Need some Experienced Advice!
ok everyone who replied to this thread before the help ws greatly appriciated, if you could please compare the two sites new and old now and tell me pro and cons of the new design and if you think its a better approach! we are working on a video, and should have a professionally shot vid in a week or two.
there is still alot of work to be done but tell me what you think so far. we are trying to just give enough information to get a phone call, that is the primary way we want them to get in touh with us, so that we know they are serious.
as with many local services we are not hammering home the benefits perse of a personal trainer, eveyrone knows whta the basic benfits are, rather from our experience those searching for a trainer have already decided to hire one, now they need to be convinced whos good and whos not.
New: www.getstrongtoday.com
Old: www.bestjacksonvillepersonaltrainers.com
Hi all,
i've been hard at work latley trying to up my conversions on my local lead websites.
My market is affluent, professionals business owners, execs, sales managers and the like who are very busy.
we offer InHome Private Personal Training and Life Coaching.
we've tried many layouts and set ups and long letters dont work for my market, they infact respond better to shorter copy, and better looking design.
that said we've developed a site that is actually pulling pretty well and are in the top 5 spots on google for multiple keywords! Now what we are trying to do is tweak the site, LAYOUT And copy to make it pull better!
so heres my little check list:
on my opt in pages (action pages) my team and i have decided we need the following...
- features
- an offer with a strong call to action
- testimonials or social proof
- benefits
- our USP
- a Strong Guarantee
- Personalization (connecting my team with the client)
- an easy means of contact
- and a phone number strongly displayed
if you can give me any suggestions as to things to add, remove or restructure i would be thrilled!
any help is greatly appriciated and for those who are willing to give their helpful input i have a nice performance training program that we normally sell for 200 usd that id be willing to send your way!
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