'm skipping here because, pumped up for results though we Warriors may be, (1) is the goddam truth for us all, like it or not, and nothing is truly under our control. Alternatively — I rock at math and can THINK AHEAD.)

          5) BUT (uh oh, back a step) isn't that the point of all marketing? To begin with the void and hit with the void-filling mallet?

          4) After all, I never realised I needed tampons until someone said QUIT BLEEDING ALL OVER THE PLACE with "the mallet that did it for me". Who was that street magic guy who said "my tools remain unseen"? Hmm. Gotta Google.

          3) So, we all get that there's a deal here? About perceiving voids, and receiving all comers? I may have called them schmucks but I was talking about anyone bleeding to death right now.

          6) Traditionally a lucky roll in the numbers game so to hell with THIS point.

          7) And, anyhow, why are we all so intent on branding as a form of addiction? That dumbass Adobe trail on the Mindhackchopwhatever trail sums up whats wrong right now. In my book, the guy decks the dealer for the info and bypasses Adobe.

          9) Cats. Luck. Gotta love a 9. So, everyone is interested in the future, and everyone is addicted to what propels them there.

          The stuffed to bursting hit the infinite bleak.

          Which is why Warriors have room to speak.

          My room ditches the kool-aid dispenser.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10055466].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author max5ty
          Originally Posted by Princess Balestra View Post

          Checking in here with gjabiz on your ungettability ticket.


          Lost on this one too.

          I guess things todayed on up.

          Which means I also failed to check in on the rest of what's here.

          TMI = GFY, I guess.

          It's the E=MC2 of why we all hang out here.

          So: I drill down on this one at the expense of other appeals to finite senses.

          Call me glib. K with that.


          1) The future is a void. You wanna argue otherwise?

          2) Humans love voids like castrations of motivations X Zillions.

          8) (I'm skipping here because, pumped up for results though we Warriors may be, (1) is the goddam truth for us all, like it or not, and nothing is truly under our control. Alternatively — I rock at math and can THINK AHEAD.)

          5) BUT (uh oh, back a step) isn't that the point of all marketing? To begin with the void and hit with the void-filling mallet?

          4) After all, I never realised I needed tampons until someone said QUIT BLEEDING ALL OVER THE PLACE with "the mallet that did it for me". Who was that street magic guy who said "my tools remain unseen"? Hmm. Gotta Google.

          3) So, we all get that there's a deal here? About perceiving voids, and receiving all comers? I may have called them schmucks but I was talking about anyone bleeding to death right now.

          6) Traditionally a lucky roll in the numbers game so to hell with THIS point.

          7) And, anyhow, why are we all so intent on branding as a form of addiction? That dumbass Adobe trail on the Mindhackchopwhatever trail sums up whats wrong right now. In my book, the guy decks the dealer for the info and bypasses Adobe.

          9) Cats. Luck. Gotta love a 9. So, everyone is interested in the future, and everyone is addicted to what propels them there.

          The stuffed to bursting hit the infinite bleak.

          Which is why Warriors have room to speak.

          My room ditches the kool-aid dispenser.
          To your point 1: The future is void of certain information...but we don't normally care about selling to the future void since that is a focus on prevention. Selling prevention is usually not widely accepted. We wait for the future to become the present and manifest a problem that begs for a cure.

          One case where prevention could be argued to make money is with psychics who give a reading about the future...then say things can be reversed if action is taken. An attempt to fill the future voids...but then again more often than not, it's an attempt to reverse failure (which would be a cure). Niche market.

          Seems most of all the psychics I see on T.V. are giving readings about the past in an attempt to comfort a person who has lost someone close to them...that would be a cure.

          We focus on the cure because that's where the wealth is made, which is a present situation caused by the past. Cures are widely sought after...preventions are seldom thought about.

          Your third point, point 8, you say is given because you can think ahead. It's a counter productive point because if you thought ahead you'd have numbered it number 3 instead of number 8.

