Do you listen to music when you write copy? Or you write in total silence?

Profile picture of londonprince
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
62 replies
Just wondering what's others views on this
#copy #listen #music #silence #total #write
  • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
    Profile picture of GordonJ
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    Originally Posted by londonprince View Post

    Just wondering what's others views on this
    This guy, who had an office next to mine, would dim the lights and put on classical music, he seemed to like LARGO. I was listening to soft rock, and he said one day, when you sing along, even just subconsciously, nodding your head or tapping your feet, it is distracting you from writing.

    I tried some Vivaldi, and my copy got better. For what it is worth, you want the music to drown out noise, but not to be a distraction.


    PS In complete silence I have trouble keeping the NOISE inside my head quiet.
  • Profile picture of the author Profit Moji
    Profit Moji
    Profile picture of Profit Moji
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    I write in silence,

    If some other noise is distracting me while I'm writing/working, I'd plug in my earphones and listen to some minimal techno/trance music
  • Profile picture of the author dbarnum
    Profile picture of dbarnum
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    I jot down basics in silence - tentative opening attention grabber idea or 2, basic outline with main bullet points that I'll focus on, call to action ideas and summary with upsells, etc.

    Then I take breaks to brainstorm and do fun, stimulating music yoga and include visualizing the above project here with outreach ideas.

    Later, I go back and get to work on the copy. It's a process.

    Once you have nuts and bolts down, have fun with it and fill it out, ie flesh out your copywriting

  • Profile picture of the author starbaby
    Profile picture of starbaby
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    Total silence Copywritng phrases
  • Profile picture of the author King Manu
    King Manu
    Profile picture of King Manu
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    It depends.

    Sometimes I like complete silence, sometimes I prefer to listen to some instrumentals (voices distract me). And if I want extra peace and tranquility, I go for nature sounds on YouTube.
  • Profile picture of the author Jeffery
    Profile picture of Jeffery
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    My wife and I keep an apartment in the city because we both work in the city and we have a house outside the city that is for the weekends.

    The first week in the city apartment we discovered the lady that lives on our left is a screamer and the guy that lives on the right plays loud music.

    They both are really fun people and I introduced them to each other. They spent a lot of time together to put it nicely. For about two months we had to put up with their loud noise from either apartment.

    They ended up getting married and moved to a different city.

    Man I miss those days.
    In the minute it took me to write this post.. someone died of Covid 19. RIP.
    • Profile picture of the author Princess Balestra
      Princess Balestra
      Profile picture of Princess Balestra
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      Originally Posted by Jeffery View Post

      The first week in the city apartment we discovered the lady that lives on our left is a screamer and the guy that lives on the right plays loud music.

      Sounds like a trooly stimulatin' writin' prompt.

      What were you promotin'?

      Tellya, if it was sum kinda Pet De-weeviler, I sure as hell wouldn't wanna be their sorry ass.

      Meantime, my copy dream for 2020 is to oversee the brandin' for an eco-friendly range of kitten-soft diapers while hummin' along to John Zorn's MoonChild.

      Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

  • Profile picture of the author ThePromotionalGuy
    Profile picture of ThePromotionalGuy
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    Hellor londonprince,

    If I'm writing copy, total silence.

    If I'm writing news pieces, total silence.

    If I'm writing landing pages, total silence.

    If I'm writing blogs, total silence.

    If I'm writing a response at the Warrior Forum, heavy metal.

  • Profile picture of the author myob
    Profile picture of myob
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    Usually I have no choice but to just keep on writing during protests, riots, gunshots, screams, sirens, drug raids, low flying helicopters, and background sounds of big city anarchy. Deadlines have top priority.

    "You can't wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club."
    - Jack London
    • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
      Claude Whitacre
      Profile picture of Claude Whitacre
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      Originally Posted by myob View Post

      Usually I have no choice but to just keep on writing during protests, riots, gunshots, screams, sirens, drug raids, low flying helicopters, and background sounds of big city anarchy. Deadlines have top priority.

      "You can't wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club."
      - Jack London
      With me, writing (sales copy, a presentation, or a book) I either do it in silence or with music. Mostly easy listening or soft rock.

      Noise is fine, as long as it isn't someone talking. I just don't want my attention distracted.

      On a related note, when I'm with a customer, I don't want distractions. If a friend walks in, or a doesn't matter. I don't stop selling. If I'm alone in the store, I won't answer the phone (when with a buyer).

