by max5ty
15 replies
So today I tried an experiment to see how good AI could write copy.

I gave it a hypothetical of a back pain cure.

I prompted it about 40 different times as a follow-up.

Eventually, I concluded by writing it in the voice of David Ogilvy.

Here is the final result.

I think I could personally make it better.

What do you think?


Back Pain? The Cure You've Been Searching For.

The searing ache.

The sharp stabs.

The constant, dull throb.

You know the feeling.

Back pain robs you of your freedom, your joy, and your life.

Simple pleasures become agonizing challenges:

. Playing with your grandkids becomes a painful ordeal.

. Lifting groceries feels impossible.

. Even a peaceful walk is marred by relentless pain.

. You've tried everything: pills, therapies, even surgery. Nothing seems to work. You feel
frustrated, hopeless, even defeated.

But don't give up. There's a solution.

Introducing SpineAlign: A Natural Breakthrough, Backed by Science.

Developed by a team of leading scientists and natural health practitioners, SpineAlign is a unique blend of clinically proven ingredients:

. Turmeric: A powerful anti-inflammatory shown to reduce pain and swelling.

. Boswellia: An ancient herb proven to improve joint function and flexibility.

. Ginger: A natural muscle relaxant, easing tension and spasms.

. Magnesium: Essential for nerve health and muscle function, promoting deep relaxation.

In a recent clinical trial, 90% of participants reported significant pain reduction within just two weeks of using SpineAlign. They experienced improved mobility, better sleep, and a renewed zest for life.

"SpineAlign gave me my life back," says Maria, a 62-year-old grandmother. "I can finally dance at my granddaughter's wedding, pain-free!"

Experience the SpineAlign Difference

Feel the soothing warmth penetrate deep into your muscles, melting away tension and discomfort. Experience the gentle release as your spine realigns, restoring balance and flexibility. Wake up each morning feeling refreshed and energized, ready to embrace the day without the burden of back pain.

We're So Confident, We Guarantee It

We offer an ironclad 90-day money-back guarantee. If you don't experience significant relief and a renewed sense of vitality, simply return the unused portion for a full refund. No questions asked.

Back pain sufferers, it's time to break free.

Reclaim your life. Reclaim your joy.

Order SpineAlign today and experience the difference for yourself.

Special Offer: 20% off your first order + Free Shipping. Don't wait!
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  • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
    I don't think Ogilvy would have been proud of that - it reads like copy-by-numbers. And after 300+ words, I still don't know if it's a pill, a lotion, a spray - or a correspondence course.

    I think I could personally make it better
    I have no doubt you could.

    The contents of this post may settle in transit.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11800345].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author max5ty
      Originally Posted by Frank Donovan View Post

      I don't think Ogilvy would have been proud of that - it reads like copy-by-numbers. And after 300+ words, I still don't know if it's a pill, a lotion, a spray - or a correspondence course.

      I have no doubt you could.
      I used Gemini for this.

      At one point I did ask if it was important to give the reader more info on how the cure was developed.

      It gave me this:


      A Desperate Search for Answers

      Years ago, a group of brilliant minds - scientists, doctors, and natural health practitioners - united by their own battles with chronic back pain, refused to surrender. They witnessed the devastation it caused, not just in their own lives but in the lives of countless others. They knew there had to be a better way.

      Driven by a shared vision of a pain-free world, they embarked on a relentless quest, scouring ancient texts, exploring the healing power of nature, and harnessing the latest scientific breakthroughs.

      Their dedication paid off. Deep within the heart of nature, they discovered a powerful combination of botanical extracts that worked in perfect harmony to combat inflammation, relax muscles, and promote spinal alignment.

      Then it seemed like with every prompt it would leave out things it had said earlier.

      Eventually, I just gave up and went with the last option.

      I know I'm not an expert on prompting...

      but, I gave it my best and came up with what I posted.

      It would be interesting to hear how someone who is good at prompting would handle this and what the outcome would be.
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  • Profile picture of the author olivia24
    It's a good start, but yeah it needs refining.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    You could do better - it covers the 'points' but it comes across as 'formula writing'.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    My ducks are absolutely not in a row. I don't even know where some of them are...
    ...and I'm pretty sure one of them is a pigeon.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11800349].message }}
  • Bilge-2-Puke.