          If the use of a mallet is what it takes for you to fill a void, like your example in point 4, I'd argue that's not always the case with most people. Usually a gentle nudge is all that's needed for the person to allow the solution to simply fall into place. Would venture to say you were disturbed by your situation in point 4 and was ready for a solution...didn't take a mallet hammering home a solution for you to jump on board. It's easier to allow a person to fill their own problematic void by suggesting a solution then it is for us to use a mallet and place it in place for them.

          The easiest sales are the ones where you allow the customer to sell themselves.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10056773].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author max5ty
    Originally Posted by gjabiz View Post

    Addiction, stimulation and escapism.
    You say these are the three reasons for the money spent...

    I'd disagree a little, and apparently I'm right based on the mind set of those that advertise...

    the biggest reason most of the money is spent is because of SEX.

    The need to feel sexy, the search for sexy, the want to be around sexy people, and on and on all about sex.

    Enjoyed your post, just thought you overlooked the biggest reason money is spent on Fridays.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10052824].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author gjabiz
      You're right, I considered the SEX as part of the stimulation, and dialing back the dopamine and taking control of as many neurotransmitter chemicals as you can, in your target's brain is a seldom talked about subject, although Halbert was very big on "altered" states of mind.

      And the knowing of what is on their mind, where your promotion intersects with them, goes a long way to writing copy which easily sells what they already want.

      SEX...reminds me of a promotion I wrote, VIRGIE'S REVELATIONS, here is the deck copy from that:


      Persuasion Secrets of a Million Dollar Whore

      7 Figure a Year Escort Blows the Lid Off Sex for the Rich & Famous

      She claims the secret to her high income isn't about sex, but her million-dollar-a-year income is the result of the “magic words” she whispers in her clients' ears.

      Want to know what she says?

      Read on.

      Most Americans would call them hookers. Or prostitutes and/or maybe call-girls. Or Whores.

      But few think of them as Entrepreneurs.

      They call themselves Escorts.

      A couple of years ago most Americans wouldn't have believed an escort could earn so much money...then on Thanksgiving Day, Tiger Woods ran his car into a tree.
      The result?
      America became engrossed with the incredible tale that unraveled right before our eyes, as escort after escort came forward to reveal their sexual escapades with the great golfer.
      NOW, we do know there are ladies who make $5,000.00 a night and more and thanks to celebrities like Woods and Charlie Sheen, we see the very rich and famous are routinely paying large sums of money for high-end sex.
      But there is another side to this story. Not about celebrities, politicians or the filthy rich. Here is one story from one escort...........

      >>>>>>>> Yes indeedee SEX sells.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10052945].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author max5ty
        Originally Posted by gjabiz View Post

        Persuasion Secrets of a Million Dollar Whore

        7 Figure a Year Escort Blows the Lid Off Sex for the Rich & Famous

        She claims the secret to her high income isn't about sex, but her million-dollar-a-year income is the result of the “magic words” she whispers in her clients' ears.

        Want to know what she says?

        Read on.

        Most Americans would call them hookers. Or prostitutes and/or maybe call-girls. Or Whores.

        But few think of them as Entrepreneurs.

        They call themselves Escorts.

        A couple of years ago most Americans wouldn't have believed an escort could earn so much money...then on Thanksgiving Day, Tiger Woods ran his car into a tree.
        The result?
        America became engrossed with the incredible tale that unraveled right before our eyes, as escort after escort came forward to reveal their sexual escapades with the great golfer.
        NOW, we do know there are ladies who make $5,000.00 a night and more and thanks to celebrities like Woods and Charlie Sheen, we see the very rich and famous are routinely paying large sums of money for high-end sex.
        But there is another side to this story. Not about celebrities, politicians or the filthy rich. Here is one story from one escort...........

        >>>>>>>> Yes indeedee SEX sells.

        I've read that letter before and I know what the greatest secret they have is.

        Their secret is something everyone in the business world should know.

        Every copywriter should know...

        it's obviously worth millions.

        Enjoyed your post...thanks for responding.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10052966].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Mark Pescetti
    The chemical behind wanting, well... anything is dopamine.

