Extra Abilities From Your Library

Steve The Copywriter
Profile picture of Steve The Copywriter
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Having a vast collection of ancient copywriting scrolls, I wondered what the "newer books" might offer.

So I bought -

Very Good Copy - Eddie Shleyner

A Self Help Guide For Copywriters - Dan Nelken

Junior - Writing Your Way Ahead In Advertising - Thomas Kemeny

I was a bit stunned and delighted - they are all excellent.

But don't take my word for it - check the reviews on the amazon.

And hopefully like me, you'll enjoy a good few hours of entertainment and a rather extraordinary boost in copywriting power.

(lots of techniques, idea's and "how to's" you may not find elsewhere. And many others which are great prompts, reminders and copy neuron sparkers).


P.S. Despite possible mega bucks - these are not affiliate links.
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  • Profile picture of the author max5ty
    Profile picture of max5ty
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by Steve The Copywriter View Post

    Having a vast collection of ancient copywriting scrolls, I wondered what the "newer books" might offer.

    So I bought -

    Very Good Copy - Eddie Shleyner

    A Self Help Guide For Copywriters - Dan Nelken

    Junior - Writing Your Way Ahead In Advertising - Thomas Kemeny

    I was a bit stunned and delighted - they are all excellent.

    But don't take my word for it - check the reviews on the amazon.

    And hopefully like me, you'll enjoy a good few hours of entertainment and a rather extraordinary boost in copywriting power.

    (lots of techniques, idea's and "how to's" you may not find elsewhere. And many others which are great prompts, reminders and copy neuron sparkers).


    P.S. Despite possible mega bucks - these are not affiliate links.
    Thanks Steve.

    I seldom ever read books anymore...I'm getting lazy.

    But, I did read 'Shithead'.

    Yes, that's the title.

    I was sent a free digital copy.

    It's about a guy that does marketing.

    The book is 380 some pages and I read it all in one sitting a couple of weeks ago.

    I thought the writing was good. Not sure about the ending though.

    The guy is a New York Times best-selling author.

    Probably worth a read if you don't have much else going on.

    Edit: The title is 'The Shithead'
  • Profile picture of the author max5ty
    Profile picture of max5ty
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    Got an email from Gary Bencivenga today (one of the best copywriters ever).

    I agree with it 1000%.

    The new copywriting books, courses, etc. are good, but they can't beat the old-time copywriters and what they had to teach.

    If you're on his mailing list, I'm sure you got it too...

    if you're not on his list, here's what he said:

    Let me tell you about a most intimidating meeting I had with a famous copy chief, and the invaluable lesson he taught me in just ten minutes. I'll never forget it.

    When I was a young copywriter with a few years of success under my belt, I landed a job in the Direct Response division of Ogilvy & Mather, one of the most famous and respected ad agencies in the world. It was as if I'd been called up from the minor leagues and was about to play in the majors. Wow, what a feeling!

    My excitement didn't last long.

    Late in the morning of my first day, the department copy chief summoned me to his office. As I nervously sat across from him, this grizzled veteran of scores of successful campaigns for famous clients gave me his "welcome talk."

    With visible exasperation, he complained that most copywriters haven't even read--let alone memorized!--the core teachings of the great advertising masters of all time.

    Shaking his head and raising his palms in wonder that such incompetence could ever be tolerated in any serious copy department, he made it fiercely clear that such unforgivable ignorance would never be acceptable in his shop!

    He looked me in the eye and said, "Most young copywriters are as useless as medical students who aspire to practice medicine but can't be bothered to study the difference between a liver and a kidney or where to locate either!"

    I got the message and faithfully read the books he recommended. On every assignment he gave me, I strove to put their master principles into practice. Over the next few years, thanks to these principles and my fidelity to them, I seldom lost a split-run test. And when I went out on my own as a free-lancer, my phone never stopped ringing.

    That ten-minute talk changed the trajectory of my entire career. Until then, I'd never bothered to find out who the greatest advertising masters were, or the principles they taught for consistently creating breakthrough ads and response.

    Had I never learned those guiding principles, I would likely have spent my entire career wandering a bleak and bitter wilderness of guesswork, confusion, incompetence, failure, excuses, and self-doubt.

    Years later, I came to realize that the same formula holds true in all areas of life and provides a dependable path to success...

    First, learn from the masters the most powerful core principles that leverage your probability of success to the highest level in whatever area of life you wish to conquer.

    Second, keep repeating those core principles to yourself until they become your dominant thoughts and influence all your actions. Rinse and repeat until those actions become your automatic habits. In time, this process will bring you exceptional success.

    If you're wanting to learn copywriting, take his advice.

    You won't regret it.
  • Profile picture of the author Princess Balestra
    Princess Balestra
    Profile picture of Princess Balestra
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    Seems Shleyner HAD A BAYBEH.

    An' thusly thensly allied his miracle to XXX pages 'bout how HIS BRAYIN SHOOK OUT.

    Check this LikeNOLesson from payigge 75 ...

    My kid looked me in the eye, and instantly I knew EVERYTHING about the nature of the Universe.

    FFS you did NOT, Dad. Plus, quit deluding yourself about your significance in the wider world bcs I peed on the stoopid hat you cain't even wear baqckwidds proper no moah.

    Whaaat? Don't you realise I'm selling your innocence out like the worst kind of story-driven prostitute ever? I'm like MOMSNET on cray!"

    Prolly I should git musself a Baybeh also.

    Press-gang her inta storytellin' service.

    My Smarts. Your Supplicayshwaahn. Blam Blam Blam.

    "Fkr puked on my cellphone -- but she maxed out on alla them random Shakespeare typin' monkeys because she sang sum Beyonce straight out."

    Even Benedict says POSE WITH THE BAB, BABE ima smack his brayins out.

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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