9 replies
Replaced the business name and city for anonymity. We will be placing this advertorial in the local Metro in about two weeks. We have a two page spread which will include this advertorial an infographic describing how it works, 12 ads for our vendors and many vendor logos. I'm a software developer, not a writer.

Lurking this forum has informed me that I know very little about copywriting. Any advice is appreciated!

UPDATE: : Newest Version HERE


Open Up a Can of Awesome. Place, Province has thousands of awesome local businesses that you don't even know about.

"Smeals Deals is still pretty new, but we are discovering amazing gems every week and adding them to the site. We have a few dozen now, but aim to have over a hundred by 2014. We love signing up our favourite businesses and have a wish list feature on the site so shoppers can inform us and vote for the ones they really love."

Most local business owners are regular people that were passionate about something and had ideas about how it could be done better. It's a hard fact that even great businesses fail all the time because they cannot get their message across to shoppers. Business owner and entrepreneur for over 20 years, Wendel Fakename, aims to change this with Smeals Deals.

Wendel explains "We strive to connect consumers with local businesses. I mean really connect them. We are now doing vendor interview videos so you can see the businesses and get a sense of the people who run them.. If you are interested in the business, check them out and subscribe to their deals. It's easy for the shoppers and easy for the merchants."

Smeals Deals also plans to take aim at the group buying sites in September with Doorbuster Deals such as a $20 coupon for $8 at RestaurantName, Free Coffee at one of Place's favourite coffee vendors and $5 medium Gourmet pizzas from PizzaPlaceName (you heard it hear first.) They will be announced to Smeals users who will be have to pre-register to claim the deals or freebies which will be available in limited quantities.

"Everyone is tired of getting information that they didn't ask for. As a Smeals Shopper, you are only sent deals from businesses or categories that you subscribe to. Instantly, daily or weekly - your choice."

First Place, then the world. The struggles of being a small business are not unique to Place. "Focusing on local businesses in our own front yard is both professionally and personally rewarding for us. We do have a strategy for quickly expanding this concept into other markets and we will do that when we are ready. We continue to learn from our merchants and our shoppers and smealsdeals.com is adapting at a rapid rate, with many great improvements in store."
  • Profile picture of the author marciayudkin
    Hi there,

    You need to work on getting the reader's attention with a to-the-point headline and lead. I don't see a news-style headline here, which is a key feature of an advertorial.

    Also, your first paragraph has to be something exciting and informative about your main subject (Smeals Deals), not a general introduction.

    I haven't read the piece in detail - but your readers won't, either, unless you put something more motivating right up front.

    Marcia Yudkin
    Check out Marcia Yudkin's No-Hype Marketing Academy for courses on copywriting, publicity, infomarketing, marketing plans, naming, and branding - not to mention the popular "Marketing for Introverts" course.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8447731].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author swontario
      Thanks - I should have mentioned we are still working on a headline. The Bold thing is how they start all their articles - its sort of the first paragraph.

      Awesome input, I missed the selling part with my laser focus on addressing the pain points of users and businesses with regard to the established deal sites.

      I'm going to rename Place. Place is wierd. Going with Placeville.

      For the Headline,
      The best deal for Placeville

      Smeals will save you

      Smeals saves Placeville

      They are different. Deal with it.

      Smeals is the real deal

      The real deal in Placeville

      Dealing with Placeville

      First paragraph:
      Placeville, Ontario has thousands of awesome local businesses that you don't even know about. Local businesses offering riches like warm gooey cinnamon buns, world class pizza generously appointed with fresh locally grown toppings or a dance studio run by one of the top ranked ballroom dancers in the world. Smeals Deals wants to connect you with these local treasures.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8449842].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Mr. Subtle
    Originally Posted by swontario View Post

    We will be placing this advertorial in the local Metro in about two weeks. ... Any advice is appreciated!
    Advertorials should look like articles. Here's a 1/2 page advertorial from today's paper...

    Variations of this ad have run at least a dozen times this year.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8447898].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author swontario
      Yeah the article part is going to be a format matching the paper it is appearing in.. although we have a 2 page spread.
      - infographic on the left center
      - article on the right center
      - 12 1/12 page vendor ads surrounding it
      - Grabbo Deals Ad in the bottom left.
      - Vendor Logos along the bottom middle
      - possibly some of our giveaways featured on the right bottom. We are giving away an ipad and several other things as well as a daily $10 gift certificate giveaway to registered users.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8449857].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author swontario
    My attempt to incorporate your input.

