Copywriting in 2024...

Profile picture of max5ty
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I always try and keep up with the latest trends...

not sure why more copywriters aren't using TikTok or Reels. There's a lot of money to be made there. Either one of these can increase sales, or even grow your email list like crazy.

There are times I think a lot of copywriters are stuck in the past...

any thoughts on this?
#2024 #copywriting
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  • Profile picture of the author Moodesburn1977
    Profile picture of Moodesburn1977
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    these methods are very good, but i think the number 1 way is having your own website if u check similar web you can see stats of monthly website visitors, its just learning the craft

    Lets build a online business by giving value and learning how to build a email list

    • Profile picture of the author max5ty
      Profile picture of max5ty
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Moodesburn1977 View Post

      these methods are very good, but i think the number 1 way is having your own website if u check similar web you can see stats of monthly website visitors, its just learning the craft
      You can have your own website, but you still need ways to get people there...
  • Profile picture of the author max5ty
    Profile picture of max5ty
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    So to follow up on this...

    let's say you're a copywriter or a marketing person.

    You start a TikTok or Reels and you post short videos that have to do with what you're in.

    It's FREE to join either one of these. There are FREE sites...and TikTok has its own where you can edit your videos.

    You have a free audience of billions.

    A copywriter could give tips and show examples...and I'm not talking about where someone just sits there and drones on...I'm talking about real-life examples and exciting stories.

    A Marketing person could show good examples. Bad examples...

    and what I'm suggesting is just the basics. Hopefully, you have an imagination and can come up with hundreds of different ideas that would be of interest to people.

    You could then send them to a landing page to build an email list. You could send them to a product page where they could buy.

    Also, once you've built up a good following, you have a lot of people paying attention.

    What could that do for your customers?

    I'm not saying the old ways are no longer valid...but, we're in a new era...stuff that wasn't around when old-time copywriters were working their magic.

    What would they suggest today?

    Always be learning and always be willing to branch out and try new things.

    If you're just stuck in the past, you'll be left in the past
  • Profile picture of the author Steve The Copywriter
    Steve The Copywriter
    Profile picture of Steve The Copywriter
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    Well I'm done for.

    Stuck in the era of the long gone Advertising greats, Caples, Ogilvy et al...

    And on my 7th re - run of watching every episode of Mad Men - mainly to gaze lovingly at Christina Hendricks.

    The social medium is not for me because - I've got the perfect face

    So I just choose potential clients who I would like to write for.

    And send them a "pitch" in a letter - if I want to be 99.789% certain of it being opened - I Fedex it.

    Occasionally I'll knock out a phenomenal postcard blast to local businesses who need a hand with their Ads.

    Sometimes I totter down to the Chamber of Commerce carrying a pocketful of "I'll write you the best Ad I possible can for you" double sided business cards (no point having a blank side with nothing on it).

    But high tech hasn't completely escaped me - if I see an interweb site that needs an adjustment or 7 - I'll email the owner.

    And then there's the old dog and bone - telephone.

    I want as many rejections as possible - because I'm only after the perfect prospects that express a mega interest in running or improving their campaigns.

    Then I can usually refer them to someone who knows what they're doing on the Tok Tick, Tubes You, the Face Meta and the X files.

  • Profile picture of the author max5ty
    Profile picture of max5ty
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    @ Steve The Copywriter -

    you sound like an old guy...

    just kidding haha. I understand what you're saying.

    I'm really just trying to get copywriters to understand we're in a new age...we need to use the latest things at our disposal...and they're free.

    You don't need a face for don't even ever need to show your face in a video...there are a ton of ways to get attention.

    I really was just wanting to get a conversation going. Seems we're stuck on headlines and openings and calls to action in sales letters and we need to start talking about what's working now and how to do it.

    There are people who are making a killing off of what I mentioned...sadly, it seems too many wait for a guru to mention it, or wait until everyone else is on board doing it. I'm trying to say...wake up, get with the times
  • Profile picture of the author XrayDelta
    Profile picture of XrayDelta
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    I agree with you! Any decent copywriter will tell you that there is always something new to learn, and if you're not learning, you're in the wrong field. I'm an old guy too. But 5 years of agency work teaches you to keep an open mind, roll with the trends, and come up with some ideas of your own too. Thanks for a great post!
  • Profile picture of the author Princess Balestra
    Princess Balestra
    Profile picture of Princess Balestra
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    The biggah the hole, the thickah the protuberance needed to make with the feels.

