Dead People Are Cool

E. Brian Rose
Profile picture of E. Brian Rose
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32 replies
Just a reminder that interesting headlines cause people, just like you, to click on them.

Now, I'm not saying this is a good headline, but it certainly peaked your interest enough to click, so it must be interesting.

There is little talk that goes on in this forum about headline writing or subject lines. The fact is that an awful lot of thought needs to be put into these.

I remain on a lot of IMer's lists just to see what kind of subject lines they use in their mailings. Some are really sucky, while others are brilliant. Which category do your subject lines fall under?
#cool #dead #people
  • Profile picture of the author Rob Howard
    Rob Howard
    Profile picture of Rob Howard
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    I think what ticks people off the most, more than anything, is when a headline doesn't match the content.

    Writing a good subject line to get open's is only half the battle. If the subject line doesn't line up, then people feel screwed.

    So, for all the "Instant Sale Notification" emails, when they click, they expect to see a transaction receipt, not a "Hey Firstname!, Isn't it great to get those kind of emails! Well you can with my new spammy product!"

    Of course, I'm just calling out the obvious


    EDIT: To answer your questions, I try to make mine invoke curiosity, while relating to the message of the email, without being deceptive. It's like flipping pancakes, a little too much either way and it becomes ineffective.
    • Profile picture of the author Pusateri
      Profile picture of Pusateri
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by ccmusicman View Post

      I think what ticks people off the most, more than anything, is when a headline doesn't match the content.

      Writing a good subject line to get open's is only half the battle. If the subject line doesn't line up, then people feel screwed.
      It doesn't have to be that way, though. Anything in the world can be connected to anything else in just a few sentences AND in a way that piques interest and keeps them reading.

      You are right about the, "Instant Sale Notification," example. That's plain old deception. Making the reader want to strangle you is not a good way to begin an interaction.
    • Profile picture of the author sethczerepak
      Profile picture of sethczerepak
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      Originally Posted by ccmusicman View Post

      I think what ticks people off the most, more than anything, is when a headline doesn't match the content.

      Writing a good subject line to get open's is only half the battle. If the subject line doesn't line up, then people feel screwed.

      So, for all the "Instant Sale Notification" emails, when they click, they expect to see a transaction receipt, not a "Hey Firstname!, Isn't it great to get those kind of emails! Well you can with my new spammy product!"
      Preach it music man. reminds me of that juvenile trick that people used on college bulletin boards where the headline would say "sex" and then...."now that I have your attention... blah blah blah..."

      --- deposits two cents----
  • Profile picture of the author DireStraits
    Profile picture of DireStraits
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    Originally Posted by E. Brian Rose View Post

    Just a reminder that interesting headlines cause people, just like you, to click on them.

    Now, I'm not saying this is a good headline, but it certainly peaked your interest enough to click, so it must be interesting.

    There is little talk that goes on in this forum about headline writing or subject lines. The fact is that an awful lot of thought needs to be put into these.

    I remain on a lot of IMer's lists just to see what kind of subject lines they use in their mailings. Some are really sucky, while others are brilliant. Which category do your subject lines fall under?
    Well, there's an element of truth in this: it certainly doesn't take long for a dead person to "chill out".
  • Profile picture of the author E. Brian Rose
    E. Brian Rose
    Profile picture of E. Brian Rose
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    I agree with you, CC. This was obviously an exaggerated headline for the purposes of pushing my point. Had this been an actual email subject line for one of my mailings, you can bet that the content would include some reasons on why dead people are cool.

    Founder of JVZoo. All around good guy :)

  • Profile picture of the author pethanks
    Profile picture of pethanks
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    Yeah, dead people are cool. Thank you for the reminder.
  • Profile picture of the author Powerwriter
    Profile picture of Powerwriter
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    E. Brian Rose couldn't be more right.

    And as fate would have it, Bob Serling sent out an email today that illustrated this point perfectly.

    What's even more interesting (and possibly more important) is the relationship between subject lines and

    * open rates
    * conversions
    * ROI

    Bob Serling's email this morning talked about how he tested 3 different subject lines, all used to promote a similar service. The three that he tested were...

    1) Cut and paste email increases response 142%

    2) Here's exactly why you aren't getting any traffic

    3) What I taught the French about romance

    One of these subject lines produced over 1,000% more revenue than the other two.

    Think you can pick the winner?

    Now before you see if your answer is right, there are a couple of things this test highlighted quite clearly:

    1) Open rates don't matter
    2) conversion rates don't matter

    If you've been an internet marketer for any length of time I'm sure you've heard a 1000 times how important open rates and conversion metrics are.

    What this test proves (once again) is that conventional wisdom isn't always the best information. Open rates and conversions have their place but it's not the true measure of how successful your subject lines are.

