Tech Help Membership Site for Internet Marketers - Copy Feedback

Jay Vikaz
Profile picture of Jay Vikaz
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
4 replies
Fellow Warriors,

I'm starting a membership site that provides Tech Help for Internet Marketers. Essentially the idea is that members can get their routine tech tasks done - like Cpanel tasks, rebranding and uploading PLR templates, autoresponder forms, etc., A single organized team to get a whole bunch of your routine tech tasks done without going through the search / hire process everytime a new requirement comes up.

I've tried to capture the essence of the value we provide in the copy. I'd appreciate any feedback - Thanks in advance for your help.

Tech Help For Your Internet Business
#copy #feedback #internet #marketers #membership #site #tech
  • Profile picture of the author John_S
    Profile picture of John_S
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    There are a couple of reasons people use elance or rent-a-coder. One is price -- quite a few people use price to make up for sound judgement.

    You don't discuss either price or value, essentially you have to explain the reason why to hire you and not them. For example, that you've discovered five reasons internet marketers are dissatisfied with coders hired through those other places, and the things you do instead.

    Putting up testimonials explaining you've done this work before would help.

    Nobody is interested in your launch "special," but you. Create a report about how terrible the technology-centric programmer is at serving the internet marketer, and exactly how your difference will save time, money and/or effort.
  • Profile picture of the author travlinguy
    Profile picture of travlinguy
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Some thoughts on your page: Your pre-header is good. Your main headline is also pretty good but there's no need for quotation marks. The whole thing starts to get cumbersome with the "Harness The Tremendous Power..." line.

    I'd completely remove that line and perhaps open the body of your message with this: Harness The Tremendous Power of Outsourcing. Make this bold and the leader for the rest of your pitch.

    From there I'd make some reference to price. My initial impression is that it might be expensive to contract with these guys. So do whatever you can to let people know that your rates are reasonable (hopefully, they are).

    Your bullet points are good.

    Miscellaneous points that matter a lot:
    One thing that's a pet peeve of mine is the use of abbreviations or acronyms. You use I.T. Most people know that it stands for information technology but not everyone does. Internet marketing (commonly referred to as 'IM' in the trenches) is full of newbies and anyone marketing to this community would do well to first spell out all common terms and then follow them with the initials or abbreviation.

    Once you've defined the acronym in a friendly, conversational manner (see my 'IM' example above) you can then use it freely without further explanation. Many people feel this is overkill but doing this will allow you to make friends with the newbies and others who aren't familiar with 'common' acronyms.

    One other thing, you say Watch Out For Our Upcoming Launch... I'd remove the word 'out' as the phrase 'watch out' usually implies a problem. Picky? Maybe. But the text on any page makes subtle and bold impressions. I like to keep it all good and avoid any 'bad vibe' words, feelings and phrases. Good luck!
  • Profile picture of the author Jay Vikaz
    Jay Vikaz
    Profile picture of Jay Vikaz
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thanks for the amazing feedback John_S and travlinguy.

    I certainly appreciate the valuable pointers on the Squeeze Page. I was writing this post at 3:00 am and guess I was not at my best at that time. The link to the actual sales page is

    I ended up posting the link to my squeeze page instead of my sales page. However, the good thing is that I got some valuable suggestions on my squeeze page too. I have edited my original post to reflect the actual sales page. Could you please give me some feedback on that as well?

    I will go ahead and try to incorporate your suggestions into my squeeze page, 'cos I think that will definitely improve the responses.

    John_S I have started working on the report you suggested. Should have that up soon.

    travlinguy Thanks for the pointer about Acronyms. Sometimes, we get so caught up with tech speak that we forget the newbies out there that might not be familiar with the same Jargon. I would never have thought about the negative connotation with "Watch Out". Amazing pointer.

    Thanks Guys! You are amazing. I've learned some new stuff here. I'd appreciate it if you could take a quick look at the sales page too and give me your thoughts.

    Tech Help For Your Internet Business
  • Profile picture of the author lenlatimer
    Profile picture of lenlatimer
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I think you need more detail. You've indentified some of their pains - now go into more detail - long copy sells. Agitate the pain and then offer a way out.

    I would also suggest a legal bribe for signing up so you can build a list. Maybe offer a special report or email series on a problem/pain that your site will solve.

    Len Latimer
    Copy-In-A-Box, an amazing Word Add-in Tool that adds Dazzle & Personality to your copy. My WSO

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