    I read this kinda stuff, an' I wanna punch out.

    Speshly bcs this is zackly my kinda touch sweet areah.


    Hey, yeah, plus always to heel.

    Gotta figure the race to the bahtahm depends always on available morons.

    You want I skip that step like I sum kinda elite cunt?

    Ain't said nuthin' else here evah, far as I can figure.

    It is mebbe like yr DAHG if'n you don't much like Princess Lahgic.

    There are algorithms of SERVICE ...

    an' algorithms of DEVOUR ...

    hey but ima likely dun with this all soon.

    Like ... why should I actschly cayurre?

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11800445].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author max5ty
    Ok, this is going to be a long post.

    I went back and reworked the prompt. It took a lot of back and forth, but, I think I came up with the best Gemini could do.

    I'm still not completely happy with the way it writes because I prefer more of a conversational tone than what I could get it to do. But, I'll work on that.


    here is the prompt outline I used:


    Project: Compelling Long-Form Sales Letter with Captivating Storytelling, Targeted Segmentation, and Persuasive Subheads

    Target Audience:

    * Adults aged 35-65 who experience chronic or recurring back pain

    * They've tried various remedies with limited success and are seeking a natural, effective solution.

    * They value health and wellness and are willing to invest in products that improve their quality of life.

    Target Audience Segmentation:

    * Segment 1: Active individuals (athletes, fitness enthusiasts) whose back pain hinders their ability to pursue their passions.

    * Segment 2: Desk workers and professionals who suffer from back pain due to long hours of sitting and poor posture.

    * Segment 3: Older adults experiencing age-related back pain that limits their mobility and independence.

    Product/Service: Spine Align - a revolutionary back pain relief pill formulated with natural ingredients and cutting-edge science.

    Unique Selling Proposition: Fast-acting, natural, scientifically backed formula that targets the root cause of back pain, providing lasting relief without side effects.

    Call to Action: Order a bottle of Spine Align

    Desired Outcome: The reader feels hopeful, empowered, and excited about the possibility of a pain-free life, ready to take action to reclaim their mobility and joy.

    Tone of Voice:
    Warm, Friendly, and Conversational


    * Primary: Empathy and caring

    * Secondary: Hope, excitement, and trust

    Length: Long-form sales letter (approximately 1000-1500 words)

    Voice and Style:

    * Aim for a warm, friendly, and conversational tone, as if you're talking to a friend over a cup of coffee.

    * Use everyday language, contractions, and the second person "you" to make the letter feel personal and engaging.

    * Consider asking questions and injecting personality (where appropriate) to create a connection with the reader.

    Title & Subhead:

    * Craft a captivating headline that grabs attention and entices the reader.

    * Include a subhead that reinforces the main message, clarifies the focus, or adds persuasive power.

    Narrative Structure, Persuasive Techniques & Subheads:

    Opening Hook: Begin with a captivating story of 200-300 words that vividly illustrates the problem the target audience faces. Introduce a relatable character who struggles with the same challenges, and use sensory details and emotional depth to draw the reader into their world. Show the negative consequences of the problem, highlighting its impact on the character's life, relationships, and overall well-being.

    Problem Deep Dive: Transition smoothly from the story into a deeper exploration of the problem, highlighting its negative consequences and emotional impact. Utilize power words to amplify the pain points and create a sense of urgency. Address how the problem manifests differently for each segment.

    Example Subhead: "The Hidden Costs of Back Pain - And How It's Affecting You"

    Objections: Address any common hesitations or concerns the reader might have about the product/service or making a purchase. Use social proof (testimonials, reviews, statistics) to build credibility and alleviate doubts.

    Example Subhead: "We Get It - You've Tried Everything. Here's Why Spine Align is Different"

    Solution Reveal: Introduce Spine Align as the hero of the story, explicitly mentioning it's a revolutionary back pain relief *pill* that offers a path to lasting comfort and freedom. Build anticipation and excitement for the solution using power words and sensory language.

