Read This...Make Money

Profile picture of max5ty
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101 replies
Ever wonder why one copywriter drives a Bentley and another barely squeaks by?

One is in demand and the other is begging for work?

Sorry, I couldn't hear you - -

You have?

Ok I thought so. So I'll tell you why...

and by the time you finish reading this you're gonna change the way you write copy and put tons of cash in your bank account.

This is a secret so big that only the A List Copywriters know this. Well, most do, a couple of the big dogs do it by instinct. But since most of us need some learnin on it I'll fill you in.

Ever hear the saying "People buy on emotions and justify it with logic?"

Of course you have. If people just bought on logic we wouldn't need advertising.

With advertising we try to get them emotionally involved with our product.

Logic tells them they can buy a $2000.00 car to get around town. We tell them they would look so much better to their friends and family if they bought a $195,000.00 Bentley Batayga.

We sell them the Bentley...go home to our mansion, prop our feet up by the pool and drink a margarita with a little umbrella in it.

So why are you still trying to sell with logic?

What did you say?

Oh, because that's what the copywriting courses taught you?

AIDA. Attention, interest, desire and action?

That's a good formula but the A list copywriters know it's only a small part of the formula.

Some of us use to be pretty bright...we focused on the benefits and not the features...

the guy wants a hole, not a drill bit.

They want to save memories, not pictures.

But wasn't that just using logic?

What where we missing?

Why were the big guys we all read about making serious cash and our campaigns were falling flat?

Answer: Because the top copywriters in the world know how to sell to a persons emotions.

I'll give you a list of some emotions in a minute...but let's take one that's the most common...anger...

since most of the highest paid copywriters in the world deal with either the financial markets or the health markets, I'll use the health markets as an example...

but before I continue let me say this. The dominant emotion a person has (in this case anger) is always pulled by another emotion. Example, anger can lead to the emotion of revenge which can lead to the emotion of satisfaction, etc. One emotion pushes and another pulls them.

So when we design our sales piece we connect with their anger and then have sympathy for their feeling of revenge, and give them a way to satisfy their emotions.

Bob has been taking a supplement for years and now we're gonna tell him there's lawsuits going on from people that take this. We're gonna sympathize with his anger and his feeling of wanting to get revenge. Then we're gonna give him some satisfaction by offering our product. This method works with anything you're selling, I'm only giving an example.

You always hear test, test, test.

Well what do you test?

The headline?

The deck copy?


How about testing the emotion you're trying to connect to (this comes with understanding your audience).

Maybe your headline is using anger and you should be using betrayal. Maybe your theme is greed and you should be using revenge.

I know this may seem complicated but it's the real secret behind writing copy that makes sales and copy that falls flat.

When you can feel your prospects emotions, you'll write copy that sells.


If anyone wants more info on this I'll be glad to send you a couple free reports on emotions and how to sell to them.

Thanks for taking the time to read this.

I'm trying to keep this short.

I hope this helps.
#money #read #thismake
  • Profile picture of the author SARubin
    Profile picture of SARubin
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Nicely said, max5ty -

    You almost lost me a couple times with the bits of hype and rhetoric. But overall you pulled me in, and kept me interested... right to the end of the piece.

    All the best,

    P.S. Yes, I'd love to take a look at those reports. (Always interested in learning someone else's take on solid strategies)

    Originally Posted by max5ty View Post

    If anyone wants more info on this I'll be glad to send you a couple free reports on emotions and how to sell to them.

    Grow Your Copywriting Skills & Network with Other Copywriting Professionals - Join us at the Copywriters Forum

    • Profile picture of the author max5ty
      Profile picture of max5ty
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      Originally Posted by SARubin View Post

      Nicely said, max5ty -

      You almost lost me a couple times with the bits of hype and rhetoric. But overall you pulled me in, and I read it all... right to the end of the piece.

      All the best,

      P.S. Yes, I'd love to take a look at those reports. (Always interested in learning someone else's take on solid strategies)
      LOL, I lost myself a couple times too.

      Thanks for your feedback.
  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    Profile picture of ryanbiddulph
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    All about those feelings Max, for sure.

    I genuinely envision myself in folk's shoes as much as possible before I write anything. Being compassionate is totally underrated in the copy game, because when you are compassionate, the prospect becomes a person, and you feel their pain, embrace their fears and feast on their excitement too. So much easier to succeed when you connect deeply with folks you are writing for.

    Good job buddy.

    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
  • Profile picture of the author ThePromotionalGuy
    Profile picture of ThePromotionalGuy
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hellor max5ty,

    Originally Posted by max5ty View Post

    I know this may seem complicated but it's the real secret behind writing copy that makes sales and copy that falls flat.

    When you can feel your prospects emotions, you'll write copy that sells.


    I can't begin to tell you the amount of rubbish I have to rewrite for clients who want to use "Sales Data Sheets", to sway busy, spending conscious project managers and sales engineers into buying their latest tech devices.