      And when I'm writing, or selling, I can't track time. It could be ten minutes or three hours. I look up at the clock when I'm done...and usually I'm surprised. I imagine the rest of us are like that.

      As far as "writer's block" I just start writing. There are usually notes already there to prompt me...but if not, I just start writing. After I vomit out everything I can think of...I start editing......I assume we're all like that.

      But I want every clever little thing I can think of to get on the page, and then I trim.
      One Call Closing book

      “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
  • Profile picture of the author Segedoo
    Profile picture of Segedoo
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    For me, it's with very low classical music ...I enjoy writing sales copy.

    The amazing effect of theta waves on my brain just takes me to a higher realm where I focus deeper and get more productive.

    When I'm gathering data, I can listen to R&B or Jazz - also on low volume.

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  • Profile picture of the author GabriellePeake
    Profile picture of GabriellePeake
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    I can't. I'll write the song lyrics not what I need to write lol But I listen to music when I draw
  • Profile picture of the author Syed Huzaifa
    Syed Huzaifa
    Profile picture of Syed Huzaifa
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    Yeah! I also do this as it gives me some positive vibes, As I also listen to music according to the scenario so it helps me to be in an imaginary world and feels the thing I write, visually.
  • Profile picture of the author Brian Collier
    Brian Collier
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    I actually read once that the early video games have some of the best music to listen to while working, because they were meant to keep you focused on the game.

    I have an hour-long version of the original "Sims" music that I overlaid with some white noise and when I put that thing on, an hour goes by and I don't even notice and I have done 3 times the amount of work as normal.
  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Kay King
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    No music - I end up listening to the music and it is a distraction for me.

    I have a Sound Machine and if there are any noises bothering me - appliances running, etc - I use the 'rain' or 'surf' settings. My version of 'pretty white noise' great.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
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  • Profile picture of the author Jamell
    Profile picture of Jamell
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    Depends on how I feel .I can use both methods .Some people write better in quite places and some need a little music to help them be more creative.Test and see what does and doesn't work.It is all about preference. There are no rules axed in stone .
  • Profile picture of the author skzahidul2
    Profile picture of skzahidul2
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    Yes, I do listen to music at the time of typing and writing. It feels me good.
  • Profile picture of the author Princess Balestra
    Princess Balestra
    Profile picture of Princess Balestra
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    I guess the deal is ... you enhancin' the spirit of sumthin' already exists in your braino

    (eg, I sellin' leatherwear to biker boys ... so this ROCK confirms my HEAVY GASOLINE WOIDS) ...


    you startin' out on ideas an' you wanna SNORT THE ESSENCE of your POTENTIAL CUSTOMER BASE through your EARS ...


    you want zero inflooence bcs your braino too busy for pre-packaged DISTRACTION


    rats ate your playlist.

    Aw, yeah -- bcs they DID.

    Don't sound probable ... an' it certainly ain't desirable ... but those critters transformed the unlikely into the actshwl.

    Jus' by chewin' through from their tangible gnawhole to your virtyool nirvana.

    Tellya, evrywan been nibbled.

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

  • Profile picture of the author DanEv
    Profile picture of DanEv
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    Definitely can turn on some music for getting more energy or putting myself in any other desirable mood. The trick here is not to turn on the familiar tracks as the only wish will be to sing and not to work
  • Profile picture of the author Matthew Stanley
    Matthew Stanley
    Profile picture of Matthew Stanley
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    One of the most successful copywriters I know swears by "binaural beats", which, per his experience as well as sources like Psychology today, strengthen working memory and amplify cognitive connections being made. I'm not one for pseudo scientific jargon, but this guy is *very* prolific and not a BS'er, so I do find it intriguing. Was about to purchase "Wholetones" from Michael Tyrrell (sp?), which is my associate's go-to here ... will report back what I experience if there's interest!
  • Profile picture of the author SEOSenior
    Profile picture of SEOSenior
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    I love listening to alternative rock when writing posts.
  • Profile picture of the author Steve The Copywriter
    Steve The Copywriter
    Profile picture of Steve The Copywriter
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    I can't write a dot if I'm distracted.

    But when I take a break I might play a few tunes which somehow in someway can add a bit of inspiration when I restart hammering away on the old olivetti (and always good to re - edit what I wrote beforehand).



