3 replies
I recently came across a website for a reverse sales letter which is simply a sales video with a set of bullets on one side. There were also some other useful elements on the page.

I really liked the idea of testing a reverse sales letter as it will let me get a new site up quickly and then start to test and improve from there.

I bookmarked the site but didn't realized when I reloaded my PC the other day that Firefox was not syncing properly to their bookmark server.

Does anyone have any good links to share for reverse sales letters?

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thanks so much!
#letter #reverse #sales #sales letters #sales pages #video sales letters
  • Profile picture of the author Centurian
    That sounds interesting. Subscribing to this thread if anyone has an example.
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  • Profile picture of the author BrianMcLeod
    I think you could be describing what some have dubbed a "Reverse Squeeze Page".

    They call it a reverse squeeze page because it flips the equation around for a normal squeeze page where you "squeeze" them for an optin before revealing the information they want.

    In a reverse squeeze page, you do exactly the opposite - provide useful, relevant information that helps solve their problem and ask for the optin so they can get MORE of the same...

    Am I right?

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    • Profile picture of the author CoMpUtErGoD20XX
      Sorry all for the delay in responding. I wasn't getting the notifications (fixed now).


      @BrianMcLeod, I wasn't necessarily using this as a way to get an option, though that could be a good idea for other sites. I was thinking of this more as a quick and simple sales page (with buy buttons) that I can start with and improve upon using split testing and such.
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