    Here's an example of the first sentence on three different data sheets emailed to me by a client last week:

    "Zero Touch Provisioning is delivered with the BCD104SD-1026P-SSP."

    What a show stopper that line is...

    ...I was on the edge of my seat.

    Whomever wrote that line, thought it was such a conversation starter, they used it on all three, different tech device, data sheets, and the only thing they changed was the serial number.

    Client says: "I can't understand why no one is buying our bundle packages! We give them all the details in our data sheets. It should be obvious."

    I explained to the client, your buyers are busy and receiving that information will only sit on their desk. From a glance it must get their attention, regardless that this is a B2B sales process. I also reminded them, their prospects are ALWAYS trying to cut costs and reduce any labor expenses.

    What their original copy writer overlooked, buried down on page three, of each data sheet, was this piece of Intel:

    "go from, 8 minutes per camera, to instant set up, this bundle can
    save up to 3+ hours of labor costs for a full 24 camera project site."

    It's one thing when the copy writer doesn't know this information, but when it is in black and white, right on the data sheet itself, tells me the person who created this did not understand the power of emotional sales attention.

    Originally Posted by max5ty View Post

    If anyone wants more info on this I'll be glad to send you a couple free reports on emotions and how to sell to them.

    Thanks for taking the time to read this.

    I'm trying to keep this short.

    I hope this helps.
    I would be interested in your reports and thank you for offering them.

    • Profile picture of the author max5ty
      Profile picture of max5ty
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by ThePromotionalGuy View Post

      Hellor max5ty,


      I can't begin to tell you the amount of rubbish I have to rewrite for clients who want to use "Sales Data Sheets", to sway busy, spending conscious project managers and sales engineers into buying their latest tech devices.

      Here's an example of the first sentence on three different data sheets emailed to me by a client last week:

      "Zero Touch Provisioning is delivered with the BCD104SD-1026P-SSP."

      What a show stopper that line is...

      ...I was on the edge of my seat.

      Whomever wrote that line, thought it was such a conversation starter, they used it on all three, different tech device, data sheets, and the only thing they changed was the serial number.

      Client says: "I can't understand why no one is buying our bundle packages! We give them all the details in our data sheets. It should be obvious."

      I explained to the client, your buyers are busy and receiving that information will only sit on their desk. From a glance it must get their attention, regardless that this is a B2B sales process. I also reminded them, their prospects are ALWAYS trying to cut costs and reduce any labor expenses.

      What their original copy writer overlooked, buried down on page three, of each data sheet, was this piece of Intel:

      "go from, 8 minutes per camera, to instant set up, this bundle can
      save up to 3+ hours of labor costs for a full 24 camera project site."

      It's one thing when the copy writer doesn't know this information, but when it is in black and white, right on the data sheet itself, tells me the person who created this did not understand the power of emotional sales attention.

      Since you write for the B2B market, thought I'd pass this along.

      Having been a successful business owner yourself, I'm sure you are more than qualified to write for this market.

      I read a lot of things but a couple weeks ago I read the Makepeace blog again. I always thought he was pretty interesting. He doesn't write the blog anymore but it's still interesting to read his old stuff.

      Anyways, you might have seen this post before but it sheds a lot of light on copywriters in the B2B market.

      A Candid Conversation with B2B Marketing Ace BOB BLY |
      • Profile picture of the author ThePromotionalGuy
        Profile picture of ThePromotionalGuy
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Hellor max5ty,

        Originally Posted by max5ty View Post

        Since you write for the B2B market, thought I'd pass this along.

        Having been a successful business owner yourself, I'm sure you are more than qualified to write for this market.

        I read a lot of things but a couple weeks ago I read the Makepeace blog again. I always thought he was pretty interesting. He doesn't write the blog anymore but it's still interesting to read his old stuff.

        Anyways, you might have seen this post before but it sheds a lot of light on copywriters in the B2B market.

        A Candid Conversation with B2B Marketing Ace BOB BLY |
        For the record I'm still a business owner, but I no longer have employees.

        The interesting thing about B2B, especially IT firms, every client I come across; thinks direct response or persuasive emotional writing doesn't work in the IT industry because they see it as cheesy and salesy.

        But once they test one of my emotional or persuasive pieces, a sales letter/brochure/article and they get a response back or a lead from the piece, they slowly become believers. They are a resistant bunch though.

        I love Makepeace and I still go back to his site often. I connect with Bob Bly. Each of us has technical backgrounds, but then moved over to copy writing.

  • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
    Profile picture of GordonJ
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    Originally Posted by max5ty View Post

    With advertising we try to get them emotionally involved with our product.

    AIDA. Attention, interest, desire and action?

    That's a good formula but the A list copywriters know it's only a small part of the formula.

    Answer: Because the top copywriters in the world know how to sell to a persons emotions.

    When you can feel your prospects emotions, you'll write copy that sells.