    Example Subhead: "Introducing the Natural Breakthrough That's Transforming Lives"

    The Formula's Origin Story: Share the compelling story behind the development of Spine Align's unique formula. Highlight the research, expertise, and dedication that went into creating this breakthrough solution.

    Example Subhead: "From Ancient Wisdom to Modern Science: The Journey to Spine Align"

    Solution Showcase: Explain the key ingredients in Spine Align and how they work synergistically to target the root causes of back pain. Use clear and concise language, emphasizing the natural and scientifically-backed elements.

    Example Subhead: "Nature's Power, Unleashed"

    Secret Sauce: Highlight any unique angles, surprising facts, or compelling statistics that make the narrative even more captivating.

    Example Subhead: "The 'Fast-Acting' Secret Backed by Clinical Trials"

    Transformation & Benefits: Show the reader how their life will be transformed with Spine Align. Focus on the positive outcomes and emotions they will experience, using vivid language and sensory details. Emphasize the benefits that are most relevant to each segment.

    Example: "Imagine a Life Where Back Pain is a Distant Memory"

    Proof & Credibility: Further build trust and credibility by incorporating additional social proof, expert endorsements, or guarantees. Include testimonials from customers representing different segments.

    Example Subhead: "Don't Just Take Our Word For It - Hear from Real People Like You"

    The Offer: Presents the offer, including pricing and any bonuses. Create a sense of urgency or scarcity (limited-time offer, limited availability) to encourage immediate action.

    Example Subhead: "Claim Your Discounted Bottle of Spine Align Today!"

    Guarantee: Provides a risk-reversal guarantee to further alleviate any doubts.

    Example Subhead: "Your Satisfaction is 100% Guaranteed - Or Your Money Back"

    Call to Action: A clear and compelling call to action, using power words to inspire action and remind the reader of the transformation that awaits them. Emphasize the scarcity or limited availability of the offer to create urgency.

    Example Subhead: "Take the First Step Towards a Pain-Free Life Today!"

    P.S.: Reinforce the offer, add a bonus, or provide a final nudge towards action. Create a sense of scarcity or exclusivity to further motivate the reader.

    Call-Backs: Use subtle call-backs throughout the letter to the initial story or key themes to reinforce the message and create a sense of closure.

    Examples (Optional):

    * Story Ideas to Kickstart the Narrative (consider stories that resonate with different segments)

    * Testimonials that Align with the Story's Theme and Represent Different Segments

    * Power Words and Sensory Language Suggestions

    * Scarcity and Urgency Tactics (e.g., limited-time discounts, limited quantities available)

    Keywords: back pain relief, natural ingredients, Spine Align, pain-free life, chronic pain

    Style Guide: [Share any specific brand guidelines or style preferences]

    Format and Visuals: [Any preferences for layout or use of images/charts]

    **Additional Notes:**

    * Employ clear and concise language

    * Surprise the reader with unexpected twists or unique perspectives


    Here is the final result:

    Back Pain Vanishing Act: Your Ticket to a Life Without Limits

    Finally, a Breakthrough Solution for Lasting Relief

    Picture this: It's a gorgeous summer evening, the sky painted in those amazing oranges and purples as the sun sets. Sarah's on her porch swing, enjoying the gentle creaking, but there's a catch - a dull ache in her lower back that just won't quit. Her grandkids are running around the yard, chasing fireflies and giggling like crazy. It kinda breaks her heart, you know? Just a few years ago, she'd be right out there with them, feeling the joy of being carefree and active. But now, even a short walk is a struggle.

    She's tried everything under the sun: doctors, pills, therapy... you name it. Heat pads, ice packs, even that fancy inversion table everyone's talking about. But the pain? It's always there, lurking in the background, ready to ruin her day.

    And it's not just the physical pain, it's the emotional toll. Missing out on family camping trips, sitting on the sidelines at her granddaughter's dance recital... Even something as simple as bending down to give her grandkids a hug is an ordeal.

    Back pain isn't just affecting her body; it's stealing her life. She'd give anything to feel that joy of movement again, to be the energetic grandma she used to be. But each day, that hope feels further and further away.