    Whether it's escapism, lifestyle, sex, women, drugs, being the best... doesn't matter...

    What DOES matter is...

    Are you triggering a dopamine response in the reader's/watcher's brain with your copy?


    Do you want a 9 figure copywriter and biz owner to Write With You? I'll work with you, on zoom, to help write your copy or client copy... while you learn from one of the few copywriters to legit hit 9 figures in gross sales! Discover More

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10052861].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author max5ty
      Originally Posted by Mark Pescetti View Post

      The chemical behind wanting, well... anything is dopamine.

      Whether it's escapism, lifestyle, sex, women, drugs, being the best... doesn't matter...

      What DOES matter is...

      Are you triggering a dopamine response in the reader's/watcher's brain with your copy?

      If you're selling the right product, dopamine is already present.

      The big shit that sells are cures for what they already have. Dopamine got them to where they are...fat, drunk, sick because of food addiction, etc.

      Sometimes you need to dial it all down and relax them...
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  • Profile picture of the author copyassassin

    Perhaps your "actualized self" is so bright you couldn't see the dark forces of my post.

    The devil isn't dressed like some Isis jihadist


    The devil dresses in white clothes She's good looking and quotes the bible

    She smells good too.

    Her voice sounds like an angel. She sings and everybody stops.

    See, the devil pretends to be saint

    She convinces you she is a Saint

    She lowers your resistance. She lowers skepticism. She makes you feel comfortable.

    Then she attacks. Then she leaves without a trace.

    See Gordon, the dark forces in this case are tools that get you to trust. They get you to believe. They get you to stop questioning.

    Think of bin laden think of madoff. Think of bush/Cheney.

    All calm on the outside with their self righteous for all to see. Bush lied about WMDs. Yet, we believed them. He even got Powell to believe his lies.

    Another example is the speed seduction niche. The trick is getting them to let their guard down, get them to trust you, and then you know what happens.

    That to me is the height of manipulation. Sometimes it's used for good. Most of the time it isn't.


    P.s. I find subconscious messages to be very powerful and effective. Learning how to use these tools is using the dark forces. Not evil per se. Dark because you can't see them. Dark because they operate hidden in plain sight.

    P.p.s. if u think I disappointed you, you should talk with my wife. You'd both get along

    The Most Bad-Ass Tax Reduction Strategist for Internet Marketers who HATE paying taxes. See my happy clients

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10053765].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Alex Cohen
      The difference between persuasion and manipulation has to do with motive.

      It's not the specific techniques that are used. It's the motive behind them.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10053860].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author gjabiz
      Perhaps my "actualized self" IS too bright, but it didn't blind me...

      Here is what you wrote:
      Use the "dark forces" of copywriting to increase sales (subject header)

      Want to increase your conversions with one silly sentence?
      While legal, this method could be unethical in certain cases.
      The link below gives you the exact copy to use.

      Swipe with caution.

      Ten Words That Build Trust - Neuromarketing


      The 10 words:

      You can trust us to do the job for you.

      In my OP above I wrote

      Unfortunately, many ads fail to deliver on the headline, even here, there are Stimulating subject headers like:

      Use the "dark forces" of copywriting to increase sales

      was a huge disappointment for me, felt cheated, and having studied the "dark forces" for over five decades, it rang as some totally inexperienced guy thinking he found something...

      And here we are. You wrote a stimulating headline, I read, found 10 magic DARK words which may or may not increase response

      and I again say, having been illuminated even brighter by your schooling me on the devil in white...

      perhaps you could refer to the dark side in your post???

      See Adam, the dark forces you explained are totally lacking in your post you obviously feel I attacked.

      I stand by my original point, there is NOTHING dark about the sentence you want us to use.

      Now, how exactly does the sentence "you can trust us..." get anyone to "stop questioning" and simply accept?

      Perhaps your wife has legitimate reasons to be disappointed, did she also read your post?

      Thanks for giving us a great example of how a person takes a response and personalizes it, "YOU", I don't know, I was disappointed in the content of your post after reading an enticing subject header...but, go ahead, take it personally if you must.