    If anyone wants more info on this I'll be glad to send you a couple free reports on emotions and how to sell to them.

    Thanks for taking the time to read this.

    I'm trying to keep this short.

    I hope this helps.
    Thanks Max5ty, I would like to read your reports too.

    One thing in AIDCAS formula of old world salesmanship was HOW and WHO you learned it from.

    I was fortunate enough to have a mentor who knew and applied what you are discussing, and he taught me that emotion, and choosing the right one for the target, began (and often ended with) the Pre-Occupational Interrupter used at the ATTENTION Intersection.

    I suspect many sales are made in the first few seconds of the promotion

    Getting to a prospect's issue, and ringing that bell with a solution, has indeed produced gold for the people who have used their knowledge of Emotional Appeals.

    I look forward to seeing further discussion on the subject.

    • Profile picture of the author max5ty
      Profile picture of max5ty
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

      Thanks Max5ty, I would like to read your reports too.

      One thing in AIDCAS formula of old world salesmanship was HOW and WHO you learned it from.

      I was fortunate enough to have a mentor who knew and applied what you are discussing, and he taught me that emotion, and choosing the right one for the target, began (and often ended with) the Pre-Occupational Interrupter used at the ATTENTION Intersection.

      I suspect many sales are made in the first few seconds of the promotion

      Getting to a prospect's issue, and ringing that bell with a solution, has indeed produced gold for the people who have used their knowledge of Emotional Appeals.

      I look forward to seeing further discussion on the subject.

      I agree most sales are made pretty quick.

      Another thing I agree with you on (as I do most things) is I read the link in your signature and I totally agree about having your own product.

      If you can take your own product and make it a whiz bang thing, you won't have any problem taking someone else's and doing the same thing.

      You're one of those old school copywriters that know what you're talking about.

      Thanks for your comment.
  • Profile picture of the author Taburete
    Profile picture of Taburete
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thanks for the great info. There are quotes like the one you shared: "People buy on emotions and justify it with logic" that are so good I have to start printing them or something.

    If anyone wants more info on this I'll be glad to send you a couple free reports on emotions and how to sell to them.
    Please do! I'd love to learn more about this.

    Thank you for the contribution.
  • Profile picture of the author max5ty
    Profile picture of max5ty
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Here's something from Clayton Makepeace.

    Hopefully you all know who he is. The highest paid copywriter around.

    This is an interesting read:

    The Simple Secret That Turns Good Copy Into GREAT Copy |
  • Profile picture of the author Princess Balestra
    Princess Balestra
    Profile picture of Princess Balestra
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    Originally Posted by max5ty View Post

    If anyone wants more info on this I'll be glad to send you a couple free reports on emotions and how to sell to them.

    Send 'em on over, Sweetiepoppet.

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

  • Profile picture of the author Wawriterslife
    Profile picture of Wawriterslife
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    Your thesis does in fact works very well, though sadly because of this kinds of presentation and selling tactics that leads the buyers to think it's an answer to their dilemma, but in reality the seller/promoter doesn't care and just pull any tricks to make a sell. This result in the buyer to feeling even worst because they were led to something that's for the most part does not solve the problem but only a lie told by a great player of emotion and his talented art of selling: "We're gonna sympathize with his anger and his feeling of wanting to get revenge. Then we're gonna give him some satisfaction by offering our product."

    I make good money selling with respects, honesty, and care about the effects it has on the customer as a result. Honesty goes a long way, it creates trust, and brings return customers repeatedly looking for more because I do present with straight forwardness and my customers can feel the benefits, the results are when you offer someone truthfully, though it's slower in selling point, but slowly I build a customer base, a good bunch of great customers happy to continue with their purchases of my selling. Your selling strategies only works as a "hit and run" and has no return customers because after the facts they eventually realized they've been fooled. Do you think they will come back for more?

    In conclusion, happy customers are repeat customers, and with repeat customers "Residual Income" grows. Tricks and lies to make a quick buck, but would not last!

    My name is Victor. I just taught you back that lesson!!!
    • Profile picture of the author SARubin
      Profile picture of SARubin
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      So Victor, what's wrong with using honesty AND emotion in a sales pitch?

      If you truly believe that your product can help improve someone's life, then aren't you doing them an injustice by NOT presenting it in the best way possible? A way that allows them to see (and feel) the benefit to themselves?

      You claim to only use respect and honesty in your selling (and I applaud you for that), but yet you see a technique for writing sales copy and instantly assume it's being used in a dishonest or unethical way.

      Perhaps you're confusing technique with intent?

      A technique is neither virtuous nor deceptive... only the intent makes it so.

      Originally Posted by Wawriterslife View Post

      Your thesis does in fact works very well, though sadly because of this kinds of presentation and selling tactics that leads the buyers to think it's an answer to their dilemma, but in reality the seller/promoter doesn't care and just pull any tricks to make a sell. This result in the buyer to feeling even worst because they were led to something that's for the most part does not solve the problem but only a lie told by a great player of emotion and his talented art of selling: "We're gonna sympathize with his anger and his feeling of wanting to get revenge. Then we're gonna give him some satisfaction by offering our product."

