13 replies
Please advice me if anyone here's had experience writing flyers or adverts for Herbalife distributors. I'm trying to determine where is the best focus, on the products e.g. the Herbalife Shake or the business opportunity? I'm looking for ideas on how to differentiate myself from all the other marketing and advertising which is almost stock standard from Herbalife.
#adverts #flyers #herbalife
  • Profile picture of the author ewenmack
    Hi Ramon,

    You have 2 challenges...

    #1 product claims

    #2 income claims

    You can mention your results, and tell them that their results may vary.
    Also for health results, let them know that they should consult with
    a health professional.

    If you have had very little results yourself, then you are at a major disadvantage.

    Where you have had the best results would be the place to start.

    All the best,

    p.s. I traveled to the headquaters in Los Angeles back when Mark Hughes
    was alive.
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    • Profile picture of the author RickDuris
      Ewen has the big idea.

      Ramon, *YOU* are the product. That's the beauty of network marketing. Write about yourself and results you've achieved using Herbalife products.

      In other words, you are the product of the product.

      Doing anything else wastes money, time and opportunity. While Corporate spends a lot of money on collateral marketing materials and strategies, you don't have to. And you shouldn't. Don't reinvent.

      People buy because of YOU. Not because of the product itself.

      Focus on articulating, perfecting, YOUR story. Your personal testimonial.

      - Rick Duris

      PS: Yes, there are other strategies. There are several gurus in the marketplace I know of who have quality info: Tim Altvater, Mike Dillard, Anne Sieg, Dani Johnson.
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      • Profile picture of the author ewenmack

        If you don't have the results that aren't compelling enough,
        like me, because I was skinny...you can "borrow" results like
        I did.

        One distributer I knew lost 93 lbs in 9 months and kept it off...
        and the best part was she kept eating her favorite foods.

        That was my pitch.

        If there was an objection, I would use the Mark Hughes response...
        "I don't know about that, all I know Marie lost 93lbs in 9 months while eating her favorite foods, and you will lose weight too. If for any reason you don't, you get all of your money back."

        I would continue using that same line for every objection.

        Go grab a compelling weight loss story from somebody you know if you don't have one yourself.

        BTW, this report just came out today about the world's obesity
        levels have doubled Worldwide obesity rates double | Stuff.co.nz.

        All the best,
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  • Profile picture of the author jtunkelo
    I know a guy who's been doing about 20k per month in herbalife for 10+ years. He uses a combination of these:

    - an airtight case for the science behind it all; lots of references
    - lots of visual before & after cases; stories from personal clients
    - when one on one, keeps giving reasons to say yes (goes for both product & recruitment)
    - for recruits, always have a compelling, timely offer to grab onto

    Of course there's lots more to it, but to give you an idea.

    Need a quick, effective copy critique to boost your conversion? 24-hr turnaround:

    Want world class copy to sell your world class product? Get a free evaluation today:

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  • Profile picture of the author ramonthomas
    Thanks for all the excellent advice. I've found some excellent alternative ways to approach Herbalife and network marketing in general from Home Business Success Academy. I can't post the links just yet as I'm new on this forum.

    Has anyone heard of the guys behind this system Martin Lightbowne or Joshua Fuson?

    My blog http://ramonthomas.com
    Follow me on Twitter @RamonThomas

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    • Profile picture of the author ramonthomas
      This is a flyer I got on the Web from some top people in Herbalife. There was a complaint about them because they used fax to spam people. I want to print this and put into Boxes in the Post Office.

      Please give me some feedback on the flyer layout, content. I will do 2000 A5 Flyers to test the copy on the flyer.

      My blog http://ramonthomas.com
      Follow me on Twitter @RamonThomas

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      • Profile picture of the author ewenmack

        Your overall strategy is flawed.

        Let me explain.

        It looks to me you don't know who your target audience is.

        With online tools now, you can find people who are looking to buy.

        I can't see that you know who they are...right?

        The tool is Adwords Keyword Tool.

        Just type it in to Google.

        Then once into the tool, type in your broad terms...like home base business and herbal tea.

        You'll see all the related terms and their search numbers.

        You can then type in one of the related terms and go deeper in to find ones that are closer to your offering.

        There's more to it, but I don't have time to go into it right now but this helps get your message in front of those who are looking to buy.

        The buyers in that search group are the ones asking very specific search terms.