    That Nagging Ache That Steals Your Joy

    Sound familiar? You're not alone, friend. Millions of us are battling back pain every single day. It's like a thief in the night, stealing away the things we love most.

    Weekend warriors stuck on the sidelines, missing out on the fun.

    Desk jockeys struggling to focus, their productivity taking a hit.

    Parents who can't even pick up their kids without a wince.

    It's exhausting, it's frustrating, and it's just not fair.

    We Hear You - "Another Back Pain Product?"

    You've probably seen it all: the creams, the gadgets, the pills that promise the world but deliver... well, not much. We get it, you're skeptical. But what if this time was different? What if there was a solution that actually helped your body heal itself?

    Introducing Spine Align: Your Ticket to Freedom

    Well, friend, that something is here. It's called Spine Align, and it's a game-changer. It's a simple, natural pill that works with your body to tackle back pain at its root.

    The Story Behind the Breakthrough

    A group of brilliant scientists and herbalists got together, driven by a mission to help people just like you. They dove deep into ancient wisdom and modern science, tirelessly searching for the perfect combination of natural ingredients. After years of research, they cracked the code.

    Nature's Remedy, Enhanced by Science

    Spine Align is packed with powerful natural ingredients, each chosen for its specific role in easing back pain:

    Turmeric & Boswellia: Think of these as firefighters, rushing to the scene to calm down inflammation and ease that burning pain.

    Magnesium & Passionflower: These are like gentle masseuses, relaxing those tense muscles and bringing back that feeling of flexibility.

    Glucosamine & Chondroitin: These are the builders, helping to rebuild and strengthen your cartilage and joints, so your spine can find its happy place again.

    The Game-Changer: Our Bio-Availability Matrix

    What makes Spine Align truly special is our patented Bio-Availability Matrix. It's like a super-efficient delivery system, getting those amazing ingredients right where they need to go, fast. That means faster relief and more of it.

    Imagine a Life Unburdened by Pain

    Just close your eyes for a moment and picture it:

    Mornings that feel good: Waking up without that familiar stiffness and dread.

    Effortless Movement: Bending down to tie your shoes, picking up your kids, or hitting the hiking trail without a second thought.

    Joyful Living: Getting back to the activities you love, the ones that make life worth living.

    Peaceful Sleep: No more tossing and turning, just deep, restful sleep that leaves you feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day.

    Real People, Real Results

    Don't just take our word for it. Spine Align has already helped thousands of people reclaim their lives from back pain.

    "I thought I'd have to live with this pain forever. Spine Align gave me my life back." - Maria G.

    "As a busy mom, I couldn't afford to be slowed down by back pain. Spine Align gave me the energy and freedom to keep up with my kids." - Emily T.

    "I'm back on the golf course thanks to Spine Align. It's truly a miracle." - David L.

    Your Risk-Free Path to Relief

    We're so sure you'll love Spine Align, we're offering a 100% satisfaction guarantee. If you're not completely thrilled with your results, simply return the bottle within 60 days for a full refund, no questions asked.

    Ready to Say Goodbye to Back Pain?

    Don't let back pain steal another moment of your life. Order your bottle of Spine Align today and take the first step towards a pain-free future. You deserve it!

    P.S. This special introductory offer won't last forever. Grab your bottle now and save 30%! Your back will thank you.


    So, yeah, the prompt could use some refining obviously.

    I think it's a good start though.

    I'd give the final result about a 2 out of 10 stars

    If I get time later today I'll work on refining the prompt and making it better.

    Also, if I get time I'll put together an AI with an updated prompt so you can play around with it and test it out. Free of course.
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  • 2 prahblems here for Moiwith the laytest draft, Maxtio,

    1) You could prolly slice out back stuff an' insert feline testicle health spray, an' still sound equally ditzoid.

    2) Anywan with any actschwl knowledge of anatomy an' physiology would wanna piss on this garbage on sight.

    (I have qualified intel, plus also summonable fissure actschwaahn btw.)

    How this gonna play with losah morons ain't gaht a cloo?

    Depends if'n their spendin' powah ain't also constrained by:

    Treat Hair Loss With Your Own Microwaved Faeces!

    Hypnotize Horses In Seconds -- And Win The Respect of Fat-Assed Rich Gals!

