Were You Raised By Wolves?
Unfortunately, this is yet another post about common courtesy.
I used to write three to five comprehensive reviews a week on this forum but I've backed way off because people don't appreciate them. (BTW, simply writing legitimate, thoughtful reviews gave me more writing work than I could handle) I've noticed many of the decent writers on this board backing away as well. What you have left unfortunately is often the blind leading the blind. Some of the stuff that flies here lately is absolutely ridiculous.
Recently I've noticed a newer poster starting two or three new threads a day asking the most elementary questions. Okay, that's going to happen. What's irksome about this is that he rarely even acknowledges the responses. What the hell is up with that?
Maybe it's due to our ever-expanding entitlement society and people just feel others owe them something. I don't know but to me not acknowledging a response in some way shows a MASSIVE lack of class. And there are many others here doing exactly the same thing. Very shabby.
This is really simple folks. If you ask for feedback on anything and receive it, thank that person. Thank them regardless of the answer. They've taken the time to help you, right?
Okay, with that said, here are a couple of other things you can do so you don't come across as a troll.
- Use the search feature on this forum. Most questions have already been asked and addressed quite well dozens of times. This forum is a wealth of information. Use it.
- Read the Sticky Threads at the top of the page. There's tons of great info there.
- Don't make someone have to work so they can help you. Read the terms of service for this site. It's amazing how many people come here and say that they can't post links because of their low post count. Then they put some cryptic text link up and make the other members copy and paste it into their browser. What you can do is create a Signature file and put your link in it. Do it.
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