      I make good money selling with respects, honesty, and care about the effects it has on the customer as a result. Honesty goes a long way, it creates trust, and brings return customers repeatedly looking for more because I do present with straight forwardness and my customers can feel the benefits, the results are when you offer someone truthfully, though it's slower in selling point, but slowly I build a customer base, a good bunch of great customers happy to continue with their purchases of my selling. Your selling strategies only works as a "hit and run" and has no return customers because after the facts they eventually realized they've been fooled. Do you think they will come back for more?

      In conclusion, happy customers are repeat customers, and with repeat customers "Residual Income" grows. Tricks and lies to make a quick buck, but would not last!

      My name is Victor. I just taught you back that lesson!!!

      Grow Your Copywriting Skills & Network with Other Copywriting Professionals - Join us at the Copywriters Forum

    • Profile picture of the author mikebeatty
      Profile picture of mikebeatty
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      Great response, building a good solid base slowly is going to be good in the long run! I do think it could be a bit of a mix thought to pull people in with emotions but keep them with honesty and integrity,

      There doesn't have to be any tricks or lies.

      Great thoughts though!

  • Profile picture of the author affmarketer101
    Profile picture of affmarketer101
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    In general, people are making purchase by emotions, not logic, right?
  • Profile picture of the author Jenifer1420
    Profile picture of Jenifer1420
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I naturally envision myself in folk's shoes as much as possible before I write somthing. Being compassionate is fully underrated in the copy game, because when you are compassionate, the prospect becomes a person, and you feel their pain, embrace their fears and feast on their excitement too. So much easier to succeed when you connect deeply with folks you are writing for.
  • Profile picture of the author rlsturk
    Profile picture of rlsturk
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    If anyone wants more info on this I'll be glad to send you a couple free reports on emotions and how to sell to them.
    very informative, thank you so much
    kindly sent me report i want to see them.

    thank again
  • Profile picture of the author emarketingdailycom
    Profile picture of emarketingdailycom
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    thanks for this thread, following
    • Profile picture of the author max5ty
      Profile picture of max5ty
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      Originally Posted by Jenifer1420 View Post

      I naturally envision myself in folk's shoes as much as possible before I write somthing. Being compassionate is fully underrated in the copy game, because when you are compassionate, the prospect becomes a person, and you feel their pain, embrace their fears and feast on their excitement too. So much easier to succeed when you connect deeply with folks you are writing for.
      Sounds like you truly get it.

      Originally Posted by Princess Balestra View Post

      Send 'em on over, Sweetiepoppet.
      Hmmm, haven't ever been called that. Only you can come up with some of the words you do lol. I love reading your posts.

      Originally Posted by affmarketer101 View Post

      In general, people are making purchase by emotions, not logic, right?
      Yes, they buy with their emotions and justify it with logic.

      Originally Posted by emarketingdailycom View Post

      thanks for this thread, following
      Thanks for the kind words.
      • Profile picture of the author Princess Balestra
        Princess Balestra
        Profile picture of Princess Balestra
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        Originally Posted by max5ty View Post

        Hmmm, haven't ever been called that. Only you can come up with some of the words you do lol. I love reading your posts.

        An' there was I, thinkin' I be but a harpy screechin' away to herself in the Void.

        Anyways -- neato report.

        Thx for sharin'.

        Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

  • Profile picture of the author tryinhere
    Profile picture of tryinhere
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    If anyone wants more info on this I'll be glad to send you a couple free reports on emotions and how to sell to them.

    I would like a copy please. Regards & Thank You Pete
    | > Choosing to go off the grid for a while to focus on family, work and life in general. Have a great 2020 < |
    • Profile picture of the author tryinhere
      Profile picture of tryinhere
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      Originally Posted by tryinhere View Post

      I would like a copy please. Regards & Thank You Pete
      Thank you max5ty, seen a lot of these types of word lists over the years, but never one with this much work and detail, probably the best I have seen, and your giving it away here, don't be surprised if they are lining up back past the bus shelter all looking to get a copy before you shut this down.

      | > Choosing to go off the grid for a while to focus on family, work and life in general. Have a great 2020 < |
  • Profile picture of the author splitTest
    Profile picture of splitTest
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    Originally Posted by max5ty View Post

    but before I continue let me say this. The dominant emotion a person has (in this case anger) is always pulled by another emotion. Example, anger can lead to the emotion of revenge which can lead to the emotion of satisfaction, etc. One emotion pushes and another pulls them.
    Great insight -- a reminder to be thorough -- grab them by the emotion and walk them toward relief (in the form of buying your product). Would love to see that free report. Thanks!
  • Profile picture of the author vegaspro
    Profile picture of vegaspro
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I would like a copy please, thank you!
  • Profile picture of the author cecilia@billion
    Profile picture of cecilia@billion
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    thanks for the great sharing, what an eye opening for me! i would love to have the copy of the report also please...
  • Profile picture of the author Patrik on holidays
    Patrik on holidays
    Profile picture of Patrik on holidays
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Caught us in, so your idea works great. Would love to check the reports!
  • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
    Profile picture of DWolfe
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Like to see your report Max5ty, sounds like a great product. Can incorparte a few ideas in a sales page for a product being sold.