    Which is why it so easy to get lahst in the Metronomicon.

    So I'm with Steve here on addin' tantalizin' value to nichey slits.

    Lay down. Open up. Set yr timah.

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

    • Profile picture of the author max5ty
      Profile picture of max5ty
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Princess Balestra View Post

      The biggah the hole, the thickah the protuberance needed to make with the feels.

      Which is why it so easy to get lahst in the Metronomicon.

      So I'm with Steve here on addin' tantalizin' value to nichey slits.

      Lay down. Open up. Set yr timah.
      Thanks Princess for your comment.

      I'm more common sense about things these days.

      People put up a site offering something for free to build a list...where should you go to build that list? Where everyone is these days of course.

      In times past, copywriters would pay huge bucks for ads...we can now reach billions of people for absolutely free, and the more creativity we have, the easier it is.

      Let's use all the resources we have...especially when in this day and age we have a ton of free options they didn't have in the past
  • Profile picture of the author Steve The Copywriter
    Steve The Copywriter
    Profile picture of Steve The Copywriter
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    I am "getting with the times" - so I am.

    Just last month I traded in my quill for a magnificent invention - a pen you can actually fill with ink.

    Shame I dropped the ink bottle with all the excitement.

    And missed the blotting paper by a country mile.

    From reading up about the ultra modern times - it does seem it's best to be one of the top 10 innovators.

    If they have all taken off into the stratosphere with fame, acclaim and boatloads of fans.

    Just look at what they're doing...

    And - errrr - so wishing I could dazzle everyone with a tech term.

    But the simple answer is - do it better.

    • Profile picture of the author max5ty
      Profile picture of max5ty
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Steve The Copywriter View Post


      I am "getting with the times" - so I am.

      Just last month I traded in my quill for a magnificent invention - a pen you can actually fill with ink.

      Shame I dropped the ink bottle with all the excitement.

      And missed the blotting paper by a country mile.

      From reading up about the ultra modern times - it does seem it's best to be one of the top 10 innovators.

      If they have all taken off into the stratosphere with fame, acclaim and boatloads of fans.

      Just look at what they're doing...

      And - errrr - so wishing I could dazzle everyone with a tech term.

      But the simple answer is - do it better.

      You spilled the ink and from what I hear therapists all over the world are asking patients to look at the blot and tell them what they see

      Seriously though, I love your comments. You're a wealth of information that few if any can match.
      • Profile picture of the author Princess Balestra
        Princess Balestra
        Profile picture of Princess Balestra
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        Originally Posted by max5ty View Post

        You spilled the ink and from what I hear therapists all over the world are asking patients to look at the blot and tell them what they see
        I get bunnies evry time.

        Hoppin' around with their big ole ears flahpin' all ovah the place.

        Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

      • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
        Claude Whitacre
        Profile picture of Claude Whitacre
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        Originally Posted by max5ty View Post

        You spilled the ink and from what I hear therapists all over the world are asking patients to look at the blot and tell them what they see

        Seriously though, I love your comments. You're a wealth of information that few if any can match.
        I have nothing to add really...... just wanted you to know that your brilliant statement brought a smile to my face.
        One Call Closing book

        “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
        • Profile picture of the author max5ty
          Profile picture of max5ty
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          Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

          I have nothing to add really...... just wanted you to know that your brilliant statement brought a smile to my face.
          He's brilliant when it comes to postcards...just like you are when it comes to sales. Two of the smartest guys in their field...

          I just have to give him a hard time sometimes
  • Profile picture of the author Steve The Copywriter
    Steve The Copywriter
    Profile picture of Steve The Copywriter
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    I sent the blotter to a papyrus rehabilitation centre.

    The senior therapists, mathematicians and astrophysicists are baffled.

    Apparently the blotter wants to go back to being a tree.

    But with a deep analysis they found a semblance of a headline for quink ink.

    Thank you for your very kind words Max, sadly they are far from true.

    I'm a wealth of information mis-matching.

    It's so much easier that way!

  • Profile picture of the author IMBizPro
    Profile picture of IMBizPro
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I use TikTok as a consumer ( my kids got me into it ) but not as a producer for getting clients and traffic.

