1 replies
I'm looking for a project manager who can handle all the tasks required to get a new info product off the ground (copywriting, ghostwriter, website designer, graphic designer) basically everything from soup to nuts. I figured if you want to do the copy and then farm everything else out that would work as long as you have the contacts who will do a great job and can get the project done within budget.

If you're interested see my project post on scriptlance at:

Don't worry if you don't have any Scriptlance rating. As long as you are a member here and can show me samples of your past work that's fine.

For some unknown reason Scriptlance deleted my 3+ year old account that had over 100 10 star ratings. No idea why they did that but I had to start a new account which is why I only have 1 10 star rating.

#copywriter #needed
  • James, it just so happens that my WSO includes a lot of these services already. Perhaps we could work something out close to that price range for you to get the project finished? Check out the link - it is in my sig, with samples available at BCWebMedia.com

    - Cheryl
    Take your product from idea to profit in less than 90 days! Work with me to develop and implement a step-by-step plan for success!
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