Naked Episode #1 The One About The "Ticked Off" WSO

Ross Bowring
Profile picture of Ross Bowring
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
22 replies
Trying to keep up with my 2012 resolution to give back a little more in these parts.

I don't know anything about this WSO launch other than a friend passed it along to me because it looked interesting.

I agreed and decided to give it the quick Stripped Naked treatment, hence the PDF link below.

Just to make it perfectly clear. I'm nothing to do with this guy's WSO. I don't know him from Adam. If I saw him on the street I'd be cordial, might give him a nod and a muted "Whazzup", but nothing more. I don't know the guy.

I'm just pointing out a few persuasion devices in action... it's not a full analysis or anything close to it.

Go ahead... read the PDF and expand on my thoughts however you see fit.

--- Ross
#episode #naked #ticked off #wso
  • Profile picture of the author Mark Andrews
    Mark Andrews
    Profile picture of Mark Andrews
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    An excellent evaluation Ross. WSO copywriting of course being a completely different animal to what we might consider 'normal' copywriting.

    Breaking down the psychology like this into very simple bite-sized pieces is bound to help a few inexperienced copywriters who are unsure of this particular market, how to approach this style of copywriting.

    Many thanks for posting this up here, it's definitely appreciated.

    Kindest regards,

    Mark Andrews
    • Profile picture of the author CoffeeWithRyan
      Profile picture of CoffeeWithRyan
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Challenging tones surprisingly work really well in internet marketing products. That's for a really good reason - it's because almost all the other sales pitches are the same.

      I'd like to add in the point that the handwriting gave it a very personal touch. It felt like you were reading from his personal handwriting, and it seemed less mechanical. The fonts were huge, rounded and easy to read as a Serif font due to it being read on a screen.

      I'd actually want the headline to once again reinforce that he's introducing an "SEO" solution, although the thread title already said it once. It doesn't seem to suck in serious prospects as hard.

      Thanks for this,

      • Profile picture of the author Steve The Copywriter
        Steve The Copywriter
        Profile picture of Steve The Copywriter
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Cheers Ross,

        They were raving about the copy on this WSO (you can see the "comments" on the forum).

        It's great for everyone to see it "how and why" it all works.

      • Profile picture of the author Ross Bowring
        Ross Bowring
        Profile picture of Ross Bowring
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by CoffeeWithRyan View Post

        I'd like to add in the point that the handwriting gave it a very personal touch. It felt like you were reading from his personal handwriting, and it seemed less mechanical. The fonts were huge, rounded and easy to read as a Serif font due to it being read on a screen.
        Ryan, I'm with you. Ties in with Jason's comment above about the power of 'look and feel.'

        The font choices build off the "from the heart" connotations tied to personal signatures, which these guys didn't use btw.

        --- Ross
      • Profile picture of the author Ross Bowring
        Ross Bowring
        Profile picture of Ross Bowring
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        Originally Posted by CoffeeWithRyan View Post

        I'd actually want the headline to once again reinforce that he's introducing an "SEO" solution, although the thread title already said it once. It doesn't seem to suck in serious prospects as hard.
        One idea: they could have Photoshop'd a hard-ass Mike Tyson-esque SEO themed tattoo on his face.

        --- Ross
  • Profile picture of the author JasonParker
    Profile picture of JasonParker
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    Nice dude.

    There are a few things I see working here...

    -First of all it only works because the guy is talking about the big bucks

    -It's the power of "look and feel" which can impact your conversions by 100% or more

    -There's some extreme bonding and rapport building going on here
  • Profile picture of the author RickDuris
    Profile picture of RickDuris
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    I'm curious. Did anyone else buy the product? (Yeah, I did.)

    1. I think the graphics guy did a great job. He raised the bar.

    2. While the copy really good, the positioning is even better.

    This is what you get when there's alignment between the copy, graphics and positioning.

    - Rick Duris

    PS: Great job, Ross!
    • Profile picture of the author Ross Bowring
      Ross Bowring
      Profile picture of Ross Bowring
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      Originally Posted by RickDuris View Post

      2. While the copy really good, the positioning is even better.

      This is what you get when there's alignment between the copy, graphics and positioning.
      Rick, I'm with you.

      A triumph of positioning. Does a great job of sexing up a set of SEO case-studies.