    I know there's a ton of attention on that app right now.

    I would like to cash in on it, but there's already so much to do in my business each day that it's hard to find the time to cultivate an account there.

    Maybe I should take the 15-20 minutes a day I'm scrolling on the app and instead devote it to marketing there for a month and see what happens.

    I think I could squeeze out 1 tok per day with that time frame.
  • Profile picture of the author Princess Balestra
    Princess Balestra
    Profile picture of Princess Balestra
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    Stoopid thing is, this whole frickin' deal is now two months done.

    Before we know it, we gonna be sayin' YANNO ... 2025 ... c/o the most irritatin' & unproductive supplicant pulse.

    * snorts own brayin' for a secind ... if'n only bcs nuthin' else gowin' *

    What is especially troo always is how most mythologies proffer glories before labor -- an' frequently toss in bonus haloes.


    FFS I cannot solve evrywan's mortal an' useless prahblems, bcs I gaht stuff to do.

    Figure YOUR schedule is a nightmare?

    Try bein' a frickin' Princess, tellya.

    Thing is, what mattahs most 'bout 2024 ain't gonna slingshot round like a noose in the neck 2025 -- howevah excellent we gaht at resurrectin' zaaahmbies.

    'tis FILTH by STEATH ...

    an' you must own it.

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

  • Profile picture of the author Steve The Copywriter
    Steve The Copywriter
    Profile picture of Steve The Copywriter
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    The Princess is so timely about time.

    It's the one and very possibly the only possession you'll never get back.

    Infuse this in wonderful ways - "save time, gives time, makes time" - into your copy and it frequently propels the prospect into taking action.

    Care not if some waste time and terminate your astonishing offer.

    Because the good people who perceive that their time is such a valuable commodity and you'll bring it to them -
    and make them relish the 27.797 other key "must have" benefits your product/offer proclaims with of course a failsafe guarantee.

    And don't forget the "scarcity" scenario that time is running out.

    They'll be on the hurry up to place their order.

  • Profile picture of the author Ged3
    Profile picture of Ged3
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Yes true - time waits for nobody!
  • Profile picture of the author Moodesburn1977
    Profile picture of Moodesburn1977
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Yes i have just relaized that on tik tok the views are incredible it is sort of a new platform when goggle first came out it was cheap and the same with facebook ads, i dont think tik tok do ads, so the traffic is hot and preium at the mo

    Lets build a online business by giving value and learning how to build a email list

  • Profile picture of the author Princess Balestra
    Princess Balestra
    Profile picture of Princess Balestra
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    I see nuthin' noo here since March foist.

    This mean the bunnies ran off with alla the woids?

    Mebbe this is the moment to speak of inevitable downtime.

    Yanno -- that quiverin' of the flesh means you lookin' at a momentarily manipulated CORPSE steada perfectly energized FLESH.

    Happens with any flucktyooation of epoch, most any Write Like a Goddess bra/panty combo.

    An' you would want mebbe to eat yr own brains, or negate out of reality all circumstance before you.

    But hey you gotta write on, like a joosy succulent fulla multiply proactive pinpoint prickola.

    Evin when'n youwain't gaht no tangibyool target or audience.

    Empty space.

    Nuthin' there.

    An' yet you must summon wondahs from the bowels of oblivion.

    That is your purpose in this impossibility of spin.

    Plus, you decided real early you cain't science for shit, cookin' for nowan is 100% simultaneous with murderin' 'em, an' you believe shootin' nowan in the fayuce demands a particulah kind of all areahs inhoomanity.

    Hey, but we gotta gaze upon any an' all downtimes with the most procreative lenses we can throw atop our still sniffin' noses.

    It is jus' weathah, it is jus' a day.

    You figure always storms an' typhoons're gonna killya, but I would wish here at this point in the dialog ... where potential becalm of thought merges with evident apathy to nuzzle evin the tiniest willingness to once again draw breath ... to address anywan writin' here whose fullness/emptiness of braino don't sumtimes fully accord with MATCHIN' fullness/emptiness of Out-there-kinda-stuffs.

    That is time:

    At work in alla our (ZERO FILTH PHRASE IMMINENT) confluxuals.

    So you gotta figure how, in a weirsdy kinda universal an' simultaneously idiosyncratic way, nowan knows zackly what is gowin' on, but would dearly love to do so.

