Copywriting Jobs on Demand - How Many Do You Want?

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  • Profile picture of the author Vincenzo Oliva
    That's really great advice Kevin. So many sites I see don't have a clue about how much money they're leaving on the table without a direct response email marketing system (DREM if you will). That's a much needed corner of the market.
    Bob Serling's "Million Dollar Licensing" course was on this topic basically. Leasing out your high converting customer letters for 20% of the profit (5k retainer).
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    • Profile picture of the author RickDuris
      Unfortunately "Sally," it's BS.

      Guarantee "#1 positioning"?... PULEEZ.

      Over the weekend, I was having a conversation with a gentleman I am consider outsourcing SEO work to. While I knew of his work, he didn't guarantee ANYTHING except best efforts. I like that. And I understand and respect the dynamic.

      Let me give you another for instance:

      I have a client. She competes locally. Her competition on page one of Google for buyer keywords? Seven .gov sites.

      Pretty hard to knock those off their perch, wouldn't you say?

      Then let's talk national footprint. Can they really guarantee?

      I doubt. Not because I'm skeptical, but because I know how hard it is these days, even with the best of SEO talent.

      When folks say "I guarantee..." my antenna go up big time. They can't guarantee anything related to the search engines--because they don't own them. Have you noticed the changes in Google lately? They are testing big time.

      My antenna also go up when they don't talk about WHICH keywords... (I personally want buyer keywords).... or for how long the results will stick...

      For those in the know, that man made a fool of himself. Given the telltale breadcrumb clues he left, I know exactly what he's doing.

      Those watching that video? Beware. Run the opposite direction. Hold on tight to your credit card, wallet or purse.

      - Rick Duris

      PS: "Sally?" I know you mean well. I really do.

      My opinion? Sorry, that video content is a gimmick--all of it. A "sleight of hand" trick you see guys (who want to get laid) perform at bars and pubs.
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      • Profile picture of the author 247Copywriter
        Thanks Rick, I agree with you for that portion only.

        This isn't the part of the video though which I was pointing attention to. It was the action on how to bring in more clients and how to develop a relationship with these new business owners, which caught my attention.

        And for upcoming copywriters, this is certainly a tactic they can try and worked properly, will no doubt bring in for one or two of them, more than a few clients.

        But thanks, I know you mean well too even if you did jump in immediately on the negative to criticize.
        --->----->----->----->-----> MarkAndrews IMCopywriting <-----<-----<-----<-----<---
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        • Profile picture of the author RickDuris
          Originally Posted by 247Copywriter View Post

          Thanks Rick, I agree with you for that portion only.

          This isn't the part of the video though which I was pointing attention to. It was the action on how to bring in more clients and how to develop a relationship with these new business owners, which caught my attention.

          And for upcoming copywriters, this is certainly a tactic they can try and worked properly, will no doubt bring in for one or two of them, more than a few clients.

          But thanks, I know you mean well too even if you did jump in immediately on the negative to criticize.
          Hi "Sally,"

          I understand and appreciate. And I thank you.

          Let me share:

          As a copywriter, new or seasoned, building out a LOCAL clientle, creating auto responder sequences ROCKS.

          Email blasts for local businesses with an email list, equally, ROCKS.

          For a copywriter, Animoto ROCKS as well.

          Facebook fan pages on a local basis? Oh my goodness... I'm giddy just thinking about it.

          Sally, I am not chastising you and your desire to contribute. Far from it.

          But that guy in the video, is leading people down a path, which if I was to meet ever meet him in person, would not be pretty.

          - Rick Duris
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          • Profile picture of the author 247Copywriter
            Originally Posted by RickDuris View Post

            But that guy in the video, is leading people down a path, which if I was to meet ever meet him in person, would not be pretty.

            - Rick Duris
            Since you love to talk in riddles Rick, let me get this straight...

            Are you threatening the gentleman concerned (behind his back) with violence?

            How utterly charming. :rolleyes:

            I take it you're on the JD tonight?

            Please stop derailing this thread Rick and grow up.

            Yours truly...
            --->----->----->----->-----> MarkAndrews IMCopywriting <-----<-----<-----<-----<---
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  • Profile picture of the author copycashvalve
    Someone pissed off Sally again.

    Rick you did well.

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  • Profile picture of the author The Copy Nazi
    What's a "web owner"? Something to do with "the internets" maybe? He'd rather being doing DR after being a mainstream writer for some heavyweight agencies? Yeah right. I don't believe that for a minute. I think you'll find he's been, what we call in the media, "boned" and can't get back in.

    But he brings up an interesting subject - autoresponder copy. A lot of it is bloody awful. And some marketers, like FK, are not using it anymore. Instead they're going for more personalised messages.

    What would be helpful, I guess, if you're going to write autoresponder copy, is to have a swipe file of proven copy. I daresay someone will chime in with that.
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    • Profile picture of the author 247Copywriter
      Can't get back into the 'RD super elite secret society' of copywriters you mean Mal?

      I think the guy means business owners, not web owners.