      --- Ross
  • Profile picture of the author RickDuris
    Profile picture of RickDuris
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    What I find intriguing is the $52,000 PayPal problem. Don't know the details, but PayPal doesn't do that for nothing. There had to be some serious problems. But he wears it as if it was a badge of honor.

    Talk about lemons and lemonade.

    - Rick Duris
    • Profile picture of the author JasonParker
      Profile picture of JasonParker
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      Originally Posted by RickDuris View Post

      What I find intriguing is the $52,000 PayPal problem. Don't know the details, but PayPal doesn't do that for nothing. There had to be some serious problems. But he wears it as if it was a badge of honer.

      Talk about lemons and lemonade.

      - Rick Duris
      Yep, it's the ole common enemy.
    • Profile picture of the author Ross Bowring
      Ross Bowring
      Profile picture of Ross Bowring
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      Originally Posted by RickDuris View Post

      What I find intriguing is the $52,000 PayPal problem. Don't know the details, but PayPal doesn't do that for nothing. There had to be some serious problems. But he wears it as if it was a badge of honer.

      Talk about lemons and lemonade.

      - Rick Duris
      I thought the same. His calculation might have been readers will be blinded by their envy/greed glands over the dollar amount, rather than devoting headspace to why he got it freezed.

      --- Ross
      • Profile picture of the author JasonParker
        Profile picture of JasonParker
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        Originally Posted by Ross Bowring View Post

        I thought the same. His calculation might have been readers will be blinded by their envy/greed glands over the dollar amount, rather than devoting headspace to why he got it freezed.

        --- Ross
        I think it's 2 things:

        -Look at how much money I made

        -There PayPal goes being unfair again and shutting down another account for no apparent reason
  • Profile picture of the author BrianMcLeod
    Profile picture of BrianMcLeod
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    Excellent job breaking the piece down, Ross.

    Just took a look at the stats on the offer:

    1,000+ sold, 17% conversion with EPC of $1.66 (100% commission for affs)

    I dig the design & layout on the thread. Exciting.

    The cranked up contrast and focus of the B/W image is INTENSE looking.

    Normally, I'm wary of handwritten body copy, but here it works in keeping the tone of the piece feeling consistent with a pissed off dude... who's throwing down the gauntlet.

    Visually, everything is HUGE - scrolling is no longer a choice of continuing to read or not, it's mandatory to even DECIDE if you want to keep reading... Hmm.

    Positioning is great, attitude is great, price is lunch-special cheap...

    Appreciate you taking the time - well spent, man.


    • Profile picture of the author wilmath
      Profile picture of wilmath
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      Does anyone know who did the copywriting?
      • Profile picture of the author Ross Bowring
        Ross Bowring
        Profile picture of Ross Bowring
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        Originally Posted by wilmath View Post

        Does anyone know who did the copywriting?
        I've no clue. Maybe someone will raise their hand.

        --- Ross
        • Profile picture of the author Nick Brighton
          Nick Brighton
          Profile picture of Nick Brighton
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          Goes to show that when it comes to WSO copy, less is always more. There's no need to oversell a low ticket item to people who are already waving their wallets.

          But of course, you do need to bring the proof, and shake people out of their slumber.

          I like the close. It smacks of authority. You want this result? Then buy it. If not, take a hike.

          Nothing worse than a desperate sales pitch. Its very suspicious.

          In terms of the PayPal mention, whether that was deliberate or not, I'm not sure, but its very covert proof... Look, I have 52k lying around in PayPal, so I must be doing something right.

          These guys beat me to it...

          Originally Posted by RickDuris View Post

          What I find intriguing is the $52,000 PayPal problem. Don't know the details, but PayPal doesn't do that for nothing. There had to be some serious problems. But he wears it as if it was a badge of honor.

          Talk about lemons and lemonade.

          - Rick Duris
          Originally Posted by JasonParker View Post

          I think it's 2 things:

          -Look at how much money I made

          -There PayPal goes being unfair again and shutting down another account for no apparent reason
  • Profile picture of the author NickN
    Profile picture of NickN
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    I'm diggin' this. Hope to see more Naked Episodes soon.

    Does anyone know what the handwritten font used in this WSO is called?

  • Profile picture of the author NickN
    Profile picture of NickN
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thanks, y'all.

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