    HEADLINE : The Best Deal For Placeville

    Placeville, Ontario has thousands of awesome local businesses that you don't even know about. Local businesses offering riches like warm gooey cinnamon buns, world class pizza generously appointed with fresh locally grown toppings or a dance studio run by one of the top ranked ballroom dancers in the world. Smeals Deals wants to connect you with these local treasures.

    "Smeals Deals is still pretty new, but we are discovering amazing gems every week and adding them to the site. We have a few dozen now and aim to feature over 100 local merchants by 2014. We love signing up our favourite businesses and have a wish list feature on the site so shoppers can inform us and vote for the ones that they really love."

    Most local business owners are regular people that were passionate enough about something that it inspired ideas about how to offer that something better. Like BodyUpgraded gym whose fast-paced dynamic bootcamps are changing people's lives.

    It's a hard fact that even great businesses fail all the time because they cannot get their message across to shoppers. Business owner and entrepreneur for over 20 years, Wendel Fakename aims to change this with Smeals Deals.

    Wendel explains "We strive to connect consumers with local businesses. I mean really connect them. We are now doing vendor interview videos so you can see the businesses and get a sense of the people that run them.. Interested in a vendor? Take advantage of their deal then subscribe to their future deals. It is easy for the shoppers and easy for the merchants."

    Shoppers familiar with group buying websites, will find that Smeals Deals is a different type of deal site. Vendors always have a "Smeal Deal." A Smeal Deal is something sustainable to welcome new customers and reward existing customers for their loyalty. Businesses can get a little more adventurous with their "Flash Deal." An additional deal which is often available for a short time or limited to a specific number of redemptions. "We think flash deals will be a great tool for businesses to generate activity when they would otherwise be slow. Subscribers get a juicy deal and the vendor gets to shape the flow of business. We don't take any commission so the businesses can experiment without alot of additional overhead. We expect great deals to be had once vendors have built up enough subscribers to make it worth their time." Many new Smeals vendors are offering giveaway prizes to a randomly drawn subscriber once they reach a prescribed level. Typically 100 or 200 subscribers. Prizes such as a $50 Cheese Basket from CheeseKing.

    Smeals Deals also plans to take aim at the group buying sites in September with Doorbuster Deals like a $20 voucher for only $8 at Tasty's, Free Coffee (no purchase neccessary) from one of Placeville's favourite coffee vendors and $5 medium gourmet pizzas from Pizzaggios. They will be announced to Smeals users who will have to pre-register to claim the deals or freebies online before supplies run out.

    "Everyone is tired of getting information that they didn't ask for. As a Smeal Shopper, you are only sent deals from businesses or categories that you subscribe to. Instantly, daily or weekly - your choice."

    First Placeville, then the world. The struggles of being a small business are not unique to Placeville. "Focusing on local businesses in our own front yard is both professionally and personally rewarding for us. We do have a strategy for quickly expanding this concept into other markets and we will do that when we are ready. For the moment, we continue to learn from our merchants and our shoppers and smealsdeals.com is adapting at a rapid rate. Placeville is the birthplace of the next evolution of a deal site."
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8449948].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author sethczerepak
    Originally Posted by swontario View Post

    Wendel explains "We strive to connect consumers with local businesses.
    "Everyone is tired of getting information that they didn't ask for. As a Smeals Shopper, you are only sent deals from businesses or categories that you subscribe to. Instantly, daily or weekly - your choice."
    Common new copywriter mistake, you get to the "meat" about halfway down the page. Most people won't read that far down unless they get the summary and benefits right away.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8450953].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author swontario
      You're right of course, the biggest objection from shoppers is fear of being spammed. It is addressed with a big anti-spam sign in the infographic, so it's just in the advertorial to reinforce and expand on that point.

      We find slow selling the deal part converts 2:1 over focusing on it. On it's own "deal site" evokes a negative image for alot of businesses and users. Honestly if I could start over, the word deal would not be in the business name or URL.

      Originally Posted by sethczerepak View Post

      Common new copywriter mistake, you get to the "meat" about halfway down the page. Most people won't read that far down unless they get the summary and benefits right away.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8451407].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Vector Graphics
        Originally Posted by swontario View Post

        Honestly if I could start over, the word deal would not be in the business name or URL.
        What would you change the name to then? The reason I am asking is because I own a few websites that help out my city and have already registered "mycitydeals.com" because I am planning to run a similar site! You think I should change the name before it even gets started?

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