Unlimited Resource For Your Power Words

by 6 replies
Hey warriors,

I've noticed that a lot of you are asking for a list of "Power Words" lately.

Well, I have a great resource to give you that I've just discovered right now... literally.

Although I have John Carltons "Power Words" report, it still doesn't hurt to add to the collection.

You ready for the resource? - MOVIES!

I freaking love movies and I'm also a total Netflix freak... I don't even watch TV anymore.

I find that action movies tend to have some of the best 'Power Words' in the description.

For Example:

"Armed with formidable Thai boxing skills, a rebellious prince takes on his queen, a band of rowdy pirates and a needy village orphan for bragging rights to a vast ocean treasure. But there's only so much booty to go around. Martial arts star Dan Chupong and Sorapong Chatree star in this fantastical Cannes Film Festival selection, an action-driven tale of adventure set on the high seas. Nonzee Nimibutr directs."

If you have Netflix, just head over to the ''action'' movies and click on random movies to view a short description like the one above.

If you DON'T have Netflix then you may also use The Internet Movie Database (IMDb)
just search for movies or you can go to the 'Movies' tab on your top right hand corner, and pick from a selection of movies coming soon, or top ranked movies, movie reviews... etc

Hope this is a big help to all of you.

Best Regards,
#copywriting #power #resource #unlimited #words
  • Great find Anthony!

    I discovered by accident that movie preview trailers are usually pretty good for emotionally charged words.

    Probably my favorite voice-over guy was the late Don LaFontaine:

    Don LaFontaine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Here's one of his trailers for Batman Returns (audio quality isn't the greatest):

    YouTube - ‪Batman Returns - Trailer‬‎
    Take care,

    • [1] reply
    • Thanks Mike,

      Don is not only an incredible guy, but he's a legend in the movie industry. He's absolutely genus!
      • [2] replies
  • Profile picture of the author Chris1203
    Great power words find. You took a unique path to find these power words but it's a path that I never would have thought to take.

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