450 Clicks, 0 Sales - What Gives? (and I think my funnel is pretty good)
I have a fitness info product and am working on paid traffic.
I know that in the fitness industry, especially with cold traffic, you need to warm up your prospects, so I tried the following presells combined the paid traffic. I have tried the following funnels:
*Solo Ad: I sent a solo ad to my free report page https://www.TheScienceofGettingRipped.com/free-report. When you optin it redirects you to the sales page. No sales
*Media Buy: I'm obsessed with paid traffic so I spent $100 on media buy. But to warm the traffic up, I sent it to a "free quiz" style landing page. It was intended to build their curiousity and warm them up to the sale. The quiz of course led to the sales page. Here it is: https://www.TheScienceofGettingRipped.com/quiz
So I've tested different traffic sources (media buy vs. solo ad from a fitness email list). And I've tried different presell pages (free report redirecting to sales page vs. quiz to sales page)
Here's my actual sales page: https://www.TheScienceofGettingRipped.com/manual
What gives? Is my sales page that bad?
I have tested multiple headlines and am currently testing this one. Will test others of course.
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Andrew Gould
âJudge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.â
― Dalai Lama XIV