Can I post my.... in this forum... to get feedback from you guys?

1 replies
Hello Everbody

I don't know if I can post my emails in this email because I am new to this forum

To get some feedback from you guys because I am learning email marketing right now

And I noticed that the smartest way to learn it is to write emails every day and get feedback about them

So, Can I post my emails in this forum? And Can you give me feedback about them?
#feedback #forum #guys #post
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Did you read the forum rules?

    The answer to your question is: it depends

    if you have a few paragraphs from emails you've written, you could post and ask for critiques. That would be a one time or very occasional 'thing' - not a daily or weekly review. No product names, no links, etc.

    One thing to consider - when members here take the time to review writing, they can be outspoken and blunt. Often that's the best help you can find but you must be able to accept critical comments.
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