    No, What matters the most is your ROI (return on investment). How much money your email earned you after the dust settles.

    So lets take a look at Bob's numbers to get a better understanding of what this means.

    Cut and paste email increases response 142%
    Had a very strong response

    Here's exactly why you aren't getting any traffic
    Had the strongest response

    What I taught the French about romance
    Had the weakest respons

    Pretty much what you expected right? Before you pat yourself on the back lets look at what these subject lines helped to generate:

    Cut and paste email increases response 142%
    Generated approx $48k

    Here's exactly why you aren't getting any traffic
    Generated approx $62k

    What I taught the French about romance
    Generated approx $580k

    Want to know why the weakest subject line generated more revenue than the other two by a margin of more than 1000%?

    Doesn't that just seem so counter-intuitive? I mean according to conventional wisdom the one with the strongest response should have made the most money. Yet it was the one that had the weakest response that cleaned up.

    Now I'm not an affiliate of Bob Serling and I'm not even sure he even offers a program. But none the less he released a video that explains all this in detail and which I thought made sense to share in regards to E. Brian Rose's point on subject lines.

    I'm not sure if posting links to a website that could be interpreted as promoting a product is a violation of this forum's TOS so I'm not going to risk it.

    Instead you'll have to google, yahoo or bing (in quotes) "Creating High Profit Subject Lines" yourself to find the video. It should be at the top of listings.

    If you have a problem finding it just send me a PM and I'll send you the naked link.
    • Profile picture of the author Brad Spencer
      Brad Spencer
      Profile picture of Brad Spencer
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      Originally Posted by Powerwriter View Post

      E. Brian Rose couldn't be more right.

      And as fate would have it, Bob Serling sent out an email today that illustrated this point perfectly.

      What's even more interesting (and possibly more important) is the relationship between subject lines and

      * open rates
      * conversions
      * ROI

      Bob Serling's email this morning talked about how he tested 3 different subject lines, all used to promote a similar service. The three that he tested were...

      1) Cut and paste email increases response 142%

      2) Here's exactly why you aren't getting any traffic

      3) What I taught the French about romance

      One of these subject lines produced over 1,000% more revenue than the other two.

      Think you can pick the winner?

      Now before you see if your answer is right, there are a couple of things this test highlighted quite clearly:

      1) Open rates don't matter
      2) conversion rates don't matter

      If you've been an internet marketer for any length of time I'm sure you've heard a 1000 times how important open rates and conversion metrics are.

      What this test proves (once again) is that conventional wisdom isn't always the best information. Open rates and conversions have their place but it's not the true measure of how successful your subject lines are.

      No, What matters the most is your ROI (return on investment). How much money your email earned you after the dust settles.

      So lets take a look at Bob's numbers to get a better understanding of what this means.

      Cut and paste email increases response 142%
      Had a very strong response

      Here's exactly why you aren't getting any traffic
      Had the strongest response

      What I taught the French about romance
      Had the weakest respons

      Pretty much what you expected right? Before you pat yourself on the back lets look at what these subject lines helped to generate:

      Cut and paste email increases response 142%
      Generated approx $48k

      Here's exactly why you aren't getting any traffic
      Generated approx $62k

      What I taught the French about romance
      Generated approx $580k

      Want to know why the weakest subject line generated more revenue than the other two by a margin of more than 1000%?

      Doesn't that just seem so counter-intuitive? I mean according to conventional wisdom the one with the strongest response should have made the most money. Yet it was the one that had the weakest response that cleaned up.

      Now I'm not an affiliate of Bob Serling and I'm not even sure he even offers a program. But none the less he released a video that explains all this in detail and which I thought made sense to share in regards to E. Brian Rose's point on subject lines.

      I'm not sure if posting links to a website that could be interpreted as promoting a product is a violation of this forum's TOS so I'm not going to risk it.

      Instead you'll have to google, yahoo or bing (in quotes) "Creating High Profit Subject Lines" yourself to find the video. It should be at the top of listings.

      If you have a problem finding it just send me a PM and I'll send you the naked link.
      Thanks for your example....I googled using your directions and I only found this thread ....rats


  • Profile picture of the author Bruce Wedding
    Bruce Wedding
    Profile picture of Bruce Wedding
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    I had to read this one:

    Bears eat man at beer festival
  • Profile picture of the author Ross James
    Ross James
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    Boy Eats Own Head
  • Profile picture of the author alexpa
    Profile picture of alexpa
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    i think its a reminder?
  • Profile picture of the author PMinc
    Profile picture of PMinc
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    That's an awesome find, Grazina.