        Which would you rather do...get your message in front of those that are actively searching, or put in front of everyone who has a pulse?

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      • Profile picture of the author AdwordsMogul
        Originally Posted by ramonthomas View Post

        I want to print this and put into Boxes in the Post Office.

        Please give me some feedback on the flyer layout, content. I will do 2000 A5 Flyers to test the copy on the flyer.
        Your flyer seriously needs stronger copy.

        However, take what Ewen said very seriously. I think that's the most important point:
        Originally Posted by ewenmack View Post

        Which would you rather do...get your message in front of those that are actively searching, or put in front of everyone who has a pulse?
        "Those who can - DO IT. Those who can't, say it's impossible."
        Jean Paul a.k.a AdwordsMogul
        PHPDevelopers.net - Top of the range PHP developers

        Easy Link Saver - Are you tired of the pain of constantly searching for your affiliate links? ( Chrome extension - FREE )
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  • Profile picture of the author AdwordsMogul
    Ramon, in addition to the excellent advice here is a little experience I once had.

    I once gave a few consultations to a Herbalife selling MLM person. Apparently she was not allowed to do any "official" Herbalife ads. That's OK because you don't need to.

    We worked on an audio CD for women who wanted to lose a few stone, in a couple of weeks, for a wedding. This included audio testimonials, and of course a call to action (Call 1-800-XXX-XXXX for the "magic potion" sort of thing)

    The reason why this worked was because it had a very specific target group (women of a particular ethnicity with the audio in their language) and a very specific need (lose weight before a wedding, I guess it was a cultural thing).

    Now, remember that the product you are selling is irrelevant. What people care the most about is the results. So the flyer is alright too, just that the copy could be much stronger.

    In MLM there are two markets you are marketing to

    * New downline guys
    * People who buy the products (the actual consumers)

    Each of them requires a different set of strategies.

    Of course, you make the most money by signing up new people than selling the product itself (Just my extremely biased opinion about MLM).
    "Those who can - DO IT. Those who can't, say it's impossible."
    Jean Paul a.k.a AdwordsMogul
    PHPDevelopers.net - Top of the range PHP developers

    Easy Link Saver - Are you tired of the pain of constantly searching for your affiliate links? ( Chrome extension - FREE )
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  • Profile picture of the author ramonthomas
    Thanks for the feedback. I know the flyer is flawed, however, its much better than the official Herbalife flyers I've seen which brands the company more than me the distributor. I do have a website which is new and growing. I will fine tune this with your advice on my target demographics. The offline marketing was to boost my immediate sales and re-invest in the online marketing. I think I need a complete overhaul of my approach.

    My blog http://ramonthomas.com
    Follow me on Twitter @RamonThomas

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  • Profile picture of the author fwilson8
    Originally Posted by ramonthomas View Post

    Please advice me if anyone here's had experience writing flyers or adverts for Herbalife distributors. I'm trying to determine where is the best focus, on the products e.g. the Herbalife Shake or the business opportunity? I'm looking for ideas on how to differentiate myself from all the other marketing and advertising which is almost stock standard from Herbalife.
    Hi Ramon,

    I know you posted this a couple of years ago, but I was wondering what ever became of your advertising campaign, I am promoting Total Life Changes and as a newbie I am coming across some of the same difficulties that you were having years ago. I am taking heed to the great advice that you were given by the other members. Thanks.
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    • Profile picture of the author Alex Cohen
      Originally Posted by fwilson8 View Post

      Hi Ramon,

      I know you posted this a couple of years ago, but I was wondering what ever became of your advertising campaign, I am promoting Total Life Changes and as a newbie I am coming across some of the same difficulties that you were having years ago. I am taking heed to the great advice that you were given by the other members. Thanks.
      Some MLM companies discourage distributor-created marketing pieces. Before you get too far with it, I suggest that you check with your upline to make sure it's permissible.

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      • Profile picture of the author RickDuris
        Originally Posted by Alex Cohen View Post

        Some MLM companies discourage distributor-created marketing pieces. Before you get too far with it, I suggest that you check with your upline to make sure it's permissible.

        Alex, this is why I wrote what I wrote.

        EVERY MLM company encourages their distributor testimonials. Talking about your personal results with a product can't be restricted because it's covered under the first amendment.

        It's no different than those CB promos you see--"How I cured my diabetes".

        - Rick Duris
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