    As we all write, in our hapless an' mortal way, mebbe this is how best we meet up all dinky with alla the lost souls seekin' the next TICK on their To Do list -- whethah this means a noo dishwashah, access to a life-changin' holiday or experience, or simply the poison necessary to kill sumone they don't like.

    (See how I used the Powah of 3 rule there to make a funnee joke would be BANNED anywhere but on point WF?)

    Thing 'bout 2024 is how we only near one quartah through.

    She has depths, the like of which we cannot comprehend till'n we eithah swimmin' in' 'em, floatin' free, or drownin'.

    An' yet the words must flow -- will inevitably flow -- always.

    Wants to deliveries, deliveries to wants.

    (Only oblivion, censorship, or sum kinda species-wide gene splice with like MOTHS gonna undahmine alla this momentum imho.)

    Like Emily Dickinson said: The heck ima do with chill lands, strange seas -- an' frickin' baguettes gonna make me look fat?

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

  • Profile picture of the author theopoyntell
    Profile picture of theopoyntell
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    Over time, probably due to commercial influence (HR / hiring / simplicity), we have become hyper niche.

    If you look at the true geniuses (davinci), artists studied next to scientists.

    Diversity is king!

    As david attenborough said, the key to mankind is adaptability.
  • Profile picture of the author spartan14
    Profile picture of spartan14
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Well i think copywriters feels better when they deal with writen text and thats way they prefer text over videos but i am not sure in here
    Also how do you know that people that creates videos are not copywriters ,maybe many of them are copywriters and maybe you dont observ yourself
  • Profile picture of the author grot86
    Profile picture of grot86
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    Many copywriters might be hesitant because they are accustomed to traditional formats and might not be comfortable with creating video content.
  • Profile picture of the author adnansohail
    Profile picture of adnansohail
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    new things and trends often take time to be adopted. People will know this fact when they will their fellows doing this
  • Profile picture of the author Princess Balestra
    Princess Balestra
    Profile picture of Princess Balestra
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Anywan cavorsty, sporsty & deportsy will now be wishin' to ask ...

    "Once I'm dun with the beach, halofrickinween, an' Blitzthmust

    the hick I sposeda do NEXT without barfin' up muh FOO-ID?"

    Likely we will covah this -- with glory insights as may fly, or breath-defyin' unmagnitoods as may suffocate in an instant.

    Gotta figure buttween the terrible, the impossible, the improbable, an' the senshilly shitty, most evrywan takes measured steps out inta whateveh.

    So I would wish to meet evrywan, hands reached out in a kinda dance.

    (Lessn' you gaht spectral fingahs 'pon muh very boobies, like you cain't evin open up yr refigerator without klutzin' recklissly quasi-spazzschmazz. In which case, I forevah damn yr misrbl ass.)

    Thing is, evrywan's Autumn glories are now cast from memory (as we all bask in the bikini heat), escapin' into uncertainty proliferating from the Augustual calendah on out.

    Like Gladiatorus slysin' 'emselves to death at randaaahm to ordah.

    Without a doubt, life is an emergin' proposition, surely as she is dead.

    If'n we are naht all to be forevah DOOMED, what else we gonna do instead?

    The Boomah Busta Heel
    guarantees you can COMPLAIN BACK to the UNIVERSE'S WORST EVAH CUNNYHOLES when the shoes they said WOULD NEVAH EVAH klutz on out kinda KLUTZ -- an' you fear your fayvrit garments may be STAINED by your ANGAH as your BLOOD PUMPS like you could BOIST.


    tbh heels are for startup of swaggah beyond they $$$s for DUHs for munnext teeith.

    I should mebbe walk out indifferent to claims 'pon my Princessly willsdome, like I gaht no touchpoint on mortal blossom ... or eternal snuffo.

    Dunno ...

    You open out your palms like your fingahs could touch on so much stuff ...

    but when it is gone, it is like you graspin' at air.

    Prolly it is August FOIST 2024 tamara.

    See you all theyurre, the frick this is actschyouwilly about.

    In our communion of hapless pointlessness, sumthin ' will show.

    Then we can all write an' dance an' slay to ordah!

    Yanno, sumtimes evrthin' hitsya kinda all SMACKO

    an' you reeleyes youwaint nevah walkin' in same kinda straitlyin' evah agin.

