How Do You Do This?

by 10 replies
I know this is the wrong place to ask.

But I rarely venture out of this esteemed forum.

If I start wandering off I might never find my way back.

You know when you do a link saying - blah, blah, blah, blah, blah blah (or whatever).

And you want it to say - read about it here.

How the hell do you do that?

BTW – if it’s highly technical – (make that just a bit technical).

Just say ‘Steve, it’s way too high tech for you to understand”

I won’t be upset – cos it’ll be true.

  • Profile picture of the author betty456
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  • You mean hyperlinking?

    As in talking about your favourite section of the forum and telling some to have a look here?

    Highlight the word you are linking, click the little button and paste the link.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks

  • It's okay Steve, besides Halbert himself in one of his interviews with Michel Fortin said that he was looking for a phone that basically did nothing but had numbers, and a answer and end button...

    ...anyways what you do is highlight the words that you want to be linked and then click on the little image with the world and the paperclip looking thing over it, once you click on it you will get a pop-up where you place the link once you click "ok" you will see some coding pop in your text...

    ...BUT WAIT theres more, if you made an error and didn't like the link or want to remove it then highlight all of it (including the code) and press the image that has the red little x over the paper clip...

    Good Luck!

    P.S. - Once you master this process, prove it via sig :p
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
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    • Thanks everyone - I can now do a technical piece of wizardry.

      I haven't quite managed it on my sig.

      But it's working well on my trusted Olivetti typewriter.

  • Banned
    here's the html code for hyperlinking -

    <a href="http://">Steve the Copywriter loves Monopoly</a>

    Code example: <a href=http://></a>

    Hyperlink visitor sees:
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
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    • Maybe I should have mentioned this at the beginning.

      Apart from the trusted typewriter.

      I also use a Mac.

      And it so nearly worked - but rather than change a hyperlink - it hyperventilated.


      (Destined to stay low tech)
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