You can tell that the copywriter sucks when...
2. They spend the first paragraph telling me their life story
3. They don't use subheads
4. They make big promises, but don't explain how the product delivers those promises
5. They don't use bullets... and when they do, it's usually to tell you what it's NOT about
6. They depress the **** out of me
7. They assume one Dan Kennedy book, a strong coffee and a swipe will be enough to justify the ego trip
(...your turn!)
"Sell the Magic of A Dream"
Start Making Sales NOW With My Help
I Go Hard = "Slanguage" for putting forth a lot of effort.
Don't be an arse and try to flip something you clearly have no knowledge of against me.
Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
Site being revamped.
If you want help with copy stuff, pm me.