    She will change us all forevah, 2025.

    So git pickin' yr best outfits ... an' be prepared to strip 'em ahf 'pon a wheelm.

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

  • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
    Profile picture of GordonJ
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by max5ty View Post

    I always try and keep up with the latest trends...

    not sure why more copywriters aren't using TikTok or Reels. There's a lot of money to be made there. Either one of these can increase sales, or even grow your email list like crazy.

    There are times I think a lot of copywriters are stuck in the past...

    any thoughts on this?
    What trends do you see for 2025? This year flew by, didn't it? And although I did see a lot of money being made with TikTok and Reels, I also saw 2024 be very profitable for some of those copywriters stuck in the past too.

    What does next year hold for us? Any little known secrets?

    • Profile picture of the author max5ty
      Profile picture of max5ty
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

      What trends do you see for 2025? This year flew by, didn't it? And although I did see a lot of money being made with TikTok and Reels, I also saw 2024 be very profitable for some of those copywriters stuck in the past too.

      What does next year hold for us? Any little known secrets?

      Hey Gordon...

      been very busy lately. It's that time of the year.

      I think video will still be dominant in 2025. TikTok for the younger crowd and Reels for the 30+ crowd.

      I think it's a good idea to niche down as much as possible. When you advertise to everyone, you don't advertise to anyone.

      I saw you talked in another thread about direct mail...yes, I too think it's still a good idea.

      Some ideas sometimes seem outdated but are still profitable.

      I looked up a link you posted in another thread about a site that has all kinds of ads. My first thought was it looked like something from the '90s. But, I also realized they had a very niche market and were probably doing pretty well.

      Also, in 2025, don't listen to the naysayers and those who are always full of gloom and negativity.

      I'm always reminded of an old story that's gone around over the years:

      Once there was a man who had a stand on one of the busy streets downtown and he sold hot dogs.

      He sold good hot dogs and folks bought from him consistently.

      He put signs up advertising his hot dogs, he placed ads in the newspaper, and he told everyone in his community how good his hot dogs were. And he sold a lot of hot dogs!

      So he increased his inventory. He bought more buns, more hot dogs, more wrappers, and more condiments. He built a new stand and made it larger, added signs advertising his good hot dogs, and kept his sales area neat and clean. He made sure his hot dogs were always hot and that his customers always walked away with a smile. And his sales continued to increase!

      He was so successful that he was able to send his son to Harvard University.

      After graduating with a master's in business, the son returned home to join his father in business.

      At the end of his first day on the job, the son said: "Dad, I know you're not educated in Economics and you have not had the opportunity to read and study the latest journals on business and economic forecasts. But the overall economy is in terrible shape. The huge federal deficit, the trade deficit, oil prices, and the unemployment rates are undoubtedly going to plunge this nation into a horrible recession. I think you should consider these things for future planning."

      The man scratched his head and thought: "Well, my son has the finest university education from the most acclaimed business college in the country. He must know what he is talking about."

      So the man reduced his inventory by half. He stopped advertising in the newspapers and took down his signs to save money. He quit telling everyone in his community about how good his hot dogs were and he even went back to using the old cart from years ago. And his hot dog sales went down the tubes almost overnight!

      "Son", the man said to his Harvard-educated offspring, "You sure were right. Damndest recession I've ever seen."

      This story is around 30 years old but still has a lot of meaning today.
      • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
        Profile picture of GordonJ
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Good story. A meme I saw said (politics); To hell with Yale, and Harvard too. I guess some think we've had enough Ivy League in the Congress/Senate/WHITE HOUSE??

        Maybe we need to elect some hot dog vendors? Anyhow...

        I'm looking forward to April, when the NEW/IMPROVED MegaMillions lottery is unleashed, the new 5 dollar play (it is now only 2). It is estimated it will have a slow start, as "sticker shock" hits players...but with the new more winners/bigger prizes concept, it may pick up steam throughout the year.

        I like NEWSY trends, as in two years ago when Ohio passed Sports Gambling legislation, setting off a BIG BOOM to record levels of play. So, the news of the new lottery gives me a slight head start on those who may be unaware of the changes.

