2 replies
If your client has a skin cream that meets FDA regs in the US and is sold mainly in US, but is sold online, will they need to meet regulations in multiple countries, or do other countries go by FDA standards?
#cream #regs #skin
  • Profile picture of the author Alex Cohen
    That's a legal question. Ask an attorney.

    About the same as going to a car repair shop and asking for advice on roofing.

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  • Profile picture of the author max5ty
    Originally Posted by KingOfContentMarketing View Post

    If your client has a skin cream that meets FDA regs in the US and is sold mainly in US, but is sold online, will they need to meet regulations in multiple countries, or do other countries go by FDA standards?
    Joe, don't know the answer, but I'm gonna PM you a link where they should be able to answer your question.

    They're a manufacturer of cremes, pills, etc.

    Lots of marketers don't realize it's very easy...and can be very lucrative having your own label manufactured.

    Several years ago we were working on a project where we had our own supplement manufactured. Think we were paying 2 bucks a bottle at the time.

    It's easy to find the companies using google.

    Don't want to post the link and advertise any certain company.
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