Landing Page Critique

Profile picture of CashFlowJunkie
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9 replies
Hello all,

This is my first real attempt at using an IM Sales funnel. I've been reading and watching videos for a couple of months.

I have a small ad running on FB that has generated over 100 people to my landing page...but so far only 2 have opted in.

My FB ad is generating 1 click roughly every 50 views...not sure how great that is for an ad...but my LP seems to be a major issue right now.

I've had 124 people hit my LP, and only 2 opt ins...around 1.5% conversion. That sux!

I have made multiple edits to it after watching lots of videos online...and this is my most recent version. This one is a more bare bones version...short and to the point! No extra clutter, no real pitch...just basic info and button.

The page is in the same format as the rest of the funnel, I wanted to establish a common look early, and make it comfortable as the customer goes through the funnel. Do I need to alter the LP? Is it a big deal if it doesn't look similar to the following pages?

I previously had even more reports in the lead magnet, but felt that it was too much and dropped it down to only 2. One opt in occurred since dropping to 2 reports...the other was when there was more.

Do you think I should have only a single report?

Do I need more copy?

Change colors schemes? Anything would be helpful.

#critique #landing #page
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  • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
    Profile picture of GordonJ
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by CashFlowJunkie View Post

    Hello all,

    This is my first real attempt at using an IM Sales funnel. I've been reading and watching videos for a couple of months.

    I have a small ad running on FB that has generated over 100 people to my landing page...but so far only 2 have opted in.

    My FB ad is generating 1 click roughly every 50 views...not sure how great that is for an ad...but my LP seems to be a major issue right now.

    I've had 124 people hit my LP, and only 2 opt ins...around 1.5% conversion. That sux!

    I have made multiple edits to it after watching lots of videos online...and this is my most recent version. This one is a more bare bones version...short and to the point! No extra clutter, no real pitch...just basic info and button.

    Lose fat fast!

    The page is in the same format as the rest of the funnel, I wanted to establish a common look early, and make it comfortable as the customer goes through the funnel. Do I need to alter the LP? Is it a big deal if it doesn't look similar to the following pages?

    I previously had even more reports in the lead magnet, but felt that it was too much and dropped it down to only 2. One opt in occurred since dropping to 2 reports...the other was when there was more.

    Do you think I should have only a single report?

    Do I need more copy?

    Change colors schemes? Anything would be helpful.

    Where and why are people hitting your small ad on FB? We will have a hard time helping you without knowing the traffic source. What do these people expect to see once they hit your ad link? You, apparently, have a mis-match or disconnect between your ad and your LP. But without knowing where the ad was placed and the type of traffic, any comments you receive will have to be general in nature.

    For me, there is a big disconnect between lifting more and losing weight, is it a diet thing, a weight lifting thing, a paleo thing? I can see why you are not getting opt ins,it is confusing as to what you are offering, but again, who is coming there in the first place?

  • Profile picture of the author Princess Balestra
    Princess Balestra
    Profile picture of Princess Balestra
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    Link u want help with is drownin' in swamp.

    Herein lies U walkabout on land.

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

  • Profile picture of the author SARubin
    Profile picture of SARubin
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    I was about to lay down some wisdom for you. But GordonJ already beat me to it...

    Who is your target market?

    How are you determining what they might want?

    What does your FB ad say, that offers them something they might want?

    Obviously there's a disconnect, if only 1 in 50 people are even clicking on your ad.

    And there's an even bigger disconnect, if less than 2% of the people that do click, are interested in your free download.

    Then, there's the confusing disconnect on your landing page itself...

    At the top, you have a picture of a muscle bound bodybuilder, with the headline "lift more, safely."

    It sounds like you're promoting a new technique for lifting more weight, without injury?

    But, you're giving away a diet book to entice sign-ups?

    I get that most athletes are also concerned with their diets.

    But it's like telling home owners they can increase the value of their homes, and then offering them a free guide for shopping at a furniture store.

    Sure, most people like to have furniture in their home. But it still makes for a confusing advertisement.

    One other thing...

    I have "noscript" installed on my Firefox browser. And when I clicked on your sign up button, it brought me to a 404 "Oops! That page can't be found" page.

    So, that might also hurt your opt-in rate, just a bit.

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    • Profile picture of the author CashFlowJunkie
      Profile picture of CashFlowJunkie
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I will remove the site logo from the top...that should help focus attention on the lead magnet.

      I use the noscript thing a known issue with them?

      Thanks for the input.
      • Profile picture of the author SARubin
        Profile picture of SARubin
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by CashFlowJunkie View Post

        I use the noscript thing a known issue with them?
        It's mostly just a javascript thing ("noscript" blocks javascript on websites, unless I manually allow it, on a per site basis)

        Fortunately for you, only a small percentage of internet users are as paranoid as myself. So while it may affect your response rate a little bit, it's probably not the biggest issue for you to be concerned with.

        Right now, your main concerns should be...

        * Your target market (and how your offer connects to them)
        * The ad(s) you're presenting to that market
        * The congruence of your message - from your ad to your landing page

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  • Profile picture of the author Chris Williamson
    Chris Williamson
    Profile picture of Chris Williamson
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    As the others have said above, it all starts with your target market.

    1) Search through forums of your market and see what challenges, questions and problems are turning up. (Does your lead magnet solve that problem?)

    2) Use a benefit rich headline. If the concern is that they do want to burn fat then you'd be much better positioned to use your bullet as your headline... "Rev up your body's fat burning engine without [some sort of pain].

    3) Tease out some of the content from your book in the bullets.

    Again, all this assumes you're speaking to your target market's needs and problems.

    As a side note, ultra-specific checklists and cheat sheets work really well as lead magnets. People love them because they can extract the value in 5 minutes. The specificity draws in their curiosity.

    Hope that helps.
  • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
    Profile picture of JohnMcCabe
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Assuming you have the market match sorted out, the landing page itself is pretty weak.

    Start with the headline -- "100% FREE eBooks for You!"

    So what? Free ebooks are littered across the Internet. Why should I trade valuable space in my inbox for more free ebooks?

    The copy is also very weak and non-specific, with no real benefits or promise of what i get from these. You can't swing a club without hitting a pitch for the Paleo diet. Why is your's different, other than your affiliate link (I assume)?

    Can I handle eating like a caveman? You haven't told me why I want to. After all, a 30 year old caveman was a senior citizen.

    As for "HIIT It Hard Unleashed", without more explanation, it just looks like a typo.

    "Learn to rev up your body's fat burning engine!" -- what does that have to do with bodybuilding? If you're targeting serious bodybuilders with your ad, I'm guessing that they are much more concerned with building muscle mass and reducing recovery time than revving up their body's fat burning engine.

    Your effort to keep the visual elements consistent is good, and will pay off for you once you get your messaging right.

    Lead magnets should be ultra-specific, addressing one problem that consumers of the lead magnet can get a quick win from. As was mentioned earlier, checklists, cheat sheets, etc make good lead magnets.

    If you are going to continue offering these reports, redo the copy to offer a specific benefit for a specific audience. Make a promise, paint them a picture of what will happen. Offer at least a snippet of proof if you have it. Your CTA is fine.

    In short, make it easier to say yes than to say no. Right now, you're making people work way to hard to figure out why they should opt in.

    Good luck to you.
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