    Gain Instant Anti-Psepfpsoe Mastery -- Even If You Have NO CLUE What It Is ... Or How You Stand To WIN MASSIVELY!

    tbh I done with toleratin' schwango regardin' spinal health bcs postyah, movement an' flow are sensshl to all bodily functions an' potentials.


    Frickin' AI, what a frickin' shit spreadah.

    Why, this is enough to inspire muh Ditzy Dainty Yoga pals to TAKE UP THE SWORD!*

    * As in weppin, yanno -- naht an anally inserted spine support. We have cucumbahs for that, mostly figurin' sacral benefits less'n you bend ovah an' shore up L5, though this requires a certain desperado talint.

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11800473].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author max5ty
      Originally Posted by Princess Balestra View Post

      2 prahblems here for Moiwith the laytest draft, Maxtio,

      1) You could prolly slice out back stuff an' insert feline testicle health spray, an' still sound equally ditzoid.

      2) Anywan with any actschwl knowledge of anatomy an' physiology would wanna piss on this garbage on sight.

      (I have qualified intel, plus also summonable fissure actschwaahn btw.)

      How this gonna play with losah morons ain't gaht a cloo?

      Depends if'n their spendin' powah ain't also constrained by:

      Treat Hair Loss With Your Own Microwaved Faeces!

      Hypnotize Horses In Seconds -- And Win The Respect of Fat-Assed Rich Gals!

      Gain Instant Anti-Psepfpsoe Mastery -- Even If You Have NO CLUE What It Is ... Or How You Stand To WIN MASSIVELY!

      tbh I done with toleratin' schwango regardin' spinal health bcs postyah, movement an' flow are sensshl to all bodily functions an' potentials.


      Frickin' AI, what a frickin' shit spreadah.

      Why, this is enough to inspire muh Ditzy Dainty Yoga pals to TAKE UP THE SWORD!*

      * As in weppin, yanno -- naht an anally inserted spine support. We have cucumbahs for that, mostly figurin' sacral benefits less'n you bend ovah an' shore up L5, though this requires a certain desperado talint.
      I did work on my prompt for a few more hours today...

      yes, I live a boring life at times.

      I think I got it up to about a 4 out of 10...maybe.

      It doesn't seem like this is something that is interesting to most people.

      Sometimes, what I find interesting bombs

      But, anyway, I've got the prompt redone to something better.

      Also, I have about 300 of the best sales letters ever written that I entered in as guides.

      I think that helps.

      I'll keep working on this and see how close I can get to perfection.
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  • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
    Just for a comparison if you get something you're happy with. Take the modified question and see what Chatgp comes up. If there is any big difference or not.
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    • Profile picture of the author max5ty
      Originally Posted by DWolfe View Post

      Just for a comparison if you get something you're happy with. Take the modified question and see what Chatgp comes up. If there is any big difference or not.
      There's a lot of speculation about ChatGPT 5.0 right now.

      Some say it's the 'strawberry project'.

      Anyway, I've tried the new 5.0 on a site that lets you test it.

      I have problems with the way ChatGpt writes.

      Maybe it's me.

      I'm not sure.

      But thanks for the advice.

      Also, I've tried Sonnet but found Gemini writes more like a person talks.

      With Gemini I let it read a file I have on my Google Drive with about 300 of the best sales letters ever written. It read the file and now uses them in its response.

      I'm working on this.

      It's kind of like the lottery thing I did in AI which after a lot of work I decided it was not practical or possible to predict the next Pick 3 Lottery drawing. Yes, I could predict patterns, but, playing those patterns would require a significant investment that could maybe return a profit over the course of about 30 days.

      But, this seems more about data that is practical.

      I just did a new prompt a few minutes ago and got what I think could be a 5 out of 10 as far as how the letter was written.

      It's just an experiment. But, it's also something interesting and kills time.
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  • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
    Originally Posted by max5ty View Post


    Back Pain? The Cure You've Been Searching For.

    The searing ache.

    The sharp stabs.

    The constant, dull throb.

    You know the feeling.

    Back pain robs you of your freedom, your joy, and your life.