      Thanks for the education on the DARK side too, much appreciated.


      Originally Posted by copyassassin View Post


      Perhaps your "actualized self" is so bright you couldn't see the dark forces of my post.

      The devil isn't dressed like some Isis jihadist


      The devil dresses in white clothes She's good looking and quotes the bible

      She smells good too.

      Her voice sounds like an angel. She sings and everybody stops.

      See, the devil pretends to be saint

      She convinces you she is a Saint

      She lowers your resistance. She lowers skepticism. She makes you feel comfortable.

      Then she attacks. Then she leaves without a trace.

      See Gordon, the dark forces in this case are tools that get you to trust. They get you to believe. They get you to stop questioning.

      Think of bin laden think of madoff. Think of bush/Cheney.

      All calm on the outside with their self righteous for all to see. Bush lied about WMDs. Yet, we believed them. He even got Powell to believe his lies.

      Another example is the speed seduction niche. The trick is getting them to let their guard down, get them to trust you, and then you know what happens.

      That to me is the height of manipulation. Sometimes it's used for good. Most of the time it isn't.


      P.s. I find subconscious messages to be very powerful and effective. Learning how to use these tools is using the dark forces. Not evil per se. Dark because you can't see them. Dark because they operate hidden in plain sight.

      P.p.s. if u think I disappointed you, you should talk with my wife. You'd both get along
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  • Profile picture of the author shawnlebrun
    Too many copywriters try to create motivation in their copy.

    You can't.

    You simply have to channel existing motivation to the product or service you're selling.

    Trying to motivate a niche will cause you to go broke.

    So much easier to stand in front of a crowd that's already motivated and just show them why your product/service meets their needs better than any other.

    A good copywriter will dig into the market's main motivation. They won't try to create it.

    A great book for those in sales is called "The Secret to Selling Anything" but Harry Browne.

    Harry was able to dramatically increase his income and reduce his hours as a sales person by simply asking questions to find out what the prospect wanted and what he/she was motivated by.

    Then, he'd present his product/service as the solution to that main motivation.

    I could be wrong, because I just ordered it and I'm waiting for my copy to arrive... but Ryan Levesque, a well known marketer/sales funnel pro, has a book out called "Ask".

    I've heard raving reviews about it... and just ordered my copy.

    Now, I could be wrong, but I have a good feeling that Ryan talks a lot about ASKING
    your market what they want... and then giving it to them.

    From the title of his book, and knowing a little about Ryan's survey method... I'm assuming (and maybe I shouldn't) that a lot of his formula includes asking the market what they're motivated by having/doing/getting... and then GIVING it to them.

    I'm not proud to admit it, but after a recent bout with skin cancer, and having been given some prescription pain pills for the pain, I could see SO EASILY how people can quickly get addicted to pain killers, alcohol, or any kind of chemical that helps them FEEL better and escape the pain RIGHT now.

    Even at the slightest bit of pain, I found myself reaching for the pain pills... and realized that how fast and easy it is for people to get addicted... because it's a fast and easy way to feel better almost immediately.

    That's why sex, drugs, alcohol, etc...it's such an easy sell because they're instant relieve and escape from reality, even for a short time.

    But of course, we know the problems still exist, after they come down... so it's obviously not a healthy way to deal with things.

    But the entire subject of happiness, motivation, carrots and sticks... it fascinates me, and is one of the things that led me to sales and copy.

    The power to move another human, or a large group of them, with your words, is powerful.

    But again, it makes life so much easier when you just harness and channel pre-existing motivation towards your product or service.

    Don't spend half your copy trying to motivate your prospect into wanting what you want. They KNOW they have knee pain, or joint pain, or are overweight.

    You just have to show why you can help them better than the rest.
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  • Profile picture of the author Raydal
    Originally Posted by gjabiz View Post

    The 10 billion dollar Friday is NOT Black Friday, it is every other Friday of the year.

