Make Your Sales Copy More Compelling
When you want to sell to your customer, you establish a bond with them. Make them feel you are just like one of them. One of most effective way to do this is to speak in their voice.
Put yourself in their shoes. Understand their needs, concerns and problems.
If they are going through some form of pains and struggles, show them that you empathize. And care.
When they are delighted, share your joy and pleasure with them.
The key here is to relate, and build up the trust level between you and the prospects.
When they start feeling unique and showered with attention, the cautious attitude in them will start to melt away,
#Step 2
2. Invoke Curiosity
Human in general are curious creatures. We crave to know secrets. Information we are not supposed to know - and yet these makes us want to know them even more.
Use curiosity inducing sentences like - "The truth behind X product revealed..."
Or "Study the top secret manual that even the experts are dying to lay their hands on..."
Do you notice the word 'secret'? Do you notice that I ended off the sentence with dots (...)?
All these compel the readers to find out more. Deadly effective.
#Step 3
3. Attach Fear, Pain and Loss To Those Who Do NOT Take Action To BUY!
We often talk about using positive emotions to get people in the mood to buy. That doesn't necessarily work all the time. Some people respond better to negative emotions.
Therefore if someone do not want to buy from you, you can highlight how much they will lose and miss out if they do so.
Or you can tell them that their competition will be the ones to profit from their inaction. The competition will make all the money, while they are left behind - with NOTHING!
The fear, pain and hurt can be an extremely potent 'buy' motivator
#Step 4
4. Give Snippets Of Good Information
Value. Don't understand the importance of it.
Prospects recognize helpful and useful information that can benefit them.
If you can share some of your knowledge on how you can help them achieved a certain thing, they will be seriously impressed!
People love to get educated. If you have the knowledge, share it with them. In good faith and sincerity.
They will be thinking if the free information that is given out is so good, then the paid product must be even better!
#Step 5
5. Make Your Prospect Imagine
Paint a irresistible mental picture for your prospect when they buy your product. Guide them to feel and see how the product can immensely help them.
And then as they get sucked in, you let them go - gradually. Allow them to create a mental scenario that only they themselves can do.
When you give them the ability to fill in the imaginary blanks by themselves, you are putting yourself in a powerful position to sell to them.
For example, if you were to sell a fat loss product. Make your prospect imagine the nice abdominal muscles and defined chest they will have. Make them imagine about how much new found attention they will be receiving.
That is very appealing. And compelling.
A powerful technique you must utilized!
Now with these powerful techniques in hand, you are all ready to create a kick-ass sales copy that pulls!
Craig Wright
UK Copywriter - SEO Copywriter, Web Copywriter
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