    Doesn't the "ping" on the typewriter distract you?

    No, I've learned to fade it out.

  • Profile picture of the author atmosbob
    Profile picture of atmosbob
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    I do most of my writing in bed in silence. When I'm in my office the music could be anything from Fletcher Henderson to The Nice. Never the radio.
  • Profile picture of the author BouPLy
    Profile picture of BouPLy
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    as for me borth ways are good . so seems depends.
  • Profile picture of the author insightdes
    Profile picture of insightdes
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    I agree with classical / non-verbal music.
  • Profile picture of the author fasibor
    Profile picture of fasibor
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    I write in total silence. Listening to music while writing slows me down. I may end up spending more than 4 hours writing a copy that would take me 2 hours or less.
  • Profile picture of the author hsvdm
    Profile picture of hsvdm
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    For those days when you don't believe in yourself or anything you're working on, turn on a get-positive playlist to drag yourself to work.

    Mine is called "Girl Power." I know that's cheesy.
  • Profile picture of the author mknits
    Profile picture of mknits
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    • Instrumentals on Spotify.
    • Video games music.
    • Binaural beats or subliminals.

    Search for "study music" in Youtube.
  • Profile picture of the author atmosbob
    Profile picture of atmosbob
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    There is a track I listen to occasionally called Barnacle Bill the Sailor. It features Hoagy Carmichael, Bix Beiderbecke, Benny Goodman, Bubber Miley, Tommy Dorsey, Eddie Lang, Gene Krupa and Joe Venuti. It reminds me that even great artists have to compromise sometimes and do crap for money. (I concede it is very popular)
  • Profile picture of the author Lilach Bullock
    Lilach Bullock
    Profile picture of Lilach Bullock
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    I have to write in silence.

    But when I'm trying to blitz through my emails and be super productive I use an app which has "focus" music. I like to think it works :-D
  • Profile picture of the author Ron Mendita
    Ron Mendita
    Profile picture of Ron Mendita
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    I play music in the background at low volume.
  • Profile picture of the author Somit Vishwakarma
    Somit Vishwakarma
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    In silence, because I think that if you keep full concentration on writing, then you write right, it remains in the mind.
  • Profile picture of the author Radcliff
    Profile picture of Radcliff
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    I can never write when there is noise of any kind in the background. For me a peaceful quiet place is the works the best. So music is a big no when it comes to writing. I prefer silence and peace.
  • Profile picture of the author PitchMachine
    Profile picture of PitchMachine
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    Great question. I do both! Depends on what I am working on.
  • Profile picture of the author DaniellaBer
    Profile picture of DaniellaBer
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    It really depends on the mood that I'm in, to be honest. Sometimes I prefer a complete silence as it really lets me put my 100% focus into my writing, however, sometimes I enjoy having music, preferable classical music, in the background--I've found that my copy gets better then.
  • Profile picture of the author AdmanMrWoo
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    Pat Metheny has help me write hundreds of sales letters for all kinds of industries.

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  • Profile picture of the author greatwriter
    Profile picture of greatwriter
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    I need total silence to write.
    No music, no talking.

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  • Profile picture of the author Beckie
    Profile picture of Beckie
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    Music to get in the zone, then silence while I write!
  • Profile picture of the author Billy Ombima
    Billy Ombima
    Profile picture of Billy Ombima
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    I listen to sounds from Brain FM. They help me to focus on the task at hand.
  • Profile picture of the author Naheed
    Profile picture of Naheed
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    Hey Londonprince,
    I write in utter silence. Any noise while writing is annoying and diverts my attention.
    No music, no other noise.
    Even I am supposed to be mentally fresh to create some content. If I feel lazy or sleepy, I don't write as I can't pen down something worthwhile being lazy.
    So copywriting demands full attention (as it has to grab full attention).
  • Profile picture of the author mint tea
    mint tea
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    If I need to do a task that requires high concentration, then I can't listen to music. And not just music. I need complete silence in the room. Even the dog barking outside the window or the noise of traffic can disturb me.

    I can turn on my music if I'm doing some simple routine work. Mostly I do it when I'm not in a hurry because when I listen to music, I do everything longer.

