magicians' software: Please critique my sales letter
Although I have studied this and read many books about copywriting, this is really my first sales letter.
The URL is
Thank you
i am new in worrior forums
It's ok, I'm not going to contact your relatives who gave you socks, the ugly sweater or tie and tell them how disappointed you were. I just got one, surprise ... [read more]
If you happen to use ChatGPT, you might be experienceing an outage. According to OpenAI: Update - ChatGPT is partially recovered while chat history is still not loading. We are ... [read more]
Looking for a more updated list here of ebook promotion sites or kindle free submission sites. Found a few older threads but there are so many 404 messages with them. ... [read more]
Are you a Prophet? Do you read the predictions of seers? Or, do you derive possible advancements in science and technology and discoveries based on what we already know. Are ... [read more]
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