    You can earn 10% average annual returns on your investments -
  • Profile picture of the author Kids Love
    Kids Love
    Profile picture of Kids Love
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    great thank, I'm looking for some topic like that
  • Profile picture of the author MClendenen
    Profile picture of MClendenen
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I would like a copy!
  • Profile picture of the author ClaudiaStagner
    Profile picture of ClaudiaStagner
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I naturally envision myself in folk's shoes as much as you can before I write somthing. Being compassionate is fully underrated in the replicate match, because when you're compassionate, the prospect becomes a person, and you feel their pain, embrace their anxieties and feast on their own excitement too. So a lot easier to succeed when you connect deeply with people you're writing for.
  • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
    Mark Singletary
    Profile picture of Mark Singletary
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    Put me on the list of those wanting to see your stuff.

  • Profile picture of the author max5ty
    Profile picture of max5ty
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thanks everyone for your comments.

    A couple things:

    I hear a lot about swipe files. I'm a big believer in them...I have a huge collection and I often look it over for inspiration...

    but the problem with taking a swipe and copying it almost word for word is that you may not be selling to the same emotion the swipe was. It may be selling to the emotion of fear and the product you have is more geared toward greed. So it won't work. Something to keep in mind.

    Also, remember most of the controls of copywriters from the past have all been beaten. Try to find the copy that beat those controls for your swipe file also.

    The study of emotions in buying is a mega undertaking by the world's biggest companies. They spend billions getting it right.

    Here's an article that explains a little more from Harvard Business Review:

    And here's a cool website someone showed me. It gives away some free reports, including trigger words for emotions. Have a look. I'm not affiliated with the site.

    Again thanks for the comments.

    If anyone has any other info on selling using emotions, I'd love to see you post a thread. I'm always learning.
  • Profile picture of the author JohnVianny
    Profile picture of JohnVianny
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thank you!
    Very interesting, give me the report
  • Profile picture of the author ehlee
    Profile picture of ehlee
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Great post! Marketers need to target human nature. Agree with the emotional aspect. It works most of the time depending on who your target market is.
    • Profile picture of the author max5ty
      Profile picture of max5ty
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by ehlee View Post

      Great post! Marketers need to target human nature. Agree with the emotional aspect. It works most of the time depending on who your target market is.
      As far as I know, it always works.

      Haven't ever found a time when it doesn't work.

      If I'm wrong, retailers wouldn't be spending millions trying to study it.
  • Profile picture of the author Mitchell White
    Mitchell White
    Profile picture of Mitchell White
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I'd love a copy of the report please!
  • Profile picture of the author Robert Rise
    Robert Rise
    Profile picture of Robert Rise
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    thanks a lot!
  • Profile picture of the author RichardLoweJr
    Profile picture of RichardLoweJr
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thanks for the information. I'd love to see your reports.
  • Profile picture of the author Shamir Wilkes
    Shamir Wilkes
    Profile picture of Shamir Wilkes
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I enjoyed this particular copy and yes you hooked me during the opening statement.

    I would like more info on how to write great copy that sells and doesn't go flat.
  • Profile picture of the author unbelievablecashsecret
    Profile picture of unbelievablecashsecret
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I have learnt a lot. Thanks
  • Profile picture of the author arshialko
    Profile picture of arshialko
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thanks for the nice info.
  • Profile picture of the author JimPreston
    Profile picture of JimPreston
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I support.I also interested in your reports.
  • Profile picture of the author tcx
    Profile picture of tcx
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Great article, would you send me the reports?
  • Profile picture of the author Imyfun
    Profile picture of Imyfun
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    u have to know that u ar the Best
  • Profile picture of the author sunshinecashmachine49
    Profile picture of sunshinecashmachine49
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Having been doing some copywriting here and there, I love reading posts like this and getting that refresher on what to do and how to say it, you know! Appreciate this post
  • Profile picture of the author Deflo
    Profile picture of Deflo
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    mmmmmm.... seems interesting, can I have these reports please?

    Thank you very much, bye.

  • Profile picture of the author Coloradorr
    Profile picture of Coloradorr
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    There are quotes like the one you shared: "People buy on emotions and justify it with logic" that are so good I have to start printing them or something.
    Thanks for the great info.
  • Profile picture of the author TopEssayServices
    Profile picture of TopEssayServices
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thank you for this wonderful information . i like very much for this article
  • Profile picture of the author behomebased
    Profile picture of behomebased
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    Sent a PM that basically says I'd love to read your reports.
    Thanks for your contribution to this forum.

