What makes a good WSO thread title?

by Mark Andrews Banned
8 replies
Don't know about you guys but when I occasionally check in to look at the WSO Forum...

...I find looking at the thread titles does my head in. None of them really seem to stand out. All massive promises all looking pretty much the same. Similar to looking at a large newspaper in the classified section with a 101 small column sized boxes not one of them leaping off the page to capture my undivided attention.

So for you, from your copywriting experience...

What makes a WSO thread title really stand out from the crowd? From all the others?

Just interested to know.

Smoking hot,

Mark Andrews
#good #makes #thread #thread title #title #wso #wso headline #wso headlines #wso thread title #wso title
  • Profile picture of the author DavidG
    I've pushed for 200% money back guarantee titles.

    Most prospects pondering around the WSO section simply want to make money anyway possible. So I've found this to be a pretty good booster.

    Other than that, I think a good mechanism is a sure winner.
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  • Profile picture of the author Alex Cohen
    Originally Posted by Mark Andrews View Post

    Don't know about you guys but when I occasionally check in to look at the WSO Forum...

    ...I find looking at the thread titles does my head in. None of them really seem to stand out. All massive promises all looking pretty much the same. Similar to looking at a large newspaper in the classified section with a 101 small column sized boxes not one of them leaping off the page to capture my undivided attention.

    So for you, from your copywriting experience...

    What makes a WSO thread title really stand out from the crowd? From all the others?

    Just interested to know.

    Smoking hot,

    Mark Andrews

    I just spent a few minutes looking at the 20 most recent WSO threads that have more than 50,000 views.
    • 13 have a number in the title
    • 12 have part of the title in parens or brackets
    Far from scientific but interesting nonetheless.

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  • Profile picture of the author Jeremey
    Originally Posted by Mark Andrews View Post

    Don't know about you guys but when I occasionally check in to look at the WSO Forum...

    ...I find looking at the thread titles does my head in. None of them really seem to stand out. All massive promises all looking pretty much the same. Similar to looking at a large newspaper in the classified section with a 101 small column sized boxes not one of them leaping off the page to capture my undivided attention.

    So for you, from your copywriting experience...

    What makes a WSO thread title really stand out from the crowd? From all the others?

    Just interested to know.

    Smoking hot,

    Mark Andrews
    I attempt to do just that with the occasional Warrior For Hire posts I run to push web copy. It's hard for me to tell how effective it is, because I'm always changing it...Once I get caught up on work my next offer will be more focused and consistent, but I'm always trying something creative to get noticed.

    Here was my recent favorite. It did stand out, but I'm not sure what impact it had on views or conversions. It kept me busy, but that's not saying a lot:

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  • Profile picture of the author BrianMcLeod
    The thread title for WSO's is becoming less and less important because the WSO section is now largely affiliate driven, in terms of traffic and eyeballs.

    There was a time a year or two ago (and for years prior) when one could pop up a thread in the WSO section and your Paypal would light up with sales within minutes.

    Bumping that thread was considered crucial for exposure and so the arms race to bump WSO threads was tampered by the "Not Until It Reaches Page 3" rule...

    That's really not how it works anymore in Oct. 2012.

    Many of the highest-selling WSO's aren't bumped at all or just a few times at best.

    A $100/day WF banner pointing to the WSO is a more profitable move, IMO.

    Sure, you can make some sales from browse traffic.. and you'd be a dumb-ass not to optimize the thread title for those opportunities - but the importance of the title being great is less important now than ever.



    TIP: Make sure your thread title makes it easy for people LOOKING for a WSO they were mailed about. Make it easy to identify that THIS is the thread for "that thing they've been hearing about...."
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  • Profile picture of the author cnlinkbuilder
    A title that uses a phrase or question to spike the readers attention, perhaps?
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  • Profile picture of the author David DeAndre
    Hey Mark, just a tip, I actually use Amazon to search for different, interesting, unique, eye-catching titles, and I'm constantly amazed at what I find there.

    Here's how:

    Just go through books in your niche (business, email marketing, MMO) and read through the titles of the four or five star reviews. A lot of them are similar, generic, but if you do some digging you can find absolute gold there.

    To test I use 7search.com to see what gets the best CTR.
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  • In my view, there's a few factors that make the WSOOTD what it is (i.e successful)

    1.) A big promise (sure, all of them have them, but how can you be seen in that noise without doing a bit of shouting yourself?)

    2.) Specifics. Numbers, guarantees etc. The more precise and tangible they are, the more legit them seem to be.

    3.) A lot of it depends on the WSO. To me, a WP plugin that does something 'cool' isn't what I'd look for. It depends on what's being sold. Something that makes life easier, simpler and makes me money? I'm all ears.

    I dunno, there's probably more to it than that, but that's what I've seen based on personal experience.

    50% converting squeeze pages, 12% converting WSO's, and more...
    BenPalmerWilson Copywriting
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