    That number reached in the sales of Four categories:

    Alcohol, Tobacco, Pizza/Snacks and Dope.
    This is what I call selling cocaine to an addict, and what's so hard about

    Selling to human weaknesses is about the easiest sale to be made. You don't
    need a lot of persuasion for that. Like taking candy from a baby. If your aim is
    to make "easy money" then there are always questionable markets to write
    for but the real persuasion comes from writing for 'legitimate' products.

    Why am I saying this? Often I'll hear about his great copywriter who made
    millions in a certain market and I think, "How hard is it to sell a porn membership
    to testosterone-dripping young man?" (Not necessarily that market, but this
    illustrates my point.) If you can sell him an exercise program, then I'll be more

    -Ray Edwards
    The most powerful and concentrated copywriting training online today bar none! Autoresponder Writing Email SECRETS
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10054905].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author The Pines

      That's an admirable position to take, but as Halbert tells us, the most important thing is "a starving crowd".

      It's a natural human response to go for the long-hanging fruit and the easy/easier sale when the marketer is a 'C' grade copywriter and can't afford the services of an 'A' grade copywriter.

      The fact is, if people don't get their fix from 'you', they'll just get it from someone else, whether it's alcohol, drugs, painkillers, tobacco or sexual services.

      The smart marketer taps into an existing demand. Nobody, not even Bencivenga, Makepeace, Halbert, Carlton, Abraham, et al can create a market where there is no latent demand.

      "A gifted product is mightier than a gifted pen".
      Rosser Reeves

      Originally Posted by Raydal View Post

      This is what I call selling cocaine to an addict, and what's so hard about

      Selling to human weaknesses is about the easiest sale to be made. You don't
      need a lot of persuasion for that. Like taking candy from a baby. If your aim is
      to make "easy money" then there are always questionable markets to write
      for but the real persuasion comes from writing for 'legitimate' products.

      Why am I saying this? Often I'll hear about his great copywriter who made
      millions in a certain market and I think, "How hard is it to sell a porn membership
      to testosterone-dripping young man?" (Not necessarily that market, but this
      illustrates my point.) If you can sell him an exercise program, then I'll be more

      -Ray Edwards
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10055098].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Complex
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10055289].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Raydal
        Originally Posted by The Pines View Post

        That's an admirable position to take, but as Halbert tells us, the most important thing is "a starving crowd".
        Originally Posted by Complex View Post

        Lol, you don't know what you don't know.

        Go ask a sales rep for a beer distributor how easy it is to get shelf space.

        (It's not)
        One factor I left out of my discussion is indeed competition. If a sale is
        easy to make then you have a LOT of people trying to get that sale.
        As you can see mines is a very personal opinion and maybe pretty

        -Ray Edwards
        The most powerful and concentrated copywriting training online today bar none! Autoresponder Writing Email SECRETS
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10055378].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author splitTest
    Originally Posted by gjabiz View Post

    although Halbert was very big on "altered" states of mind.
    Huh? Didn't know that... "Very"?

    Was Halbert the guy who put off paying his light bill to buy ad space (or a list or whatever) for one of his dm ventures?

    That sounds a lot like a gambling addict, but I didn't know about the drugs.
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  • Profile picture of the author Princess Balestra
    Hmm, some confusion here.

    I am as a cat among pigeons.

    In a world of TMI we want OUR I noticed.

    That's why we fight for space in the info maelstrom, filling the void with our message rather than the other guy's crapola.

    It's why biros are called biros and all the other names made with the GFY.

    This principle is the E=MC2 of what we're doing here.

    It isn't wingnut.

    It isn't even Friday, guys.

    You around here for some action then?

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10056031].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Alex Cohen
      Apparently we have a visitor from a parallel universe.

      Do they have sales copy where you come from? LOL

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10056074].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Princess Balestra
    They sure do — and thanks to a particularly effective call to action I ended up here.

    Shame Mindwarp Portals LLC doesn't exist on this side of the flip, but if I take the LOLs seriously maybe I should set it up and claim ownership of a parallel market.

    After all, you've got to speculate to duplicate.