    All the best to you,
    • Profile picture of the author Alex Cohen
      Alex Cohen
      Profile picture of Alex Cohen
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      The list of emotions above is incomplete.

      According to the author, the list below "is probably the best representation of the full spectrum of human needs which can be met by purchasing a given product or service"...

      Adwords Marketing Muscle

      • Profile picture of the author Princess Balestra
        Princess Balestra
        Profile picture of Princess Balestra
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by Alex Cohen View Post

        The list of emotions above is incomplete.

        According to the author, the list below "is probably the best representation of the full spectrum of human needs which can be met by purchasing a given product or service"...

        Adwords Marketing Muscle



        Always so little for megalomaniacal demonspawn intent on ultimate self-destruction, post-Apocalypse.

        No wonder that target niche is statistically more likely to crack off an' destroy the Cosmos.

        Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

        • Profile picture of the author max5ty
          Profile picture of max5ty
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Originally Posted by Princess Balestra View Post

          No wonder that target niche is statistically more likely to crack off an' destroy the Cosmos.
          Do you have a theory on when this will happen?
          • Profile picture of the author Princess Balestra
            Princess Balestra
            Profile picture of Princess Balestra
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Originally Posted by max5ty View Post

            Do you have a theory on when this will happen?
            My numerologist says there is a THREE involved -- but she said much the same thing 'bout my (as yet unmanifested) triplets an' the available openings in my Christmas 2017 reindeer panties (which ain't sayin' much cos like 2 legs, 1 body area).

            Thing is, whatever emotions figure in the deal, always they gotta cover the past-present-fyooture spectrum.

            Fyootyure stuffs removes the anxiety an' promises cool steps forward.

            Past stuffs maintain integrity an' demonstrate overcomin' challenges.

            An' the present is the massage therapy kinda makes evrythin' look an' feel OK.

            Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

      • Profile picture of the author max5ty
        Profile picture of max5ty
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by Alex Cohen View Post

        The list of emotions above is incomplete.

        According to the author, the list below "is probably the best representation of the full spectrum of human needs which can be met by purchasing a given product or service"...

        Adwords Marketing Muscle

        The list is almost exhaustive when it comes to emotions.

        The list I gave is most of the reasons your prospect buys.

        Big retailers use the most common emotions. When tons of dollars are spent on an ad campaign, it's a waste of time to focus on the trivial emotions that only a minority of people have when it comes to purchasing something.

        Keep up your research though, you'll hit it big soon I'm sure.

        Thanks for your comment.
  • Profile picture of the author PaulLanders
    Profile picture of PaulLanders
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I do not think that most people reading this will go to "make big money," but in reality there is something that clings
  • Profile picture of the author roadto3k
    Profile picture of roadto3k
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hey max5ty,

    Very nice post. Got me hooked from the first paragraph! Would gladly like the report/ case study to learn more about it.

  • Profile picture of the author mikebeatty
    Profile picture of mikebeatty
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Max,

    This is great thanks for sharing!

    I'd love to take a look at those reports if that's ok with you?

  • Profile picture of the author mikebeatty
    Profile picture of mikebeatty
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    My short free e-book includes:

    - 4 tips to improve your health right now
    - 3 tips to improve your success right now
    - The big 5 areas that affect our happiness

    -Plus the biggest secret the most successful people know

    Can you think of a tagline (on emotions) that you think would be good to encourage people to sign up for it?
    • Profile picture of the author max5ty
      Profile picture of max5ty
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by mikebeatty View Post

      My short free e-book includes:

      - 4 tips to improve your health right now
      - 3 tips to improve your success right now
      - The big 5 areas that affect our happiness

      -Plus the biggest secret the most successful people know

      Can you think of a tagline (on emotions) that you think would be good to encourage people to sign up for it?
      Thanks for your question.

      Sorry it took so long to answer but I've been busy.

      I clicked the link in your sig...really no emotion there as you prob already know. I doubt you have many takers even for a free thingy.

      Couple things:

      In the 70's a guy started Boardroom Inc. It became a mega it's, it's the most widely read consumer newsletter around. They had and have some of the best copywriters to sell their stuff.

      Look it over. It's a great place for swipes. You should get a load of ideas for your project.

      Also, another thing to consider...and I've been a proponent of this forever...

      before you start any campaign, you need to identify it with something original. It's what makes or breaks your bottom line.

      Read a little thing not too long ago about getting your big idea. It sums up so much of what most great copywriters know.

      I got it for free. I believe he's selling it but also giving it away free if you sign up for his webinar...not sure how he's working it.

      Anyways, google "how to find your big marketing idea by todd brown", and read the short report. It will help you with your sales.