      Still, I believe he brings up a good point for aspiring copywriters looking for more gigs.

      Thank you for your thoughts Mal.
      --->----->----->----->-----> MarkAndrews IMCopywriting <-----<-----<-----<-----<---
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      • Profile picture of the author The Copy Nazi
        Originally Posted by 247Copywriter View Post

        Can't get back into the 'RD super elite secret society' of copywriters you mean Mal?

        I think the guy means business owners, not web owners.

        Still, I believe he brings up a good point for aspiring copywriters looking for more gigs.

        Thank you for your thoughts Mal.
        Nah...sounds like he was a mainstream writer that's "gone rogue". Nothing to do with IM copywriters. Traditionally DR has been the bridesmaid of advertising campaigns - not as glamorous.

        Is this some of his "cheese" do you think? The Doctor Digital Show
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    • Profile picture of the author MontelloMarketing
      Can they really guarantee?

      I doubt. Not because I'm skeptical, but because I know how hard it is these days, even with the best of SEO talent.

      When folks say "I guarantee..." my antenna go up big time. They can't guarantee anything related to the search engines--because they don't own them.
      Sure they can.

      I don't know this guy or what his "guarantee" actually is, but... sure he can "guarantee" placement. Reputable companies do it all the time. For instance, "I guarantee you will hit the top spot on google or you don't pay a dime..." "... Or I'll give you your money back..." "Or... I'll give you a crisp $50 bill out of my own pocket..."

      There are a ton of "guarantees" someone can ethically make even if many won't achieve the end result.

      Not too long ago there was a restaurant chain that had the owner/spokesperson state emphatically in the commercials "I guarantee you won't find a better burger. If you do, I'll buy it for you!"

      I'm sure that guy couldn't actually PROMISE everyone would find his burger the best... After all something like taste is so subjective. But it doesn't matter. He just had to pay up when they didn't. Nothing wrong with that.

      No need to extend the antenna.
      The Montello Group
      Your Premier Conversion Cooperative

      Join Us For Free Conversion Webinars
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      • Profile picture of the author The Copy Nazi
        Originally Posted by MontelloMarketing View Post

        Sure they can.

        I don't know this guy or what his "guarantee" actually is, but... sure he can "guarantee" placement. Reputable companies do it all the time. For instance, "I guarantee you will hit the top spot on google or you don't pay a dime..." "... Or I'll give you your money back..." "Or... I'll give you a crisp $50 bill out of my own pocket..."

        There are a ton of "guarantees" someone can ethically make even if many won't achieve the end result.

        Not too long ago there was a restaurant chain that had the owner/spokesperson state emphatically in the commercials "I guarantee you won't find a better burger. If you do, I'll buy it for you!"

        I'm sure that guy couldn't actually PROMISE everyone would find his burger the best... After all something like taste is so subjective. But it doesn't matter. He just had to pay up when they didn't. Nothing wrong with that.

        No need to extend the antenna.
        Good point. And I don't think he was guaranteeing #1 spot anyway, was he? He was talking about "Page 1" of Google - which isn't that hard to crack.

        He actually says
        "Guess what happens...we guarantee our clients #1 Position. Page 1 on Google within 2 days. It happens every single day..."
        BTW Sally...thanks for posting this. It is worth thinking about. A lot of folks don't have a clue about this stuff. And it would work a treat for offline clients. All you'd have to do is follow what Kevin says in the vid - if you don't have any clients - make one up. Create an autoresponder series and show it to prospective clients and tell them what it can do for them and how they can get onto Google Page One for their keywords. And that, of course, is the name of the game. What keywords do they want to rank for? What keywords are possible to rank for? What's the competition like? What backlinks do they have? You could use this software to find out - Comes with a Free Version.
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  • Profile picture of the author Hammad
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    • Profile picture of the author virginiad

      I think that that is a great "foot in the door" for both online and offline markets.

      I thought it strange that in a video about autoresponders, which are all about generating and selling to a targeted list, all of a sudden he starts talking about podcasts and getting a business to page 1 of Google, which is a completely unrelated topic.

      And, I also thought it strange that everyone jumped on that small, unrelated part of the video to criticize.

      Also, someone could contact him about Youtube strategies (containing his visitors by using a channel, optimizing his description, etc.)


      Virginia Drew

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  • Profile picture of the author copycashvalve
    Tim Castleman is all over offline marketing strategies like this. It works, you just have to offer a lot of value in your offer.

    Basically, the idea is this, you make a list of people to mail to. Then you cc them all so they see that you're sending it to all of their competitors in the area. You then pit them against one another by saying you can only accept one client. Some will take your offer simply because they don't want their competitor to have your business.

    Then you rinse, repeat in a different niche. I've yet to do this but i'd like to eventually.

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    • Profile picture of the author Collette
      Another point this guy makes that bears repeating:

      Need copywriting work? Go make some. Look for work in less obvious places.

      He uses an auto-responder campaign as one example of a way to get your foot in the door. Tweak; rinse; repeat.

      Nothing wrong with that.
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