How do I write a catchy signature that converts?

13 replies
Hi, would you recommend me some great trick or idea how to make effective forum signatures that drive people to my new blog? I've read tons of basic tips but they don't seem to help. Any help's appreciated. At least feel free to criticize my existing signature, lol. I'm not good at writing titles, headlines, ads, etc. Thanks.
#catchy #converts #signature #write
  • Profile picture of the author TheSalesBooster
    find your biggest benefit and let people know what it can do for them.

    "FREE painkiller YOUTUBABLE Video Marketing AUTOPILOT Strategies. No tools, robots, secrets, magic and black hats. Only FAIR GAME. "

    This makes no sense to me. I skimmed your blog and you're basically giving advice on what the best way to generate youtube traffic is... So erase that signature you have now and keep it simple, straight to point, highlight your benefit and give them a reason why they should visit your blog.
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    • Profile picture of the author Max Greenflame
      Originally Posted by TheSalesBooster View Post

      find your biggest benefit and let people know what it can do for them.

      "FREE painkiller YOUTUBABLE Video Marketing AUTOPILOT Strategies. No tools, robots, secrets, magic and black hats. Only FAIR GAME. "

      This makes no sense to me. I skimmed your blog and you're basically giving advice on what the best way to generate youtube traffic is... So erase that signature you have now and keep it simple, straight to point, highlight your benefit and give them a reason why they should visit your blog.
      When it was simple it used to bring even less hits then now so I overwhelmed it with everything that came to mind. I don't know, it's just me.
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      • Profile picture of the author TheSalesBooster
        Originally Posted by Max Greenflame View Post

        When it was simple it used to bring even less hits then now so I overwhelmed it with everything that came to mind. I don't know, it's just me.
        Hits don't mean shit if you aren't making any money.
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  • Profile picture of the author BrianMcLeod
    "how to get tons of views on YouTube in no time playing a fair game"

    That's out of the first paragraph on the site linked in your sig.

    Way better than that word salad you've got now.
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    • Profile picture of the author Max Greenflame
      Originally Posted by BrianMcLeod View Post

      "how to get tons of views on YouTube in no time playing a fair game"

      That's out of the first paragraph on the site linked in your sig.

      Way better than that word salad you've got now.
      I tried to be creative, sometimes I increased views due to something weird looking, call it crazy, but I know my method is not effective of course.
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  • Profile picture of the author BrianMcLeod
    Yes, you want people to click - but you're also setting an expectation of what they'll find on the other side of that click.

    Better to have half the clicks and double the readers.
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  • Profile picture of the author AnabelleFlorida
    Hi Max!

    To be honest, I think your entire website needs work.

    Here's a quick suggestion ...

    Beat The YouTube Numbers Game!
    Get Loads Of Views Fast While Playing Fair And Square!

    * NO Magic Software
    * NO Expensive Courses
    * NO Useless Free Tips

    The Time Is NOW For Serious Change!

    Are you sick of hearing false promises while watching others profit from massive traffic?

    Well ...

    It's time to make YouTube your most powerful traffic generator, delivering thousands of prospects to your website or blog every single day!

    But I know, you're wondering ...

    How Do I Bring Mass Audiences To My Videos?

    Secret #1: Your videos will not be discovered until they begin appearing on the sidebar of popular channels within your marketing niche. To attract viewers, your videos will have to show up on the recommended video list, this is where all YouTube traffic comes from! Basically, you'll be borrowing from your competitors. Without this, your YouTube marketing is dead.

    Here are a couple of ideas for your signatures ...

    --> Beat The YouTube Numbers Game! <--

    --> Get Loads Of YouTube Views Fast While Playing Fair And Square! <--

    Are You Sick Of Hearing False Promises
    While Watching Others Profit From Massive YouTube Traffic?

    --> Bring Mass Audiences To Your YouTube Videos! <--
    “It doesn’t matter who you are, or where you came from. The ability to triumph begins with you. Always.” ~Oprah Winfrey

    “The question isn’t who’s going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me.” ~Ayn Rand
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    • Profile picture of the author George Hutton
      Best thing to do would be to scan all of the other forum sigs, and see which ones make you want to click.

      Or head over to Ezines and check out the titles from the top read articles of all time, and try and emulate those.

      Just keep trying different things, measure your results, and then tweak and try them again.

      Most folks think there's ONE killer headline that will work, but it's ALWAYS going to be a work in progress.
      Free tools to easily and naturally program your mind for automatic success.
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    • Profile picture of the author Max Greenflame
      Originally Posted by AnabelleFlorida View Post

      Hi Max!

      To be honest, I think your entire website needs work.

      Here's a quick suggestion ...

      Beat The YouTube Numbers Game!
      Get Loads Of Views Fast While Playing Fair And Square!

      * NO Magic Software
      * NO Expensive Courses
      * NO Useless Free Tips

      The Time Is NOW For Serious Change!

      Are you sick of hearing false promises while watching others profit from massive traffic?

      Well ...

      It's time to make YouTube your most powerful traffic generator, delivering thousands of prospects to your website or blog every single day!

      But I know, you're wondering ...

      How Do I Bring Mass Audiences To My Videos?

      Secret #1: Your videos will not be discovered until they begin appearing on the sidebar of popular channels within your marketing niche. To attract viewers, your videos will have to show up on the recommended video list, this is where all YouTube traffic comes from! Basically, you'll be borrowing from your competitors. Without this, your YouTube marketing is dead.