      Congrats on doing something. Most never get as far as you have.
  • Profile picture of the author emre topcu
    emre topcu
    Profile picture of emre topcu
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    If you are teen and you need some money,you should buy books and sell them more,Second you can join the seremonies about making money and the last one is you can repair the old sofa and you can sell them expensive. If you check more,these links can help you.

  • Profile picture of the author souf arhlabi
    souf arhlabi
    Profile picture of souf arhlabi
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Lol as you were reading in my thoughts
  • Profile picture of the author LuiggiC
    Profile picture of LuiggiC
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    @max5ty Thank you a lot for this.
  • Profile picture of the author Caroline White
    Caroline White
    Profile picture of Caroline White
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Very well said. Much appreciated and totally a new dimension. Yes I will be interested in the reports. Please send me as well
  • Profile picture of the author itstrisha
    Profile picture of itstrisha
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    This is really impressive! Thanks for sharing such information
  • Profile picture of the author bethpridgen
    Profile picture of bethpridgen
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    If you're teenager and you need a little cash,you sell them more and should buy books,about earning money, Second you can join the seremonies and the last one is the sofa can be repaired by you and you can sell them expensive. You can be helped by these links if you check more.
  • Profile picture of the author ClaudiaStagner
    Profile picture of ClaudiaStagner
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I envision myself in people's shoes. You feel their pain, and being compassionate is completely underrated in the replicate match, because when you're compassionate, the prospect becomes a person, embrace their fears and feast on their own excitement too. So a lot easier to succeed when you connect deeply with folks you're searching for.
  • Profile picture of the author Bioneer
    Profile picture of Bioneer
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I would like to have reports too, thx.
  • Profile picture of the author farenexus 1
    farenexus 1
    Profile picture of farenexus 1
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Good to read about your report !!
  • Profile picture of the author couponsrani
    Profile picture of couponsrani
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    nice job Really interesting. liked it.
  • Profile picture of the author spartan14
    Profile picture of spartan14
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I agree emotion its the most important triger in mind people its act on subconstient mind who act on 95% on our actions

    Admin note: Affiliate links are not allowed in paid user sigs

  • Profile picture of the author M Akbar Khan
    M Akbar Khan
    Profile picture of M Akbar Khan
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thanks for the post, I would love to see the reports on emotions and how to sell them.

  • Profile picture of the author bethpridgen
    Profile picture of bethpridgen
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    If you're teen and you want some cash,you need to purchase books and sell them more,Second you can join the seremonies about making money and the last one is you can repair the old couch and you may sell them more expensive. These links can help you, if you check more.
  • Profile picture of the author ELancer BD
    ELancer BD
    Profile picture of ELancer BD
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Good Job, max5ty
    it's very much helpful article for every online money makers.

  • Profile picture of the author mknits
    Profile picture of mknits
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Excellent writeup. As a newbie copywriter, this is extremely helpful for me. Thanks.

    I would love to read your reports on emotions. Thanks again.
  • Profile picture of the author sftslab
    Profile picture of sftslab
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thanks for sharing this information
  • Profile picture of the author sangoanphatran
    Profile picture of sangoanphatran
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    tks 4 share bro,it very helpful for me, tks again
  • Profile picture of the author Sidiropoulos
    Profile picture of Sidiropoulos
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Great content! Am i too late for the cookie?
  • Profile picture of the author jessicamorgan
    Profile picture of jessicamorgan
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Very well-written. You are pretty much successful in keeping readers engaged throughout your writing and I believe major reason is the use of attention-grabbers in your writer. Personalized tone helps engaging the reader. I have a hair salon and Content Development Pros manages my blog and other writing stuff and the exact thing I have observed in their writing too. To the point, engaging, attention-grabbing followed by advice in the end.
  • Profile picture of the author Coderunclebkk
    Profile picture of Coderunclebkk
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    That's a wonderful post. Thanks for the knowledge.
  • Profile picture of the author lee_dsp
    Profile picture of lee_dsp
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Great post! I'm in the eCommerce niche and a lot of newcomers have no idea of the importance of copywriting and language in the sales process. My background is in linguistics so I find this whole thing incredibly fascinating. I'd love to get my hands on any more material you have on this topic!
  • Profile picture of the author Jared White
    Jared White
    Profile picture of Jared White
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    wow the way you broke it down was amazing. kudos
  • Profile picture of the author mmlux
    Profile picture of mmlux
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Yes, thanks for very useful information!
    I'm interested in your reports as well.
  • Profile picture of the author giulio74
    Profile picture of giulio74
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    thank you for sharing this
    I'm interested in reading your report to learn more
  • Profile picture of the author sanesnow
    Profile picture of sanesnow
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    I am just getting back on these forums and already seeing a lot of quality threads being posted now a days. To be honest, the quality of these forums have vastly improved since the last time I was here.
  • Profile picture of the author Tedel
    Profile picture of Tedel
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Congratulations for the subject line. You made me click without thinking it twice.
    Author of Heptagrama. PM for my SEO service offer.
  • Profile picture of the author Warez Activity
    Warez Activity
    Profile picture of Warez Activity
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    great way
    maybe all of us should try this
  • Profile picture of the author deanjeffery
    Profile picture of deanjeffery
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by max5ty View Post

    Ever wonder why one copywriter drives a Bentley and another barely squeaks by?