  • Profile picture of the author Chris Worner
    Chris Worner
    Profile picture of Chris Worner
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    Here is a headline that will get your email read;

    Naked Women Arrested...for concealed weapons?

    • Profile picture of the author azmanar
      Profile picture of azmanar
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

      Here's a subject line that got 5,000 people clicking a link in an email I sent:

      "The dangerous stuff they use to make cocaine in Columbia."

      It is not gimmicky nor funny. It's not even witty. Just point-blank.

      I think the word "dangerous" was the pull.
      === >>> Tomorrow Should Be Better Than Today

  • Profile picture of the author JonWebContent
    Profile picture of JonWebContent
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by E. Brian Rose View Post

    I remain on a lot of IMer's lists just to see what kind of subject lines they use in their mailings. Some are really sucky, while others are brilliant. Which category do your subject lines fall under?
    Doesn't that get kind of annoying though? You probably get an insane amount of emails about products you would never consider buying.

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  • Profile picture of the author Pusateri
    Profile picture of Pusateri
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    Dead People are Cool...

    That's what the necrophiliac told me as I rode the bus to work.

    I wished I had taken my car to Mike's Auto Service.

    Mike has free loaner cars.

    Plus, Mike is not a necrophiliac mechanic. You know the type. Dead cars get them drooling and dreaming of running their fingers through your money.

    Mike knows you'd rather keep your money safe in your pocket than spend it on repair bills. So, while your car is in his care, Mike and his team keep a sharp eye out for minor problems that will become major down the road. That way you can fix 'em while it's still cheap.

    Big Mike won't tolerate necrophiliac mechanics around his place.

    Send him a quick email at mike[a]mikesautoserviceDOTcom and tell him you're sick of necrophiliac mechanics slobbering on your wallet.

    He'll send you a voucher worth $20.00 off your next oil change, plus a FREE bumper to bumper survey of all your car's vital systems.

    Or do you prefer riding the bus?
  • Profile picture of the author EmmaPowell
    Profile picture of EmmaPowell
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    Dead People Are Cool....
    Thought this may be a thread on twilight ;0)

    Here Are My 3 Tips For Writing Headlines

    1) When I am thinking about a headline I write it down on a sketch pad, then I tweak it a little and write it again, I try and write a page some times 2 of headlines.
    Using this method you start tapping into the right side of the brain (which is the creative side) and the side I want to be in tune with when writing wicked headlines or emails or whatever.

    2) Swipe file - LOVE this, whenever I see something funny thought evoking or compels me to do the action it is asking, I keep it in a file on my comp so I can come back to it and put my own spin on it.

    3) Rapping - My husband and I rap back and forth crazy, outlandish headlines, now this is fun! Its totally unplanned, it can happen anywhere at anytime. We might be out somewhere or at a friends or something, sometimes we are poking fun at an ad we just saw on tv, we usually end up laughing so much we cry..... then I gotta get to the comp to get down some of the little sayings down. By far this is my fav!

    So in conclusion, dead people may be cool, but they are never online......
  • Profile picture of the author JonWebContent
    Profile picture of JonWebContent
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    That is the funniest post I have ever seen on this board, Grazina! I needed a good laugh right now, so thank you!

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  • Profile picture of the author Grazina Ajana Szewczyk
    Grazina Ajana Szewczyk
    Profile picture of Grazina Ajana Szewczyk
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    Since my girlfriend left me the other day, perhaps you could coach her on making a good life choice - coming back to me!! If you can do that, you should get a medal!
    I can't do that but maybe you can

    Give me one day to finish something here, and I'll send you a PM.
    Quick and effective life and business coaching was never that much fun.
    Get the sparkle back into your life!
    I write articles, press releases, PLRs and sales letters that have a sparkle, too
    • Profile picture of the author JonWebContent
      Profile picture of JonWebContent
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      Originally Posted by Grazina Ajana Szewczyk View Post

      I can't do that but maybe you can

      Give me one day to finish something here, and I'll send you a PM.
      Haha! No, it's pretty much hopeless!

      She moved her stuff out today. She even took the couch! Now I gotta watch TV on the floor!

      But she didn't take my case of beer or bottle of Jack so I can't complain!

      That said, women are evil. All of them!

      Get an affordable and reliable Web Content Writer to help grow your online business.

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  • Profile picture of the author GrowConnect
    Profile picture of GrowConnect
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    Very catchy headline indeed! I was thinking about real story of dead people here. LOL. It is somewhat deceptive. People are sometimes using catchy headlines that doesn't really match with the content of the article. Just like in emails, spam emails in particular, they are using very attractive subjects like you won or something like that, and I really hate it. Now when I get those kind of emails I delete them right away without opening it.

    GrowConnect - Raise Venture Capital

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