Getting Your Shit Together - John Carlton on Kindle

by The Copy Nazi Banned
3 replies
David Raybould has done a sterling job of putting John Carlton's stuff on Kindle. Even if you baulk at the $9.99 you'll get something out of the F.R.E.E. sample. Beautiful piece of writing. No wonder they call him The Man. Kudos.

The Entrepreneur's Guide To Getting Your Shit Together: John Carlton: Kindle Store
#carlton #john #kindle #shit
  • Profile picture of the author aidacopy
    Yes! Brilliant guide, and very detailed too.

    I can't believe it's only $10!
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  • Profile picture of the author shawnlebrun
    It's mostly a collection of John's printed Rant newsletter he used to send out to his Insiders.

    Just to have all of this in one place is worth the price of admission.

    The thing I like most about John's writing is it's not just about copy... it's about life. And he shares a lot of valid points. But hey, like everything... you get out of it what you want.

    If you read something and it gels with you, try it out. Me, every time I read a book like this, I'm always thinking "how can I apply this right now"

    But yeah, it's a great read... I've had most of this in the printed newsletters, but I love having it on my kindle to travel with.
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  • Profile picture of the author bhuff85
    Thanks for the link! "The List" alone is worth the entire price of the book.

    Looks like I'll have something else to add to my pile of reading material this week...
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