Copywriters! What's your ideal client?

by 21 replies
To make your job easier ( and make us money) what's your ideal copywriting client. Any examples of your favorite client from the past would also be helpful.

Here's your chance to vent, rant and rave to open ears. Thanks for your input.
#copywriting #client #copywriters #ideal
  • I always make my clients define their ideal customers or clients...

    That gives us a great starting point to redefine the people we're talking to...

    ...because as the writing process progresses and reveals new possibilities, the ideal audience is much more apparent.

    I even include my ideal client on my main website... which saves me tons of frustration...

    Or more positively stated:

    I get WAY more clients who get it!

    But yeah...

    ALWAYS write down who your ideal client or customer is.

    That makes it so much easier to write FOR THEM!
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    • It's interesting you reveal your ideal client on your website, do feel this could intimidate some who don't think they fit ... who may on closer examination? Especially, if you're their first copywriter?
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    • LOL, Mark, your qualifying pop up is awesome! That takes guts to do, and I'm sure you are well established

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  • I like clients that actually know their business and are passionate about it. It can be tough dealing with a guy that sends you a message saying "5000 words on mac and cheese packets for amazon" or something like that.

    When somebody really cares about what they're doing, they're giving you ideas, they're taking your ideas, and it's like you're in a partnership for however long you're working with them.
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  • Clients who pay well and on time. Clients who brag about what you did for them (how many leads your articles brought in, say) without you having to mention it. Clients who define clearly what they want, work with you but let you do it without interfering; clients who aren't know-it-alls but know-what-they-don't-know's; clients who surprise me and make me laugh.

    My best client is not my biggest. I do a couple of technical articles a month for them and have driven thousands of qualified leads to their sales team with these. They pay me well, and when I'm ready for a check I drive over and they have it ready to hand to me with a smile. We discuss possible subjects, and I actually earn while I learn since I'm researching technical product applications. Funniest thing? I found them on craigslist, and picked up the work after the first person they picked screwed up. What a gift they are!
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    • Earning while you learn. That has to be a fun and lucrative way to earn a living. Although researching technical product applications can be intimidating to some.
  • My two ideal clients are offline service businesses. They trust that I know my stuff and are experts in their fields. We work well as a team. They're always excited to read their copy (monthly newsletters), and while they never hesitate to tell me what works and what doesn't, they always frame their comments as suggestions. They're also the clients who always tell me how much they appreciate what I do for them.
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    • That's interesting. Question. Do you work directly with the owners of those companies or with a manager or department head?
  • I love clients that know what they want from you, and give feedback. I hate getting a request for a revision saying, please make it better. How, what part, etc....
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  • Profile picture of the author ThomasOMalley
    My ideal copypwriting client tells me the traits of their ideal copywriter to see if there is match.
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  • Banned
  • Clients who are and have a bit of money to pay for WSO.
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  • Insert "client" where he says "pilot" and you'll have your answer:

    YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
  • Banned
    Someone with a vision that is not too general but not too specific where I cannot do my thing so to speak.
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  • Clients that understand I am a professional and to really just allow me to sell their product uninterrupted. I won't take clients that want to micro-manage, I used to but cannot put up with it anymore. Just me.
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  • I can tell you who my WORST client is...


    I'm a royal pain in my own ass.
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