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10056147].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Princess Balestra
    Also, agree with your take on persuasion vs motivation, Alex (and others chiming).

    If we just played to motivation, all we'd sell is bazookas.

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10056154].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Princess Balestra
    Hey — it's getting there, this old speculation thing.

    Guess what we're saying here is that all narrative is a battle for the future, whether it's Batman whupping the Joker's butt or Biro GFY-ing on the other guys.

    No matter how hard we predict, the future remains a void to be filled with the outcome of the kind of hopes and dreams and aspirations and wooty everyone is moving around on the chequered board of the pre-future.

    And you're right, it's no darn good wapping anyone with a mallet. The mallet has to assume the form of the void people wanna fill up.

    If you're bleeding, the void gets filled with the mallet of the bandages you want and need, thanks to some cunning warrior tapping into your preferred solution, and charging an extra few dollars for a fancy name.

    You don't get whumped, you get what you wanted — you don't even see the weilder of the mallet TAKING VERY DELIBERATE AND CAREFULLY CONSIDERED AIM.

    Problem is, with all this stuff competing to fill the void, how do you figure on hanging in there with the copy that does the biz? Or even gets seen?

    TMI demands we all think GFY to 99.9% of the I presented to us, otherwise our brains would swell to the size of whales and level whole continents when they exploded.

    On a sunny day, we don't wander round till dusk going HEY IT'S SUNNY! WOW, ISN'T IT SUNNY! JUST LOOK AT THAT SUN! HEY WOW!

    Our brains filter out all that stuff to prevent a pan-planet tsunami of cerebral fluids drowning all the baby seals.

    Dan Dennett (he of philosophy and beard and 'probably just died now loudmouth Balestra done gone quoted the guy') had it right about another form of narrative in the days before we fixed up the internet.

    Here he is from the mid-90s on dodging the doggerel — and the need for someone to present our flailing synapses with just the stuff they GOTTA HAVE to generate the sensations they crave.

    "John McCarthy, one of the founders of Artificial Intelligence...once suggested to a humanist audience that electronic-mail networks could revolutionize the ecology of the poet. Only a handful of poets can make their living by selling their poems, McCarthy noted, because poetry books are slender, expensive volumes purchased by very few individuals and libraries. But imagine what would happen if poets could put their poems on an international network, where anybody could read them or copy them for a penny, electronically transferred to the poet's royalty account. This could provide a steady source of income for many poets, he surmised. Quite independently of any aesthetic objections poets and poetry-lovers might have to poems embodied in electronic media, the obvious counterhypothesis arises from population memetics. If such a network were established, no poetry-lover would be willing to wade through thousands of electronic files filled with doggerel, looking for the good poems; there would be a niche created for various memes for poetry filters. One could subscribe, for a few pennies, to an editorial service that scanned the infosphere for good poems. Different services, with different critical standards, would flourish, as would services for reviewing all the different services— and services that screened, collected, formatted, and presented the works of the best poets in slender electronic volumes which only a few would purchase. In other words, the memes for editing and criticism will find niches in any environment in the infosphere; they flourish because of the short supply and limited capacity of minds, whatever the transmission media between minds."

    The critical point in any stimulation/action argument is ATTENTION, which is where we started out way back in 1495 with gjabiz's original query.

    In the TMI maelstrom, it pays to bag the attention over the other guy, whether you're dishing with the cure narrative ("Our cocaine-saturated wheat beer will get you so far out of your anxiety crapbox you'll be mainlining the stuff by Friday") or the prevention narrative ("A vote for the Democrats is a vote for Satan and the winged hordes of child-eating monsters! Stop those crazy guys!").

    But, yeah, monkeying with that 8 ball was real dumb.

    Shoulda just gone with a straight list in numerical order and refrained from spawning no subsequent comments penned with the quills of raised eyebrow follicles.

    Who needs THAT kind of attention?

    What good is WTF when there's sunsunsunsunsunsunsunsunsunsunsunsunsunsunsunsunsu nsunsunsunsunsunsunsun...?

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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