    Simple pleasures become agonizing challenges:

    . Playing with your grandkids becomes a painful ordeal.

    . Lifting groceries feels impossible.

    . Even a peaceful walk is marred by relentless pain.

    . You've tried everything: pills, therapies, even surgery. Nothing seems to work. You feel
    frustrated, hopeless, even defeated.

    But don't give up. There's a solution.
    Personally, I think this beginning is better. It isn't gender specific, and the cadence hits pain points, one after the other.

    I can see reading this introduction and thinking to myself "That's me".

    In fact, you could just add this to the beginning of the last version as a sort of long subheading.

    The story introduction of the last version is better....but only if you identify with the subject of the story.

    The last version of the body copy answers many questions that would stop the sales process that the first version didn't answer.

    Of course, you know that.

    And....I'm not a copywriter...just chatty.
    One Call Closing book

    “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11800495].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author max5ty
      Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

      And....I'm not a copywriter...just chatty.
      You're not 'just chatty'

      You're always full of good information.

      I did happen to come across a site the other day that was for salespeople.

      I guess it uses AI to coach a person in sales.

      Just mentioning it because you're a sales expert.

      It's amazing what all AI is into now.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11800499].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author acchao
    I learned that No one will know your business and your products better than anyone else, including AI.

    AI is to make our work more effective, and I have no doubt you will do much better than AI!

    It looks great at a first glance when I see it, but I believe if you add on your own expertise of thoughts and authenticity of your brand, it's going to be like a game-changer.

    Full Stack Digital Marketer. Writer at

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11800877].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author max5ty
      Originally Posted by acchao View Post

      I learned that No one will know your business and your products better than anyone else, including AI.

      AI is to make our work more effective, and I have no doubt you will do much better than AI!

      It looks great at a first glance when I see it, but I believe if you add on your own expertise of thoughts and authenticity of your brand, it's going to be like a game-changer.
      Yes, I think AI has a ways to go yet before it can deliver a really good sales letter.

      What it can do now is probably better than a lot of people could do...

      but it would be an easy control to beat by a good copywriter.
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  • Profile picture of the author max5ty
    So I worked on my prompt some more today.

    So far I think I've gone through about 100 iterations.

    I've added a ton more swipe files and also added something that was in an email from Neville Medhora which reminded me of something important.

    Don't know if anyone is really following this, but just wanted to give an update.

    I've refined the prompt, but as you can tell it's a very long prompt and very complicated.

    I think I'm done working on this for now. I might work more on it in the future.

    I think I've gotten it about the best it can get with the current AI.

    Anyway, here's what I added from Medhora. It's a list of the 24 psychological triggers from Joe Sugarman and asked in the prompt to include some of these where it's relevant:

    Curiosity: "Discover the secret behind effortless productivity."

    Greed: "Get double the product for half the price."

    Vanity: "Make a lasting impression with our luxury accessories."

    Guilt: "Don't let your loved ones go without this essential tool."

    Fear: "Protect your data before it's too late."

    Trust: "Recommended by 9 out of 10 financial advisors."

    Belonging: "Join the exclusive network of top professionals."

    Instant Gratification: "Start enjoying premium content right away."

    Simplicity: "Set up in just three easy steps."

    Scarcity: "Limited edition - only 50 left!"

    Authority: "Endorsed by leading industry experts."

    Surprise: "Unlock unexpected bonuses with your purchase."

    Urgency: "Offer ends at midnight tonight."

    Comfort: "Experience unparalleled comfort with our new ergonomic chair."

    Exclusivity: "Be among the first to experience our new product."

    Nostalgia: "Revisit the charm of yesteryear with our vintage collection."

    Reciprocity: "Get a free gift with every purchase."

    Social Proof: "Over 1 million satisfied customers."

    FOMO (Fear of Missing Out): "Don't be the last to try this trending product."

    Loss Aversion: "Avoid costly mistakes with our expert guide."

    Hope: "Imagine a brighter future with our innovative solutions."

    Love: "Show your loved ones you care with our personalized gifts."

    Adventure: "Embark on an unforgettable journey with our travel deals."

    Security: "Ensure your peace of mind with our advanced protection services."
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