      Here are a couple of ideas for your signatures ...

      --> Beat The YouTube Numbers Game! <--

      --> Get Loads Of YouTube Views Fast While Playing Fair And Square! <--

      Are You Sick Of Hearing False Promises
      While Watching Others Profit From Massive YouTube Traffic?
      Thanks, this is awesome.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8437990].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author wordwizard
        Originally Posted by AnabelleFlorida View Post

        Hi Max!

        To be honest, I think your entire website needs work.

        Here's a quick suggestion ...

        Beat The YouTube Numbers Game!
        Get Loads Of Views Fast While Playing Fair And Square!

        * NO Magic Software
        * NO Expensive Courses
        * NO Useless Free Tips

        The Time Is NOW For Serious Change!

        Are you sick of hearing false promises while watching others profit from massive traffic?

        Well ...

        It's time to make YouTube your most powerful traffic generator, delivering thousands of prospects to your website or blog every single day!

        But I know, you're wondering ...

        How Do I Bring Mass Audiences To My Videos?

        Secret #1: Your videos will not be discovered until they begin appearing on the sidebar of popular channels within your marketing niche. To attract viewers, your videos will have to show up on the recommended video list, this is where all YouTube traffic comes from! Basically, you'll be borrowing from your competitors. Without this, your YouTube marketing is dead.

        Here are a couple of ideas for your signatures ...

        --> Beat The YouTube Numbers Game! <--

        --> Get Loads Of YouTube Views Fast While Playing Fair And Square! <--

        Are You Sick Of Hearing False Promises
        While Watching Others Profit From Massive YouTube Traffic?

        --> Bring Mass Audiences To Your YouTube Videos! <--
        Yes indeed. Love it! Makes me want to buy the product!

        FREE Report: 5 Ways To Grow Your Affiliate Income

        Let Me Help You Sell: Sales Letters, Email Series, Pre-Sell Reports... PM me & we'll talk!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8438191].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author CopyMonster
          Treat your signature like a headline or bullet in copywriting. You want to capture attention. You want them wanting more.

          To get click-through you offer a benefit or hint at a solution.

          Some structures you can use:

          Benefit + Curiosity eg. The MaxMethod: Massive Youtube clicks without tricks, without blackhat games. Just 10 minutes from start to finish.
          The Command eg. Get your MASSIVE Youtube love here. No tricks. No blackhat. Just clicks; See my simple 10-minute Youtube tip that nets me 100s of traffic daily for FREE. No one else is doing this.
          The How-to eg. How to virtually "hijack" traffic from Youtube. See it for free here.
          The Question eg. Is it really this easy to get crazy Youtube traffic? Free step-by-step walk-through here (3 days only).
          The Warning eg. Warning: If you're not using this 5-minute Youtube tip, you're missing out on hundreds if not thousands of hot, targeted visitors every day. See it for free here.

          Also check out Cosmopolitan Magazine, Men's Health magazine covers for ideas on structures.
          Scary good...
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8438651].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author shawnlebrun
            Originally Posted by CopyMonster View Post

            Treat your signature like a headline or bullet in copywriting. You want to capture attention. You want them wanting more.

            To get click-through you offer a benefit or hint at a solution.

            Some structures you can use:

            Benefit + Curiosity eg. The MaxMethod: Massive Youtube clicks without tricks, without blackhat games. Just 10 minutes from start to finish.
            The Command eg. Get your MASSIVE Youtube love here. No tricks. No blackhat. Just clicks; See my simple 10-minute Youtube tip that nets me 100s of traffic daily for FREE. No one else is doing this.
            The How-to eg. How to virtually "hijack" traffic from Youtube. See it for free here.
            The Question eg. Is it really this easy to get crazy Youtube traffic? Free step-by-step walk-through here (3 days only).
            The Warning eg. Warning: If you're not using this 5-minute Youtube tip, you're missing out on hundreds if not thousands of hot, targeted visitors every day. See it for free here.

            Also check out Cosmopolitan Magazine, Men's Health magazine covers for ideas on structures.
            Copymonster hit the nail on the head... you want your sig to be a headline.

            Think of your target market's biggest problem... and use a sig that speaks to that and offers a solution.

            Take whatever it is you're promoting... and think "if I had a gun to my head and had to pick out the single biggest benefit/solution to their problem... what would that be?"

            Sig= headline... Copymonster hit it on the head.
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  • Profile picture of the author Raydal
    Originally Posted by Max Greenflame View Post

    Hi, would you recommend me some great trick or idea how to make effective forum signatures that drive people to my new blog? I've read tons of basic tips but they don't seem to help. Any help's appreciated. At least feel free to criticize my existing signature, lol. I'm not good at writing titles, headlines, ads, etc. Thanks.

    You've already received some wonderful help but let me just add one.
    You need a change in "mindset" or approach to writing copy. You don't
    want to try to be "creative", "catchy" or cute--you want to be understood.

    You want a CLEAR message. So your question should be, "How can
    I write a signature which indicates a clear benefit to those who click in it."

    If a reader had to "work out" what you are trying to say, then you've lost

    And for the record, I've seen many repeated questions on this forum,
    but I can't recall any discussion on signatures before. Good for you.

    -Ray Edwards
    The most powerful and concentrated copywriting training online today bar none! Autoresponder Writing Email SECRETS
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