    One is in demand and the other is begging for work?

    Sorry, I couldn't hear you - -

    You have?

    Ok I thought so. So I'll tell you why...

    and by the time you finish reading this you're gonna change the way you write copy and put tons of cash in your bank account.

    This is a secret so big that only the A List Copywriters know this. Well, most do, a couple of the big dogs do it by instinct. But since most of us need some learnin on it I'll fill you in.

    Ever hear the saying "People buy on emotions and justify it with logic?"

    Of course you have. If people just bought on logic we wouldn't need advertising.

    With advertising we try to get them emotionally involved with our product.

    Logic tells them they can buy a $2000.00 car to get around town. We tell them they would look so much better to their friends and family if they bought a $195,000.00 Bentley Batayga.

    We sell them the Bentley...go home to our mansion, prop our feet up by the pool and drink a margarita with a little umbrella in it.

    So why are you still trying to sell with logic?

    What did you say?

    Oh, because that's what the copywriting courses taught you?

    AIDA. Attention, interest, desire and action?

    That's a good formula but the A list copywriters know it's only a small part of the formula.

    Some of us use to be pretty bright...we focused on the benefits and not the features...

    the guy wants a hole, not a drill bit.

    They want to save memories, not pictures.

    But wasn't that just using logic?

    What where we missing?

    Why were the big guys we all read about making serious cash and our campaigns were falling flat?

    Answer: Because the top copywriters in the world know how to sell to a persons emotions.

    I'll give you a list of some emotions in a minute...but let's take one that's the most common...anger...

    since most of the highest paid copywriters in the world deal with either the financial markets or the health markets, I'll use the health markets as an example...

    but before I continue let me say this. The dominant emotion a person has (in this case anger) is always pulled by another emotion. Example, anger can lead to the emotion of revenge which can lead to the emotion of satisfaction, etc. One emotion pushes and another pulls them.

    So when we design our sales piece we connect with their anger and then have sympathy for their feeling of revenge, and give them a way to satisfy their emotions.

    Bob has been taking a supplement for years and now we're gonna tell him there's lawsuits going on from people that take this. We're gonna sympathize with his anger and his feeling of wanting to get revenge. Then we're gonna give him some satisfaction by offering our product. This method works with anything you're selling, I'm only giving an example.

    You always hear test, test, test.

    Well what do you test?

    The headline?

    The deck copy?


    How about testing the emotion you're trying to connect to (this comes with understanding your audience).

    Maybe your headline is using anger and you should be using betrayal. Maybe your theme is greed and you should be using revenge.

    I know this may seem complicated but it's the real secret behind writing copy that makes sales and copy that falls flat.

    When you can feel your prospects emotions, you'll write copy that sells.


    If anyone wants more info on this I'll be glad to send you a couple free reports on emotions and how to sell to them.

    Thanks for taking the time to read this.

    I'm trying to keep this short.

    I hope this helps.

    Awesome! I'm really impressed with your writing. Great piece and well said throughout.
  • Profile picture of the author poweredspeaker
    Profile picture of poweredspeaker
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    This is really very great post with lots of information in it. This is useful guide for making money.
  • Profile picture of the author AndreiMorariu
    Profile picture of AndreiMorariu
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I would love to have those free reports you are talking about. Great post dude, thank you!

    Emotion-driven sales copy with a genuinely helpful/great product to sell is the ticket to a life of abundance and financial freedom in my books
  • Profile picture of the author Ilmu Digital
    Ilmu Digital
    Profile picture of Ilmu Digital
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    hello friends can you give me, some free reports about emotions and how to sell them.

    via email?
  • Profile picture of the author acopson
    Profile picture of acopson
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Really useful and helpful advice, I would also be interested in those reports if that is OK.

    Many thanks
  • Profile picture of the author kohjihondrade
    Profile picture of kohjihondrade
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I read it twice just to make sure I got it. And that's a mistake. Now I am hooked. This is the kind of content I would definitely read and get inspiration from. Well done.
  • Profile picture of the author manthony
    Profile picture of manthony
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Great piece... you had me, lost me, and got me back... I would like to take you up on your offer... Thank you!

    Originally Posted by max5ty View Post

    If anyone wants more info on this I'll be glad to send you a couple free reports on emotions and how to sell to them..
  • Profile picture of the author Kristijan Stevanovic
    Kristijan Stevanovic
    Profile picture of Kristijan Stevanovic
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

    The words you are using take no sense.. But there are powerful words that kept me reading whole post. So i believe in you point.

    Would be great if i can get that free reports on emotions.

    Thank you friend.

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