Outright Lies & BS in GRQ Copywriting
How many sales letter have you read which promised to deliver the earth but when it came down to it... in cold hard reality, failed to meet your expectations?
How many sales letters have you read which promised you the most simple money making system this planet has ever seen... simply click on a few buttons and everything is done for you... tens of thousands of dollars in your bank account for very little work?
Do you believe such outrageous claims?
Have you ever bought into such claims?
And if so... what was your experience based on such claims? Have you made anything like the thousands of dollars as promised or were you let down like a balloon, farting it's way in ever decreasing circles around the room?
Have you ever written sales copy, turning an otherwise extremely mundane product into something which patently it is not?
How do you feel about being asked as a copywriter to market such spurious products? How do you feel putting your name to such work?
Do you feel that it's acceptable to essentially use outright lies and BS in your sales copy even if in your heart of hearts... you know that the buying public has no chance of making anything like the claims made in the sales copy?
Please feel welcome to discuss...