        CHANGE of almost any kind, when one sees it coming, can be a signal to put some time in on the scooping up COPYRIGHTs that expired, like the original Mickey Mouse character; Steamboat Willie which entered public domain the first of this year.

        Now, there will be opportunities with any official/Gov't changes, real or perceived even, if one gets in front of the tank and lets it run you over, so to speak.

        Lets see what happens to Tik Tok in the coming months, what will the children do iffin it gets shuttered in USA? Possible?? Who knows what is coming?

        Well, we all have to eat, and take of our days, and that includes making some moolah, and there is plenty of chances to do that, offline still, online and for those who might chance out of their comfort zones into the future TWILIGHT ZONE.

        I await the Alien invasion (xtra terrestrials) that brings about the New World Order...that should be fun.


        Originally Posted by max5ty View Post

        Hey Gordon...

        been very busy lately. It's that time of the year.

        I think video will still be dominant in 2025. TikTok for the younger crowd and Reels for the 30+ crowd.

        I think it's a good idea to niche down as much as possible. When you advertise to everyone, you don't advertise to anyone.

        I saw you talked in another thread about direct mail...yes, I too think it's still a good idea.

        Some ideas sometimes seem outdated but are still profitable.

        I looked up a link you posted in another thread about a site that has all kinds of ads. My first thought was it looked like something from the '90s. But, I also realized they had a very niche market and were probably doing pretty well.

        Also, in 2025, don't listen to the naysayers and those who are always full of gloom and negativity.

        I'm always reminded of an old story that's gone around over the years:

        Once there was a man who had a stand on one of the busy streets downtown and he sold hot dogs.

        He sold good hot dogs and folks bought from him consistently.

        He put signs up advertising his hot dogs, he placed ads in the newspaper, and he told everyone in his community how good his hot dogs were. And he sold a lot of hot dogs!

        So he increased his inventory. He bought more buns, more hot dogs, more wrappers, and more condiments. He built a new stand and made it larger, added signs advertising his good hot dogs, and kept his sales area neat and clean. He made sure his hot dogs were always hot and that his customers always walked away with a smile. And his sales continued to increase!

        He was so successful that he was able to send his son to Harvard University.

        After graduating with a master's in business, the son returned home to join his father in business.

        At the end of his first day on the job, the son said: "Dad, I know you're not educated in Economics and you have not had the opportunity to read and study the latest journals on business and economic forecasts. But the overall economy is in terrible shape. The huge federal deficit, the trade deficit, oil prices, and the unemployment rates are undoubtedly going to plunge this nation into a horrible recession. I think you should consider these things for future planning."

        The man scratched his head and thought: "Well, my son has the finest university education from the most acclaimed business college in the country. He must know what he is talking about."

        So the man reduced his inventory by half. He stopped advertising in the newspapers and took down his signs to save money. He quit telling everyone in his community about how good his hot dogs were and he even went back to using the old cart from years ago. And his hot dog sales went down the tubes almost overnight!

        "Son", the man said to his Harvard-educated offspring, "You sure were right. Damndest recession I've ever seen."

        This story is around 30 years old but still has a lot of meaning today.
  • Profile picture of the author max5ty
    Profile picture of max5ty
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    @ Gordon...

    TikTok is already banned in several countries...India and China come to mind right away. Yes, TikTok is banned in China which is odd. They have their own app by another name that is heavily censored.

    It's also partially banned in a large number of countries when it comes to federal devices including the U.S. under the current administration.

    But anyway, there will always be another platform pop-up to replace others. Also, there is always Reels and Instagram.

    Had not heard about the new lottery game.

    Also, haven't heard a lot about sports betting...but then again since I don't do much gambling it's probably something I just haven't consciously paid attention to.

    Since you know a lot about both of these, you definitely have something to work with.

    There are always chances to make money. People just need to have an open mind and spot them.
  • Profile picture of the author Princess Balestra
    Princess Balestra
    Profile picture of Princess Balestra
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Evry time you gaht shiftin' sands, you always gonna need tweezahs to pluck shit outta yr fanj.

    Gooroos talk dismissively 'bout comfort zones, but evrywan on the receivin' end demands the "what's in it for me?" glow.

    So mebbe 2025 will swing more uncertain than a triply testickyooled Sumo testin' out his finest moves in the buff.

    What touchpoints, certainties an' ansas gonna play well while volatilica reigns soopreme?

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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