    It would be great if I could turn on a recording that could absorb unnecessary noise, and then there would be silence in the room.
    This is often lacking, especially in the office.
  • Profile picture of the author Zoran CrewNew
    Zoran CrewNew
    Profile picture of Zoran CrewNew
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    You can write and listen if you are able to focus on maximum as is like no music in behind
  • Profile picture of the author IMBizPro
    Profile picture of IMBizPro
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    I like silence most of the time, although occasionally I will play vocal-less electronica or video game music at low volume while writing. I tried working while listening to songs with words but they distract me too much.
  • Profile picture of the author jimjonk276
    Profile picture of jimjonk276
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    Depends on my mood. If I'm at work and struggling to concentrate, I'll usually put my headphones on and start bopping along. House music or drum and bass, usually.
  • Profile picture of the author Teright03
    Profile picture of Teright03
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    When you've done the difficult part of the copywriting process, which is the research, there is nothing that can distract you while you write.
    Music is a great tool for those who can barely get into the right emotional state, the emotional state of the reader.
    Getting into that emotional state is key to make your copy connect deeply with the reader.
    If you've had acting lessons, music is optional.
  • Profile picture of the author AlbertaB
    Profile picture of AlbertaB
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    I prefer total silence. The ideal situation for me is when I'm in nature and it's sunny and everything's calm.
  • Profile picture of the author Gary Floyd
    Gary Floyd
    Profile picture of Gary Floyd
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    Music, usually Organ Live. But if there's lyrics that gets distracting and I have to turn it off. Music also inhibits the revision process because I usually read out loud when I'm making changes.
  • Profile picture of the author WF- Enzo
    WF- Enzo
    Profile picture of WF- Enzo
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    It depends on my mood. In most cases, I prefer the silence but there are times I listen to Queen or classical music (Mozart in particular).
  • Profile picture of the author Peter42
    Profile picture of Peter42
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    I'm a metalhead so I can't really listen to it while writing as it changes my train of thought, and then I can't focus on the task at hand. Instead, I listen to my music when I'm taking a break from writing, it's my way of rewarding myself. For me, silence is key to having complete focus because if I don't have that focus then I feel like I've completely wasted my time.

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  • Profile picture of the author michaelwilson777
    Profile picture of michaelwilson777
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    Actually, I prefer working in silence. But sometimes when I get bored I can switch on lofi hip-hop radio. As well I like to listen to some calm Yung lean music.
  • Profile picture of the author chadnedland
    Profile picture of chadnedland
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    I tend to listen to a background track of peaceful music with a THETA frequency in the background to stimulate creativity.
  • Profile picture of the author thatweirdkid
    Profile picture of thatweirdkid
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    WITH MUSIC!!!! I find that music helps me to write better copy. For example there are some copies that require some level of emotional attachment and I find it very difficult to obtain it without music.
  • Profile picture of the author celinaa123
    Profile picture of celinaa123
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    I like it real quiet when I write. Sometimes for a break I listen to anywhere from three to five tunes, usually rock from the seventies, all the way up to the present day. Sometimes I'll get in a jazz, bossa nova or classical sort of mood. I'll listen to anything from 'Jungle Boogie' to Grieg.

    When researching a story, if a musical piece is mentioned, I will find it and listen to it, to see if it really goes along with the mood of the story at that point.
  • Profile picture of the author iDigMark
    Profile picture of iDigMark
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    Everyone has different conditions that stimulate their productivity and creativity.

    As for me, generally, I'm less creative and productive with noise. Yes, music is noise to my creativity. As such, it's silence all the way!
  • Profile picture of the author Jack Firneno
    Jack Firneno
    Profile picture of Jack Firneno
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    I write in either silence or with white noise or ambient sounds (train, fireplace, rainy day, etc). I used to write with music on, but it definitely slows me down. However, I'll switch to podcasts or YouTube videos once I'm uploading, running something through grammarly, etc.

    In general, however, over the past few years I've gravitated toward putting music on when I'm going to sit down and listen, and not nearly as much as background for anything.
  • Profile picture of the author justSam
    Profile picture of justSam
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I listen to the radio when I'm writing.
  • Profile picture of the author Bella zanny
    Bella zanny
    Profile picture of Bella zanny
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    I listen to music
  • Profile picture of the author FaraiMist
    Profile picture of FaraiMist
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    Its extremely difficult for me to write in noise including music. I try to find a quite place and then write content for my website. Infect i forget what i was writing, in a sudden loud noise lol

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